© 2014 Sungard AS. All rights reserved. Cloudstack - Way to contribute June 2014 Girish Chaudhari
In next 45 minutes … Apache Software Foundation Development at Apache Different Apache Roles How do I start ? Dev cloud revisited Simulator What I am doing, recently Process walkthrough 2
Apache Software Foundation Non-profit organization, Provides support for the Apache community of open- source software projects ASF Incubator responsible to help new efforts to join the foundation Every project first go to incubation and then graduates to TLP Cloudstack history Donated to Apache incubator ( April 2012) by Citrix Made its first major release incubating on November 2012 Graduated from the incubator on March 2013 Now the one of the Top level project at ASF 3 Footer – Apply across document
Development at Apache Main characteristics of Apache development process 1.Open & Transparent Decision making To Reduce barriers to project participation All decisions should happen on the project mailing lists More opportunities to receive feedback on design and implementation 2.Scoped/Patch Contributions One bug one patch Decompose large function changes into multiple logically related commits 3.Voting Process 4.Permissive Apache License version Footer – Apply across document
Apache Roles 1.User A user is someone that uses Apache software 2.Developer A user who contributes to a project in the form of code or documentation 3.Committer A developer that was given write access to the code repository and has a signed Contributor License Agreement (CLA) on file 4.PMC Member A developer or a committer that was elected due to merit for the evolution of the project and demonstration of commitment 5 Footer – Apply across document
How do I start ? 6 Footer – Apply across document
How do I start ? 1.Join the Mailing lists or forums "If it didn't happen on a mailing list, it didn't happen.“ Important ones- subscribe using subscribe using Others - ammounce, commits, issues, marketing 2.Checkout the code & setup the enviornment 3.Find the issues/Jiras 7 Footer – Apply across document
How do I start? 4.Make the code changes Propose the new feature or changes Get the feedback on the mailing list 5.Test the code changes 6.Submit the patch for review 8 Footer – Apply across document
Dev cloud revisited A virtualbox appliance packaged to provide a working cloudstack enviornment based on Ubuntu and running a Xen Kernel. Using the nested virtualization capability Use cases Acts a development environment - enabling to deploy the cloud testbed on single contained box To run the smoke tests Removes the barrier to explore the cloudstack 9 Footer – Apply across document
DevCloud revisited Self Contained Cloudstack runs in to the appliance DevCloud as Host Run the Cloudstack on local machine & use the dev-cloud as host 10 Footer – Apply across document
Simulator Another way to setup the cloudstack environment An effective tool that mocks the entire set of hypervisor (agent) commands Use cases Testing the performance metric of the CloudStack management server For validating the nightly build check-in UI bug fix, it could be the ideal approach 11 Footer – Apply across document
Simulator – setup 12 Footer – Apply across document 1.Checkout the cloudstack code from git repo 2.set up Cloudstack development environment 3.If you already have cloudstack, build the cloudstack using the below commands # mvn -Pdeveloper -Dsimulator clean install # mvn -Pdeveloper -pl developer -Ddeploydb # mvn -Pdeveloper -pl developer -Ddeploydb-simulator 4.start the cloudstack MS #mvn -pl client jetty:run -Dsimulator 5.Set up zone using the simulator. #mvn -Pdeveloper,marvin.setup -Dmarvin.config=setup/dev/advanced.cfg -pl :cloud-marvin integration-test
Validating the CS first class object hiding capability This feature enable ROOT admin user to hide the resources from the normal user Design details– Resource specific tables has been updated with extra column – Display flag Default value - True Update/create commands can update this flag to ‘False” List command executed by normal user can’t list the marked resources Call the API commands – Cloudstack monkey Python/Ruby client UI 13 Footer – Apply across document What am I doing recently on Cloudstack?
Demo/Process walkthrough with example 14 Footer – Apply across document
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