Exploring Microsoft Access 97 Chapter 3 Information From the Database: Reports and Queries Office graphic copyright by Microsoft Corp.
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 32 Objectives (1 of 2) 4 Describe types of reports 4 Describe views in Report window 4 Describe similarities between forms and reports with respect to controls 4 List sections in a report and explain purpose 4 Differentiate between a query and a table
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 33 Objectives (2 of 2) 4 Use design grid to create and modify a query 4 Explain multiple criteria rows and implement AND and OR conditions 4 Describe views in Query window
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 34 Overview 4 Information is data arranged in a useful format 4 Convert data to information with queries and reports 4 Understand concepts for reports and queries building on knowledge of tables and forms
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 35 Reports and their Anatomy 4 Columnar (vertical) report vs. Tabular report 4 Report header & footer 4 Page header & footer 4 Group header & footer 4 Detail section 4 Report Wizard
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 36 Access 97 Report Screen
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 37 Access 97 Report Screen
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 38 Access 97 Report Screen
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 39 The Report Wizard Hands-On Exercise 1 4 Open Our Students Database 4 The Report Wizard 4 Preview the Report 4 Modify an Existing Control 4 Add an Unbound Control 4 Change the Sort Order 4 View the Modified Report 4 Report Properties
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 310 Creating a Query 4 Query 4 Design grid -Field -Sort -Show -Criteria 4 Dynaset
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 311 Creating a Query 4 Select query 4 Query window views –Datasheet view –Design view –SQL view
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 312 Creating a Query-- Selection Criteria 4 AND condition 4 OR condition 4 Relational operators 4 Between function 4 NOT function 4 Wild card
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 313 Creating a Select Query Hands-On Exercise 2 4 Open the Existing Database 4 Add the Students Table 4 Create the Query 4 Specify the Criteria 4 Run the Query 4 Modify the Query 4 Create a Report 4 View the Report
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 314 Grouping Records 4 Use report anatomy to group records 4 Grouping allows calculations like –Count function –Sum function –Min function –Max function –Average function
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 315 Grouping Records Hands-On Exercise 3 4 Create the Query 4 Add a Calculated Control 4 Run the Query 4 Modify the Query 4 Rerun the Query 4 The Report Wizard 4 Sorting and Grouping 4 Create the Group Footer 4 Create the Report Footer 4 View the Report 4 Exit Access
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 316 Chapter 3 Summary (1 of 2) 4 Data refers to facts about a record 4 Information is data that is arranged in a useful format 4 Report prints and displays information from a database 4 Reports created through Report Wizard
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 317 Chapter 3 Summary (2 of 2) 4 Reports are based on a table or a query 4 Query selects information to display 4 Grouping records in a field for summaries
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 318 Practice with Access 1. Students database 2. Employee database 3. USA database 4. Bookstore database 5. Super Bowl database 6. Microsoft on the Web
Exploring Access 97 Chapter 319 Case Studies 4 The Fortune The United States of America 4 The Super Bowl 4 Mail Merge 4 Compacting Vs. Compressing