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Ask Me How Hospice Can Help: The Gift of FIVE WISHES Presented by: Your hospice name Your phone number
Today We’ll Talk About Practical steps to make your wishes known and honored Follow-up steps for communicating your wishes to others Other ways your hospice name can help Footer
What Would You Want? If you are like most people with a serious life-limiting illness, you’d want to be: At home In the company of loved ones Free from pain and suffering In control of the care you receive
The Reality Is… Many people in the last year of life experience unwanted and often unnecessary hospitalizations The majority of people, even those who are seriously ill, haven’t talked about or documented their wishes Many people are referred to hospice in the final hours or days of life, if ever
Why this Happens The end of life is often treated only as a medical moment People avoid talking about end of life Even if they do talk about it, very few people write down their wishes People often receive care they don’t want Doctors wait too late to mention hospice
FIVE WISHES Easy to use, written in everyday language Promotes peace of mind for your family Lets people know what you want, including hospice Helping Your Family Avoid Guessing & Guilt
FIVE WISHES Lets you express personal, emotional, and spiritual needs along with medical wishes Helps you discuss your wishes with your family and doctors Clearly tells your doctor that there may come a time when comfort care is what you want
WISH 1 The Person You Want To Make Health Care Decisions For You When You Can’t Allows you to pick the person you want to make health care decisions if you can’t Guides you through a process for selecting that person and two "back-ups” Known as a Health Care Agent
WISH 2 The Kind Of Medical Treatment You Want Or Don’t Want Instructions for your caregiver, including your wishes for pain control and life support Examples of Life Support are Provided Space for you to write instructions based on your personal beliefs
WISH 3 How Comfortable You Want To Be – Expresses your choices for types of comfort care, including hospice – Allows you to cross out or keep items based on your choices
WISH 4 How You Want People To Treat You – Things your caregivers and family should know about how to support you – Types of things people can do for you, including prayers or holding your hand
WISH 5 What You Want Your Loved Ones To Know – Guides you in sharing your thoughts with family – Allows you to offer love and forgiveness to those who have hurt you – Asks forgiveness for times you have hurt others – Communicates practical matters such as preferences for memorial or burial
Don’t File It Away After it’s signed: 1.Make copies for your family, friends, Health Care Agent, and doctor 2.Discuss your wishes 3.Keep it available (not your safe deposit box) 4.Carry your wallet card
Hospice Can Help Care for you, your loved ones, or friends Teach community groups about hospice or Five Wishes Help you talk to your doctor or family about hospice Support people grieving the loss of a loved one Give Five Wishes to your family members or friends
Hospice Can Help! Please call us with questions about Five Wishes or hospice Your hospice name Your phone number Your website