.| The Trusted Channel Centric Marketplace Domain Name Transfers & Domain Delegation
.| Title of the presentation: to change it, go to Insert/Footer2 What is a domain name transfer? “A domain name transfer is the process of changing the designated registrar of a domain name – Wikipedia”
.| Title of the presentation: to change it, go to Insert/Footer3 What is a registrar? “Domain registration information is maintained by the domain name registries, which contract with domain registrars to provide registration services to the public – Wikipedia”
.| Title of the presentation: to change it, go to Insert/Footer4 Step 1 to move a domain Verify that the domain name is owned by a customer: 1.You can do this by checking it via Check the current admin address. 3.Ask the customer if he knows and has access to this address. 4.If not: STOP!!! There is no way to move the domain. Give up. Don’t even think about it. Don’t even think about thinking about it. 5.If yes: PROCEED carefully
.| Title of the presentation: to change it, go to Insert/Footer5 Step 2 to move a domain The customer must now verify that the domain name is eligible for transfer. To make sure the domain name can be transferred, the customer must log in to their current registrar and check the following: The initial registration of the domain name was at least 60 days ago The domain has been with the current registrar for at least 60 days. The domain name is not on hold with the current registrar
.| Title of the presentation: to change it, go to Insert/Footer6 Step 3 to move a domain The customer must prepare the domain for transfer: Disable Whois privacy protection tool or Private Registration for the domain. Unlock the domain – remove the registrar lock that may have set for added security. Obtain the EPP code (transfer authorization code) from the current registrar.
.| Title of the presentation: to change it, go to Insert/Footer7 Step 4 to move a domain Start the transfer via the LuxCloud Control Panel
.| Login to the classic LuxCloud CP cp.luxcloud.net
.| Click on billing
.| Search for the account you want to add a domain to
.| Click on the account
.| Click on Add New Order
.| Click on the search icon
.| Select Domain Registration with the correct TLD
.| Click on the search icon for the subscription period
.| Select 1 year
.| Click on Next
.| Fill in the requested domain name
.| Select transfer service and fill in the transfer key
.| Click on Place Order
.| Title of the presentation: to change it, go to Insert/Footer21 Step 4 to move your domain Check your for the verification request. The will be sent to the Administrative contact on your domain’s WHOIS. This may take a few hours to arrive (and please be sure check the spam folders just in case). If you have not received this within a few hours of your initial request, please contact support for assistance.
.| The Trusted Channel Centric Marketplace Too much hassle? Scared?
.| Title of the presentation: to change it, go to Insert/Footer23 Delegate the DNS of the domain To begin using our services without domain transfer, you must delegate (assign) the domain name to our servers.
.| Title of the presentation: to change it, go to Insert/Footer24 What is DNS delegation? Essentially it is saying "I am passing on authority for this domain to another collection of name servers, go ask them for the details." For example, "com" is a domain that delegates all (or perhaps almost all) of its subdomains to other name servers. When a request is received at a "com" name server for "google.com", the "com" name server responds with NS records pointing to Google's name servers.
.| Title of the presentation: to change it, go to Insert/Footer25 How to delegate a DNS? The customer should contact the current domain registrar and ask them how to delegate the DNS of the customers domain to LuxCloud’s name servers: ns1.luxcloud.net ns2.luxcloud.net
.| For more information