Whose Diversity Statement? (C) Copyright Asian Youth Alliance (AYA) / Mobeen Butt
**** values and encourages the participation and contribution of all individuals, regardless of age, class, disability, ethnic background, faith, gender and sexual orientation. **** is committed to encouraging those organisations into membership who work with young people who are disadvantaged or discriminated against on the grounds above. NCVYS – National Council for Voluntary Youth Services
**** entertains a wide and diverse population of both [clients] and staff and this very diversity is one of the institution’s greatest strengths. **** is committed to promoting and developing equality of opportunity in all its functions and will seek to do this by: communicating its commitment to equality and diversity to all members of its community communicating where responsibility lies for equality issues providing training for decision-makers, staff... developing mechanisms for implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review taking positive action to redress any gender, racial or other imbalances in the workforce treating acts of discrimination as a disciplinary offence dealing with harassment and bullying SOAS – the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London)
**** is committed to equality of opportunity. It aims to employ the best people from the widest available pool of talent. It also strives to ensure that all employees are able to contribute to their maximum potential, irrespective of gender, race, ethnic or national origin, disability, religion, sexual orientation or age. To this end, **** does and will: Take steps to attract employment applications from talented individuals in all sections of the community; Review periodically selection criteria and processes to ensure individuals are recruited and promoted on the basis of their merits and abilities relevant to the job; Provide a working environment in which no employee experiences discrimination, harassment or intimidation. The Royal Household
We embrace the unique differences between individuals and aim to create an environment that values and respects the talent and contribution of people from different backgrounds and heritages. We ensure that our diversity principles are fully and equally reflected in the action of all individuals and groups across the Society. We are fully committed to delivering appropriate services that suit the needs of the individuals from marginalised and disaffected or excluded communities or groups. We ensure that all our publications and information resources including our websites reflect the reality of diversity so that all our work either mainstream or targeted services is within reach of everyone in the UK, irrespective of age, class, gender, disability, cultural identity or location. NSPCC - National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
As part of its People Strategy, **** is committed to maintaining a highly-skilled, well- motivated and effective workforce which reflects the diversity of the community it serves. This is vital in understanding and meeting the needs of the community. To do this we must dismantle any barriers that exist in the way we attract and retain staff. Our recruitment policies aim to positively address issues that may prevent people from different backgrounds joining our organisation. We are proud to pursue a policy of positive action in engaging under-represented communities, seeking their feedback and providing advice in the recruitment process. We also recognise that, once employed, there are times where people need support in the workplace, either on a confidential basis or as a way of raising issues which impact upon both individuals and groups. **** aims to be an open, attractive and diverse employer. It seeks to recognise, value and embrace the differences of all its employees; through these differences, we become a more pro-active organisation, recognising issues before they become problems and reflecting the wide and varied experience of different communities and individuals in our decision-making. Derbyshire Constabulary
This statement complements **** existing Equality and Diversity Strategy. It expresses **** commitment to delivering diversity and inclusion beyond the current legal and regulatory requirements. It also explains our aspiration to becoming a sector leader by continuing to adopt an innovative approach. Diversity and Inclusion is a significant part of **** core organisational values. We have a longstanding and an impressive track record of working with the most deprived communities in society. Our Diversity and Inclusion reputation has helped us to secure new business and attract some of the most talented staff in the sector. The Hyde Group (Hyde Housing Association)
1.1 **** is committed to promoting equality and diversity and promoting a culture within which we actively value difference and recognise that people from different backgrounds and experiences can bring valuable insights to the workplace and enhance the way we work. **** aims to be an inclusive organisation, where diversity is valued, respected and built upon, so that we are able to recruit and retain a diverse workforce that reflects the communities it serves. Within this framework *** specifically refers to measures it has in place to provide equality of opportunity and the facilities that it can provide to its diverse workforce and job applicants. 1.2 **** also wishes to comply with relevant equality legislation and Codes of Practice. This policy pursues and builds on the statutory position to establish and pursue effective policies of promoting equality. 1.3 **** aims to pro-actively tackle discrimination or disadvantage and ensure no individual or group is discriminated against for any reason with regard to employment or accessing its services. The British Library
"... For us to be successful, our men and women must reflect the diversity of the communities and cultures in which we operate. That means we must attract, retain and motivate people from many backgrounds and perspectives. Being diverse is not optional; it is what we must be." **** is constantly striving towards a more diverse workplace, both for the benefit of the firm and in order to more successfully meet the needs of our clients. Our extensive diversity efforts include: Partnering with numerous organizations to promote diversity beyond the boundaries of the firm Increasing our commitment to recruiting women, students from historically under- represented groups, and those with disabilities Seeking candidates from a broad array of academic disciplines... Goldman Sachs