ORN – Pre-designation briefing Karen Agbabiaka Olympic Route Network Programme Manager Mike Talbot Olympic Route Network Designation Manager 28th November 2008
Agenda Why an Olympic Route Network? Previous Games The Designation Process ORN Programme Post Designation Questions
Why an ORN? Transport vital to successful delivery of the Games. Host City contract commits us to guaranteeing journey times - to establish an ORN (Olympic Route Network) and PRN (Paralympic Route Network) Previous Olympic cities - similar Games Family transport challenges – added massive highways infrastructure - bridges, motorways,roads And then they included Olympic lanes In London - no significant new highway impacts, instead achieve journey times with a temporary ORN Temporary solution minimises the inconvenience to Londoners, more sustainable, continues longer term modal shift to public transport, walk, cycle and water This was demonstrated at the 1996 Atlanta Games where a number of athletes missed their events, bus drivers got lost and spectators fought for places on erratic train services
Why an ORN? Fundamentally the ORN will accommodate: 1. Athletes : to train and compete; every minute counts (including doctors, coaches, trainers) 2. Technical Officials: vital for setting up and running competition (referees, jurors, equipment crews) 3. Media: Live broadcasts and multiple venue reporting, TV feeds (repair and maintenance crews) 4. IOC: World Anti-doping Agency, Court of Arbitration of Sport, Medical Commission,Observers, IOC members (medal ceremonies at multiple venues) and Sport Federations 5. Marketing Partners: Olympic partners (international & national: providers of £1 billon Games funding)
Previous Successful Games Transport Dedicated lanes successfully used for previous Olympic Games Sydney in 2000, Athens in 2004, Beijing in 2008. Games Lanes during the Melbourne, Manchester Commonwealth Games Dedicated lanes - signing and lining -similar to bus lanes Robust communication strategies - key to ensuring compliance. Television, radio, newspapers, internet and leaflets used successfully in Sydney, Athens and Beijing Educate the public about road changes effects on journeys times
Timetable – Summer 2012 13 July Olympic Village Opens 27 July Opening Ceremony 12 August Closing Ceremony 29 August Paralympic Opening Ceremony 9 Sept Paralympic Closing Ceremony 14 Sept Olympic Village Closes Arrival & Training Games Time Departure, Arrival & Training Games Time Departure Games Demand Games Timetable, Arrival and training before and between games periods Training venues???? Operation of Core ORN could be throughout the games but could be limited on certain sections if not in use. ORN / PRN
Olympic Route Network
ORN Outside London ORN to venues outside London Weymouth Eton Dorney Hadleigh Farm Broxbourne Mostly Highways Agency roads ORN not planned for regional football venues
ORN - Principle of Operation The majority of the ORN will be invisible to the public The ORN is less than 2% of London roads (180km) The PRN is even more compact The ORN will be tailored to: Days of competition Time of operation Proportional solutions Olympics Lanes will cover approx. 25 % of the ORN Olympic Lanes will only be determined by traffic flow and implemented as and when needed e.g. a.m., p.m., venue specific Olympic Lanes will be used by Games Family plus other authorised vehicles e.g. park and ride coaches
Designation of the ORN London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Act provides for the creation and designation of the Olympic Route Network Designation requires Statutory Instrument laid in Parliament Designation brings a range of powers for the ODA and Secretary of State to control activities that could disrupt the operation of the ORN These powers are temporary and after the Olympics, powers will revert to the present arrangements
Powers Activated by Designation Three sets of powers triggered by the designation of the ORN: Approval powers: ODA approval required for Local Authorities actions on ORN if they affect Olympic travel. An explicit Olympic related objective added to decision making Intervention powers: Secretary of State intervention if Local Authority does not act effectively to achieve Olympic objectives, including intervening on enforcement of traffic and parking Traffic order making powers: ODA able to make (and if necessary enforce) traffic orders on ORN
Designation Programme Department of Transport are leading the designation process Consultation on draft Order - Dec 2008: making of the Order - summer 2009 Designation will allow Olympics to be brought formally into decision making process for managing the network It will allow time for preparation of measures, e.g. for statutory processes for traffic orders before trials in 2011 It will raises awareness of residents, businesses and public, giving time to make arrangements for Games time
ORN Programme To meet our Journey time commitments the ODA has identified a number of projects that collectively will aid journey times These projects range from physical measures on the highway to the real time control and reliability of the network
Incremental activation of ODA powers Post Designation Incremental Activation of ODA powers Our proposed way forward is one of progression from awareness and engagement with stakeholders through to increasing levels of control Incremental activation of ODA powers 15
Post Designation Develop systems and processes to roll out across the ORN ODA Transport and TfL are working out requirements to manage activities using their well establish LondonWorks system. The LondonWorks system is used to manage proposed works or schemes on the TLRN and SRN under the Traffic Management Act 2004. ODA and its delivery partners will continue working up detailed measures with local authorities and other stakeholders And will engage with residents and businesses – look for local solutions to minimise impacts
The ORN will also deliver a hard and soft legacy prior to the Games Hard legacy includes: Enhanced traffic control systems (SCOOT) New traffic signals Transport Co-ordination Centre New CCTV Junction upgrades and new infrastructure Accelerating Utility replacements and upgrades Soft legacy includes: Enhanced partnerships: TfL, Boroughs, Utilities Modal shift as part of Travel Demand Management Legacy measures will be continually reviewed and built upon