Title slide/end slide image dimensions: Title slide images must always fit this size: Height: 10.6 cm; Width: 25.4 cm Title slide images must always follow this position: Horizontal: 0 cm; Vertical: 0 cm To change title slide/end slide image: Contact Communication Support Tip: Vestas drawing guides will help you position and crop images and objects. Images and objects will snap to drawing guides when repositioned or cropped. To add drawing guides: Right-click on next to slide Select ‘Grid and Guides…’ Check ‘Display drawing guides on screen’ Press ‘OK’ Vestas‘ Tools for Securing Investments Andreas Thomas Senior Vice President Sales Vestas Central Europe 2 nd National RAWI Conference Moscow, November 2010
Add presentation information via View/Header and Footer To add pre-formatted bullets please use the increase/decrease indent buttons found in the PowerPoint menu Vestas’ Tools for Securing Investments2 Vestas‘ Tools for Securing Investments 1.Vestas – Global Outlook, Local Presence 2.Technical Perfection – Business Case Certainty and Cost of Energy 3.Project Finance Alternative text slide image dimensions: Title slide images must always fit this size: Height: 5.3 cm; Width: 25.4 cm Title slide images must always follow this position: Horizontal: 0 cm; Vertical: 0 cm To change title slide/end slide image: Insert image according to the dimensions and position listed above Right-click on image and select ‘Order/Send to back’ Delete original image Tip: Fit images easily to the right dimension using Vestas drawing guides. Vestas drawing guides will help you position and crop images. Images will snap to drawing guides when repositioned or cropped. To add drawing guides: Right-click on next to slide Select ‘Grid and Guides…’ Check ‘Display drawing guides on screen’ Press ‘OK’ Agenda
Add presentation information via View/Header and Footer To add pre-formatted bullets please use the increase/decrease indent buttons found in the PowerPoint menu Vestas’ Tools for Securing Investments3 Vestas Central Europe Sales departments EE region Austria & South Eastern Europe: AT, HU, CZ SK, HR, BIH, SI Bulgaria Romania Russia RU, UA, AZ, KZ, TJ, TM, UZ Legal entities in Austria & Eastern Europe Vestas Czechia s.r.o. Vestas Slovakia s.r.o. Vestas Hungary Kft. Vestas Bulgaria EOOD Vestas CE Zagreb d.o.o. Vestas Romania s.r.l. Vestas RUS OOO In Progress: Vestas in Ukraine Vestas in Azerbaijan 1. Vestas – Global Outlook, Local Presence Vestas in the world
Add presentation information via View/Header and Footer To add pre-formatted bullets please use the increase/decrease indent buttons found in the PowerPoint menu Vestas’ Tools for Securing Investments4 Business Case Certainty Cost of Energy Easy to Work with Vestas Must Do’s Based on our customers’ opinions The purpose is to improve our processes and meet the expectations Further differentiators: ᅳ Innovation leadership ᅳ Global approach ᅳ Partnership ᅳ Cost to nature and society 1. Vestas – Global Outlook, Local Presence Value Drivers
Add presentation information via View/Header and Footer To add pre-formatted bullets please use the increase/decrease indent buttons found in the PowerPoint menu Vestas’ Tools for Securing Investments5 V kW Suited for a broad spectrum of medium and high winds V80 – 2.0 MW Optimised for medium and high winds Suited for both onshore and offshore V90 – 1.8 MW / V90 – 2.0 MW Optimised for low and medium winds V MW Optimised for high winds V MW Low wind onshore sites V MW Onshore & Offshore turbine Designed for low and medium wind speed Portfolio Central Europe – Turbine types for every site 1. Vestas – Global Outlook, Local Presence
Add presentation information via View/Header and Footer To add pre-formatted bullets please use the increase/decrease indent buttons found in the PowerPoint menu Vestas’ Tools for Securing Investments6 Creating Business Certainty Reliable turbines Turbine efficiency Turbine availability Sustainability Cost of energy Long internal experiences in technology Gear & drive train Power electronics Electromagnetic design Advanced loads modeling Wind power plant Aerodynamics Materials science Composites Advanced control systems Structural design & analysis Reducing CoE Scale effects Better turbine design Technology development, e.g. pitch regulated variable speed New blade technologies, e.g. carbon fiber Global sourcing and improved scale Reduction of operating & maintenance costs Technology development, e.g., reduced weights, smarter products, advanced aerofoil and control strategies Technology R&D 2. Technical Perfection
Add presentation information via View/Header and Footer To add pre-formatted bullets please use the increase/decrease indent buttons found in the PowerPoint menu Vestas’ Tools for Securing Investments7 Power Plant Siting SiteHunt SiteDesign Power Plant Design Grid Integration Study Electrical Pr-Design Power Plant Operation AOM Operational Support AOM 1000 – 5000 AOM Power Plant Power Plant Performance Complex Wind Operation Performance Optimization Park Control Optimization Power Plant Solution Offerings 2. Technical Perfection
Add presentation information via View/Header and Footer To add pre-formatted bullets please use the increase/decrease indent buttons found in the PowerPoint menu Vestas’ Tools for Securing Investments8 Powerful Matchmaking Matchmaking value expectations High accuracy (mesoscale model data to construct data for long-term conditions) +High precision (Computational Fluid Dynamics – complex terrain features) Business case certainty Wind&Site Tools Extreme wind analysis Extreme wind and extreme turbulences Vestas SiteDesign SiteDesign optimization Input for Service planning Aspects of the process 1)Climatic conditions ᅳ Wind speed ᅳ Turbulence ᅳ Shear, etc. 2)Rapid changes in climatic conditions 3)Singe ridge warnings 4)Service costs 5)Production 6)Knowledge about grid connections Matchmaking and Tools 2. Technical Perfection *
