Explain Let’s start with me!
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. What’s in it for you? By the end of this program you will….. 2
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. Let’s Start with Me! How do I make the match? What can I do now? How do I get my foot in the door? How do I sell myself? How do I make a great impression? What’s my next move? E - Explain X – EXamine L – Learn O - Opportunities R – Rules of the Workplace E -Evaluate P – Picture what you want & Plan 3 You are here! Program Overview
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 4 Preparation Major, Career, or Vocation Decision Making Information & Opportunity Research Personality, interests, and skills Self Knowledge Career Decision Making Process You are here!
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 5 Personality Exercise! R I A S E C
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 6 Enterprising Realistic “The Doers” Investigative “The Thinkers” Artistic “The Creators” Conventional Artistic Social Realistic Investigative Social “The Helpers” Enterprising “The Persuaders” Conventional “The Organizers”
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 7 Hands On Practical Independent Coordinated Aggressive Prefer physical risk Tool-oriented Hands On Practical Independent Coordinated Aggressive Prefer physical risk Tool-oriented R - Realistic Analytical Intellectual Scientific Explores through reading & discussing Curious Enjoys mental challenges Analytical Intellectual Scientific Explores through reading & discussing Curious Enjoys mental challenges Creatively Expressive Original Independent Chaotic Enjoys abstract things – beauty, art, sound, & texture Creatively Expressive Original Independent Chaotic Enjoys abstract things – beauty, art, sound, & texture I - Investigative A - Artistic What’s my Type Mean?
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 8 Cooperative Supportive Helping Healing Nurturing Humanitarian Cooperative Supportive Helping Healing Nurturing Humanitarian S - Social Competitive Leaders Persuading Self-Motivated Enjoys power, money, & status Energetic Verbal Competitive Leaders Persuading Self-Motivated Enjoys power, money, & status Energetic Verbal Detail-Oriented Organizing Clerical Orderly Careful Well-organized Accurate Responsible Detail-Oriented Organizing Clerical Orderly Careful Well-organized Accurate Responsible E - Enterprising C - Conventional What’s my Type Mean?
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. The Fit Challenge 9
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. The Coin Toss 10
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 11 $10 $20 11 $20 11 $20 The Fit Challenge
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 12 $10 $20 12 $20 12 $20 Question: If I enjoy helping and being around people the 1 st letter of my personality type is probably. Answer: S - Social
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 13 $10 $20 13 $20 13 $20 Question: If my chosen career is to be a dancer and I love performing in front of others the 1 st letter of my personality type is probably. Answer: A - Artistic
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 14 $10 $20 14 $20 14 $20 Question: I am great at organizing people and events. I have a check list for everything, the 1 st letter in my personality type is probably what? Answer: C - Conventional
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 15 $10 $20 15 $20 15 $20 Question: True or False. I love critical thinking. I am always the first to figure out complex problems and I am really good at math. The first letter of my personality type is what? Answer: I - Investigative
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 16 $10 $20 16 $20 16 $20 Question: I can take apart and put it back together better than ever! I beat everyone at physical challenges. I am probably what? Answer: R - Realistic
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 17 $10 $20 17 $20 17 $20 Question: I love anything that deals with music! I always have the new songs before they are released. I rap, write poetry/short stories, or sing very well. I am probably what? Answer: A - Artistic
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 18 $10 $20 18 $20 18 $20 Question: True or False. All active companies should be designated as top contacts. Answer: False Question: True or False. I am really good at coming up with new and creative ideas. I want to be a business owner one day. I am probably a conventional personality. Answer: False – I would be an enterprising personality.
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 19 $10 $20 19 $20 19 $20 Question: Locations of companies in your database should have about how many employees? Answer: 25 Question: True or False. Science comes very easily for me. I enjoy learning the details of how things work. I watch Discovery Channel or Animal Planet for fun. I am probably investigative. Answer: True
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 20 $10 $20 20 $20 20 $20 Question: True or False. I am considering being a teacher. I am really good at explaining things and I love to help others. I am probably realistic. Answer: False, I would be social.
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 21 $10 $20 21 $20 21 $20 Question: True or False. I can out run or out shoot most people whether or the basketball court, the football field, or in my neighborhood. I’d love to be a professional athlete. I am realistic. Answer: True
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 22 $10 $20 22 $20 22 $20 Question: I took my television apart and fixed it. I can pretty much figure out most mechanical things or figure out how things work. I am realistic. Answer: True
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 23 $10 $20 23 $20 23 $20 Question: True or False. I would like to be a Doctor one day because I love researching and applying what I’ve researched to help people. My personality type is ISR. Answer: True
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 24 $10 $20 24 $20 24 $20 and the winner is ….
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. 25 YOU! ??? Doctor ISR Accountant CE Teacher SAE Electrical Engineer RIC
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. My Classmates? Me? Others? 26 What’s this mean for….
To edit date & footer title choose View>Header/Footer Change fixed date to presentation date Change footer field to title of the presentation Click on apply to all for changes on all current and new slides. What’s my take away? If I posted something valuable that I learned today on what would it be? 27