To change the document information in the footer, press [Alt + F8] and use the “FORM“ R 18 G 65 B 145 R 0 G 201 B 255 R 104 G 113 B 122 R 216 G 217 B 218 R 168 G 187 B 192 Core and background colors: 09/05/20151© Nokia File Name - Version - Creator - DocID Confidential New Sufika reporting and billing system Effective from week 45 T Larmia
To change the document information in the footer, press [Alt + F8] and use the “FORM“ R 18 G 65 B 145 R 0 G 201 B 255 R 104 G 113 B 122 R 216 G 217 B 218 R 168 G 187 B 192 Core and background colors: 09/05/20152© Nokia File Name - Version - Creator - DocID Confidential New reporting/billing flow SESSION SHARING NEW: SOLD SESSION REPORTING (TRADITIONAL) MATCH REPORTING Session list New: Session list updated Results file updated RANKING UPDATE Results file New: notification New: Match report missing in billing? NO YES BILLING New: Use session list for billing Use match report for billing Legend: pink: user action yellow: Sufika administrator action blue: system action / file new tasks have been indicated with New:
To change the document information in the footer, press [Alt + F8] and use the “FORM“ R 18 G 65 B 145 R 0 G 201 B 255 R 104 G 113 B 122 R 216 G 217 B 218 R 168 G 187 B 192 Core and background colors: 09/05/20153© Nokia File Name - Version - Creator - DocID Confidential New match report functionalities Two new radio buttons for reporting sold half/whole session Possibility to inform all Sufika members by for sessions sold, i.e. no longer for sale. Not possible to tick for regular match reports! New: Regular match report sending generates an to the opponent.
To change the document information in the footer, press [Alt + F8] and use the “FORM“ R 18 G 65 B 145 R 0 G 201 B 255 R 104 G 113 B 122 R 216 G 217 B 218 R 168 G 187 B 192 Core and background colors: 09/05/20154© Nokia File Name - Version - Creator - DocID Confidential Resulting message after clicking upon ‘Send match report’ In case a full session was sold the buyer’s name appears twice. For half session sale cases the Seller’s name is replaced with Buyer’s name while the (original) opponent’s name stays unchanged. The notifications are listed. In case the general distribution list is not ticked, the s go to the new/remaining owner(s) of the session.
To change the document information in the footer, press [Alt + F8] and use the “FORM“ R 18 G 65 B 145 R 0 G 201 B 255 R 104 G 113 B 122 R 216 G 217 B 218 R 168 G 187 B 192 Core and background colors: 09/05/20155© Nokia File Name - Version - Creator - DocID Confidential Error message after trying to report a sale of a session which the reporting person does not “own”
To change the document information in the footer, press [Alt + F8] and use the “FORM“ R 18 G 65 B 145 R 0 G 201 B 255 R 104 G 113 B 122 R 216 G 217 B 218 R 168 G 187 B 192 Core and background colors: 09/05/20156© Nokia File Name - Version - Creator - DocID Confidential