Add presentation information via View/Header and Footer To add pre-formatted bullets please use the increase/decrease indent buttons found in the PowerPoint menu Vestas’ Tools for Securing Investments9 Business Case Certainty and Cost of Energy 2. Technical Perfection Total Cost of Energy displayed on Google EarthGoogle Earth Early entry enables early decisions – aided by “Virtual Reality”
Add presentation information via View/Header and Footer To add pre-formatted bullets please use the increase/decrease indent buttons found in the PowerPoint menu Vestas’ Tools for Securing Investments10 Vestas Performance & Diagnostics: OPEX Certainty – Translating data into value 2. Technical Perfection Vestas Customers want… Maximum performance settings Estimated costs of the service Reliability and performance Maximum quality of service Improved Turbine Performance 1.Prevention of Component Failure and Errors Our task - "Prevention of failure prevention! => Definition of eliminating potential problems before they occur 2.Less Standstill of your turbine – and all necessary work done in Low Wind Periods! Prevention reduces down times Providing data on the wind acriss the globe to plan our service 3.Bundling of Service Orders an thus less turbine visits Aggregate orders for maintenance cut number of visits to a wind turbine Our goal – efficient planning of maintenance
Add presentation information via View/Header and Footer To add pre-formatted bullets please use the increase/decrease indent buttons found in the PowerPoint menu Vestas’ Tools for Securing Investments11 Performance Monitoring & Diagnostic Centre 2. Technical Perfection The world's largest wind energy company МW WTG We work all over the world around the clock seven days a week More than 70 terabytes of data Operating conditions Advanced Diagnostics Full monitoring of wind turbine 6 Sigma-Analysis Methods to reduce operational risks Use global data to improve the performance of the local fleet More Energy
Add presentation information via View/Header and Footer To add pre-formatted bullets please use the increase/decrease indent buttons found in the PowerPoint menu Vestas’ Tools for Securing Investments12 Standard Service Contracts - Turbine Service - Error response - Component Repairs - Wind turbine uptime guarantees Vestas Service Contracts……Standard Service Contract + Service Contracts + P roduction security - wind turbine ‘production yield’ guarantees Complete Wind Park Operations + Full Security - Infrastructure Maintenance and operations - Roads, cables, land control - electrical interconnect equipments (substation) Performance Monitoring & Diagnostic Centre 2. Technical Perfection
Add presentation information via View/Header and Footer To add pre-formatted bullets please use the increase/decrease indent buttons found in the PowerPoint menu Vestas’ Tools for Securing Investments13 Vestas Banking Relations Management establish and maintain contact and network to financial institutions active today or potentially in the future in the field of wind farm financing International Banks Local Banks Development Financial Institutions Others Ongoing exchange about Lending Products, Policies, Terms & Conditions Vestas Products & Services, Terms & Conditions Local Market Conditions Customers Capital Demand 1.Initial information collection about project finance status and support demand of the project company done by Vestas Sales Managers 2.In case of support demand: Information transfer to Project Finance and internal discussion 3.Evaluation of financial information: Vestas cash flow modelling First internal matching of financing demand with capital supply from existing financial network 4.Discussion with client about project finance support more detailed Capital Supply for Financial Institutions 3. Project Finance
Add presentation information via View/Header and Footer To add pre-formatted bullets please use the increase/decrease indent buttons found in the PowerPoint menu Vestas’ Tools for Securing Investments14 1.Second internal matching capital demand by clients with capital supply from existing financial network 2.Recommendation of meetings with financial institutions to client 3.Vestas contacts financial institutions to arrange and prepare initial meeting 4.Involvement EKF if needed 5.Info package preparation by client with Vestas support, e.g. financial model, wind assessment study, annual report … according to banks criteria 6.Joint meeting bank, customer, Vestas to discuss project details, timeline, next steps, working packages, contractual details … 7.Perpetual communication as demanded by the parties also after financial close Vestas’ Project Finance is Facilitator, Connector, Sparing Partner, Supporter Aim: Financial Close Quality Approach Professionalism Confidentiality & Trust Long Term Relationship Mutual Benefit Matching Capital Supply and Capital Demand 3. Project Finance
Title slide/end slide image dimensions: Title slide images must always fit this size: Height: 10.6 cm; Width: 25.4 cm Title slide images must always follow this position: Horizontal: 0 cm; Vertical: 0 cm To change title slide/end slide image: Contact Communication Support Tip: Vestas drawing guides will help you position and crop images and objects. Images and objects will snap to drawing guides when repositioned or cropped. To add drawing guides: Right-click on next to slide Select ‘Grid and Guides…’ Check ‘Display drawing guides on screen’ Press ‘OK’ Copyright Notice The documents are created by Vestas Wind Systems A/S and contain copyrighted material, trademarks, and other proprietary information. All rights reserved. No part of the documents may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means - such as graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems without the prior written permission of Vestas Wind Systems A/S. The use of these documents by you, or anyone else authorized by you, is prohibited unless specifically permitted by Vestas Wind Systems A/S. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from the documents. The documents are provided “as is” and Vestas Wind Systems A/S shall not have any responsibility or liability whatsoever for the results of use of the documents by you. Thank you for your attention