Dates You Know December 9 – Today December 14 – Final Exam ( Last Day for this class)
Test Results 8 Perfect Scores 10 As
Review MC only 80 questions Bring Scantron and #2 Pencil Will not need you book Comprehensive (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint) Understand the projects Study old MC test Study Matching / Fill-In- Blank
Review Which Word feature has greatly replaced the use of tabs? –Tables Within what Word feature can you add automatic page numbers, dates, times, the file name, and pictures –Header/Footer The Office Clipboard can hold up to how many items? –24 The worksheet that contains the totals from other worksheets is called a(n): –Summary A(n) ____________ is a formula that Excel has built in to perform calculations. –function
Review An efficient way to locate and utilize functions is to use the –Function Library The ____________ function counts the number of cells within a range that meet the given conditions –CountIf When you start the Excel program, a new blank ____________ displays –Workbook The intersection of a column and row is called a: –Cell In an Access table, each column contains a category of data called a(n): –field
Review Each row in a table contains a(n): –record The Enforce Referential Integrity check box is found in which of the following? –Edit Relationships dialog box Which of the following is NOT a slide transition category? –Circles and Squares A ___________ sets aside a portion of a slide and serves as a holder for text or other content such as pictures, graphics, or charts –Placeholder A ___________ slide is inserted at the end of every slide show –blank
Review Visual effects moving between slides are called ___________. –transition Which of the following is NOT an entrance effect? –Circle Which of the following is NOT an After animation effect –Don’t Hide An animation is performed on an item when you: –click the left mouse button or press the Spacebar.