SIAP Budget Proposal Tutorial University of California, Irvine
Introduction Welcome to the SIAP Budget Proposal Tutorial. This tutorial is designed to take you step by step through the budget proposal template writing process.
Step 1. Guidelines. Guidelines for use of SIAP funds are as follows: 1) Programs/activities shall be UCI student initiated The project you are submitting a proposal for should NOT be run by a campus department, school, or other non-UCI student group. 2) Programs/activities shall include those academic preparation efforts that contribute to increasing the academic achievement and development of educationally disadvantaged students, and assisting them in achieving UC admissions eligibility The UC Admissions process should be addressed at some point in your program (and in the proposal).
3) Programs/activities shall focus on the academic preparation of high school students in grades 9-12 attending schools designated by, or programs affiliated with UC academic preparation programs (a list of UC Partners Schools can be obtained at Programs that would like to service schools that are not designated as UC Partners will have to provide justification through the following criteria: –a)Designation as a Title I school Visit, type in the name of your school in the search field. Scroll to the bottom of the page. If that school has partnership programs (such as EAOP, AVID, or Puente) listed below its profile, it is a UC Partnership School. If not, than it is not. For examples, look up Compton High School and Irvine High School. If it is not a partner school, it is still valid if it is a Title I school (40% or more students come from low-income families) Visit 4) Programs shall serve the educational academic preparation priorities of the campus and shall coordinate with UCI’s Center for Educational Partnerships (CFEP) in order to optimize the value of student-led efforts. Any kind of yield event (an event geared towards high school seniors who have already been admitted to UCI, but have not yet SIR’d) must be coordinated with CFEP or the Office of Admissions, if it is similar to an existing event or if it is targeting the same audience.
5) Programs/activities shall include the framework for accountability, including financial and evaluative accountability. Amongst your group, determine who will be the lead person responsible for finances (working with Jillian Jones at ASUCI (949) ) and turning in evaluations at the end of the year (May 20th) to Tamara Storey. This person should be listed first in the footer of the budget proposal template. Example of footer: Student Name, Title #1. (123) Student Name, Title #2. (123) Student Name, Title #3. (123) ) Programs/activities shall include an evaluation component, coordinated with CFEP. Results shall be included in UCI’s annual evaluation reports that are submitted to the UC Office of the President and the State Legislature. –**If an organization does not submit their evaluations by May 20 th of the funding year, the organization will NOT be eligible for SIAP funds the following year.** NO EXCEPTIONS. Please coordinate how this will be done amongst your group and include it in the budget proposal. Furthermore, your group will be expected to turn in evaluations for at least 80% of the students the group stated they would service in the budget proposal. A large discrepancy between the student number and the evaluation number will lead to a reduction of funds in the following year. The evaluation forms must be filled out by the high school students as well as the UCI undergraduate or graduate students helping with the program. They are available at
Examples of the surveys: 7) One-day events that are not part of an on-going academic preparation program will not be funded. However, one-day events that are preceded or followed by an academic engagement project will be considered for SIAP funding This second event can be a smaller event, but has to be an organized part of your program. Blanket statements such as, “we’ll try to follow up with the teacher and see if we can meet with the students again” are not acceptable.
Step 2. SIAP General Information Proposals are due Week 5 for projects starting in the Fall. Mini-grant proposals are accepted year-round for smaller projects. Please as an attachment to Proposals will be reviewed in the order they are Mini-grants are for smaller projects. The same rules and guidelines apply. Also note that funding is limited and on a first-come, first served basis, so it is best to get your application in ASAP. The point person from your organization must attend an orientation session. The orientation time and date will be appointed after proposal acceptance letters are distributed We will work with your schedule to set up the orientation session, which will outline the SIAP process, history, rules and how to access your funds. You MUST attend the orientation to receive your funds