Caffeine Is it really safe? Created by Nicole Thompson, Health educator, April 2012
Caffeine facts Caffeine is a drug! › It is a stimulant Caffeine is the most widely used drug in the world › 85% of Americans use it every day Created by Nicole Thompson, Health educator, April 2012
What four places does caffeine naturally come from? Kola nuts Cacao seeds Coffee beans Tea leaves Created by Nicole Thompson, Health educator, April 2012
Taken in small amounts the benefits are: More energy Concentrate longer Ease headaches Created by Nicole Thompson, Health educator, April 2012
Taken in large amounts the negative effects of caffeine are: Anxious Irritable Harder to sleep Increase pulse rate Increase blood pressure Heart problems Kidneys produce more urine Dehydration Weight gain Addictive Created by Nicole Thompson, Health educator, April 2012
What are some items that contain caffeine? Coffee Decaf coffee Hot tea Iced tea Some sodas Chocolate Hot chocolate Energy drinks Energy shots New things that have added caffeine: › Water Joe › Gum › Mints › Candy bars › Breath strips Created by Nicole Thompson, Health educator, April 2012
Caffeine Tolerance Regular caffeine users build up a tolerance to caffeine. If there is an increase in tolerance for caffeine, what does the user need to do to get that “high/buzz” from the caffeine? › Drink more Excessive caffeine use can lead to caffeine addiction Created by Nicole Thompson, Health educator, April 2012
Withdrawal from caffeine addiction Cold turkey To stop the use of an addicted drug without weaning or tapering off. Withdrawal symptoms of caffeine: › Headache › Sleeplessness › Shaking/jittery › Irritable/crabby