By B.J. Hanson Mr. leingang class 1rst period Science fair project. What is more corrosive? By B.J. Hanson Mr. leingang class 1rst period Science fair project.
Question Which common household liquid is the most corrosive?
Hypothesis If you put a piece of a hamburger in different liquids, then the coke will dissolve the patty the most, because it is used as a cleaning agent.
Variables Mv: solution (coke, vinegar, bleach, water, salt water, sugar water) Cv: amount of liquid(2 cups, 1 tablespoon of salt/sugar if sugar/salt water), time in liquid (1 week), time of observation (8:30) Rv: amount of hamburger dissolved, or change in meat/liquid
Materials • 6 see through cups (or jars) • vinegar • bleach • sugar water (one tablespoon of sugar) • salt water (one tablespoon of salt) • 1 hamburger patty cut into 6 equal pieces •cola (not diet coke)
Diagram hamburger hamburger hamburger hamburger hamburger hamburger Sugar water Salt water coke bleach vinegar water
Procedure 1: Setup see diagram. 2: Wait 1 week: record observations of what is left of the hamburger/how it or the water has changed every day 3: Clean up.
Data table Liquid days Cola Bleach Vinegar Water Sugar water Salt water 1 Partly dissolved Somewhat bubbly Expanded White Yellow water Cloudy, no change in meat Cloudy, Slightly yellow water 2 More has dissolved Absurdly bubbly Very expanded, White, and Stringy Orange water, Very slightly dissolved Very cloudy, meat almost completely unchanged Cloudy, more yellow water 3 Almost all gone No change Top half of water somewhat orange Orange 4 Completely dissolved 5 Mold 6 mold 7
Conclusion in conclusion, the coke dissolves the hamburger the most. We can prove this because the coke dissolved it COMPLETELY while only the WATER dissolved it a little! That is conclusive data. This supports my original hypothesis. Therefore if you put a piece of hamburger in different liquids then the coke will dissolve them the most.
Background information Bleach has a ph value of 12.322 Vinegar has a ph value of 2.4 Water and sugar/salt water all have a ph value of 7 Coke has a ph value of 2.5 A Lower ph means more acidic The Lowest natural ph value ever is -3.6 A Higher ph means more basic Phosphoric acid is included in coke but not other sodas Phosphoric acid has a ph value of 1.8 Caffeine has a ph value of 2. 5