Women in STEM in Northern Ireland Lorna McAlpine STEM Business Co-ordinator
Priority Sectors for NI Advanced Materials and Engineering (aerospace, electrical, electronics, automotive, renewables) Financial & Business Services (incl. Technology) Telecoms & ICT Life & Health Sciences Creative Industries Agrifood
STEM Education in Summary 2013 Source: Department of Education and Department for Employment and Learning Education Level Male enrolments(express ed as % of total STEM enrolments) Female enrolments (expressed as % of total STEM enrolments) A-Level55%45% Degree enrolments 62.5%37.5% Achieving degree qualifications 58.6%41.4%
STEM in Employment In the workplace, more males work in STEM related areas. High level jobs in STEM related industries currently account for 11% of total employment. The ratio of male to females employed in STEM related industries is 3 to 1. Males currently outnumber females in the manufacturing sector by a ratio of 4 to 1. (Source: Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, NI Labour Force Survey and Department for Employment and Learning Ministerial Oral Statement on Gender Issues.)
Employability: Good match between: Skills from a STEM Course: Ability to: think analytically, problem solve and use evidence to support arguments. Skills include numeracy, literacy, the ability to use information technology, group working, presentational skills, time organisation, and research skills and....
10 STEMNET skills identified by employers: communication and interpersonal skills, problem solving skills, using own initiative and being self-motivated, working under pressure and to deadlines, organisational skills, team working, ability to learn and adapt, numeracy, valuing diversity and difference and negotiation skills.
Salaries and Opportunities In addition to increased employability, the Science Council says that the long-term benefits of having science qualifications and skills include good salaries and variety of opportunity Degree courses can lead to Professional Status – Tomorrow’ s Engineers Week site says salaries for graduate and professionally qualified engineers are well above the average. Those for Engineering Technicians- (apprenticeships or other vocational route) are also above the average ‘mid-career’ salary of £26,000.
STEM Business Group- recommendations from Success through STEM strategy include: Develop a clear STEM careers path and Address gender balance Partners W5, Sentinus, ASE, FE, HE, BiTC, SEC
Activities to address gender balance Devised and consulted on a set of Good Practice Guidelines for addressing gender balance in STEM industries Ran an event ’ Are you getting the balance right?’ on 6 June 2013 to engage STEM employers and start to capture ideas and good practice- 70 attended Developed and launched a STEM Charter for CEOs; in partnership with Equality Commission NI 60 people attended launch, 20 organisations signed Charter, 24 to attend Network meeting in September Published STEM supplements in Regional papers in September for UCAS and February for Year 10 and 12. Featured female role models. One planned for September.
Addressing Gender Balance-Report published November 2013 The Business Case for Gender Equality in STEM –’employ more women and make more money’ Statistics for NI – 11 % employed in high level STEM posts only 25% are women NI STEM CEO Charter Good Practice Guidelines – 22 simple steps for pre- and post –recruitment Case Studies
Case Studies from report Schlumberger female engineering scholarship, girls’ schools’ open days NIE and Schrader - female role models in advertising and as STEM ambassadors and as Mentors Ulster Bank- IT, female networking for career development Allstate, extensive range of family friendly initiatives - retention Atkins – Women’s Leadership Council, Women’s Development Programme Queen’s University – Athena Swann award holders- Cultural issues viz: Canada Room itself
Inspiring Women in STEM in Northern Ireland
Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell astrophysicist Born in Belfast, lived in Lurgan, falied her 11+. Whilst studying for her Ph.D. Discovered pulsars.
Catherine O’Neill winner of Young Business Women of the Year Catherine started her own business, Amelio, as a Civil Engineer, whilst still at University. She employs 15 staff already
Ellvena Graham Managing Director of SME Banking for Ulster Bank Group Attended Methodist College Belfast, has worked in Ulster Bank including IT for over 30 years Started a Network for Women in the Bank; Women in Touch
Clare Flynn, Project Manager, Liberty IT St Dominics, UUJ, Software Engineering 1 st class Hons, with Scholarship from Apion Biggest Influence- her mother. ‘ Create your own destiny’
Ruth Patterson Randox Biochip Custom Unit Scientist BSc (hons) degree in Biological Sciences at Queens University Belfast, focused on genetics
Mary McCall, TreatTicket and Sheree Atcheson, Kainos and Women Who Code UK Mary has started her own digital business which is a mobile app and website for discounted treats including pamper sessions, hotel stays and restaurant offers. Sheree Atcheson, graduated in 2013, working for Kainos, has started Women who code as a Meetup group to support women programmers in their career development
Lisa O’Neill Generations Connections Engineer NIE Pictured on right hand side at launch of STEM Charter
Why... because.. ‘STEM- It’s where the jobs are’ Belfast Met Website Link for STEM supplement: Link for Addressing Gender Balance Report: Providers/Putting-women-first-In-STEM-industries
World class STEM Businesses in Northern Ireland
STEM- It’s where the jobs are Belfast Met Website