Structure and Function of Human Body 人體結構與功能 by Chung W.Wu,M.S.,R.Ph.


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Presentation transcript:

Structure and Function of Human Body 人體結構與功能 by Chung W.Wu,M.S.,R.Ph.

Nerve Systyem Electrical Signals Controlled by Nerve System

Action Potential Cell Membrane Ion Channel Electrical Current Membrane Potential Resting Membrane Potential Na-K Pump

Neurotransmitter (Chemical Neurotransmitter) 1. Ach 2. Nor-Epinephrine Epinephrine Dopamine Serotonin 3. GABA

Serotonin: Hallucination Stress: Serotonin Decrease Nor-Epinephrine Increase Attack Action

Electroencephalogram (EEG) Germany—Hans Berger Brain Wave: Brain Nerve Cell Action Potential

1.Alpha 2.Beta 3.Delta 4.Theta

Sleep and Brain Waves 1. Rapid eye movement Sleep (REM) 2. Nonrapid eye movement Sleep (NREM)

Sleep Disorder 1. Insomnia 2. Sleepwalking 3. Bed-Wetting 4. Narcolepsy 5. Sleep Apnea

Digestive System Digestive Tract 口腔 --- 食道 --- 胃 --- 小腸 --- 大腸 --- 肛門

Accessory Structure 牙齒 舌頭 唾液 肝臟 膽囊 胰臟 Total Length : 9 Meter

The Nerve Innervation of Digestive Tract Autonomic Nervous System SNS : 抑制平滑肌收縮及腺體分泌 PNS

Enteric Nervous System 內在神經系統 控制腸胃道的運動

The Secretion of Alimentary Tract 1. Secretion of Saliva Composition of Saliva ml/Daily 99.5% Water 0.5% Solute NaCl HCO3 HPO4 溶菌酶 澱粉酶 (Starch—Maltose)

The Function of Saliva 1. Digestion 2. 殺菌作用 3. 潤滑食物 4. 清潔口腔

Gastric Secretion 1. Pepsin(pH1.8—3.5) 2. Gastric Acid 3. 凝乳酶

The Mechanism of Gastric Secretion 1. CO2+H2 O H2CO3 2. H2CO H +HCO3

The Protection Mechanism of Parietal Cells 1. Soluble Mucus 2. HCO3 Secretion 胃壁細胞分泌 Caffeine Content

The Composition of Gastric Acid H+, Na+, K+ Cl-, HCO3

Caffeine Content Caffeine(mg/cup) Brewed Instant Decaffeinated 2-10 Tea Cola 35-55

Secretion of Pancreatic Enzyme liter/daily 1. Pancreatic Amylase 2. Pancreatic Lipase 3. Cholesterol Esterase 4. Trypsin 胰蛋白酶 5. Carboxypolypeptidase

Secretion of Bile 膽鹽 : 1. 幫助脂肪的消化與吸收 2. 排除代謝物 Bilirubin,Cholesterol

Liver 1. Synthesis of Bile ml 2. Storage of Vit.A,B12,D,E Glucagon 3. Detoxification of Enzyme in Liver 4. Synthesis of Heparin (anticoagulation) 5. 吞噬已破壞之紅血球

腸液 ( 酵素 ) 1. 消化碳水化合物 2. 消化蛋白質 3. 消化脂肪 4. 分解 Peptide

膽囊 (Gall Bladder) Storage of Bile( ml) Gallstone

Secretion of the Large Intestine K+,HCO3 吸收水份

食糜停留時間 24hrs Anus( 肛門 ) 排便

The Reproductive System Male XY Female---22+XX

Spermatogenesis Meiosis Sperm Head---Chromosome Tail---Movement

Semen Sperm, Buffer Solution HCO,HPO pH=7.5

Ejaculation ml 100 million Sperms

Erection Parasympathetic Stimulation