Insert headers and footers j then press F5 or click Slide Show > From Beginning to start the course. In the message bar, click Enable Editing, If the videos in this course don’t play, you may need to download QuickTime or just switch to PowerPoint download QuickTimeswitch to PowerPoint 2013
Course summaryHelp Insert headers and footers Closed captions You can add headers to the top and footers to the bottom of a worksheet.When you print the worksheet, the headers and footers also print.For example, you might create a header with the file path and a footer with page numbers.Headers and footers display only in Page Layout view and on printed pages.Select the worksheet you want to add a header or footer to. Click the Insert tab, and click Header & Footer. This displays the worksheet in Page Layout view.The Header & Footer Tools – Design tab appears, and by default, the cursor is in the center section of the header. I’m selecting the left section. I want to add the file path to it, so I click the File Path button.I click anywhere else on the worksheet and the file path displays in the left section of the header on all pages. To add a footer, scroll to the bottom of the page, select the section of the footer you want to add something to. On the Design tab, click an element, such as Page Number,click anywhere else on the worksheet, and page numbers now display in the footer.There are other elements on the Design tab, check them out.You can also just type information in a header or footer.Select the section you want to add text to and type your text.When you’re done, you might want to return to Normal page view, to have more room to work on your worksheet. Click the worksheet, click the View tab, and click the Normal button.Up next, page numbering in depth. Hover over the video to view video controls, or click Help in the top right corner for more information. Next Slide
Help Course summary Course summary—Insert headers and footers Add a header to a worksheet You can add information to a header so it’ll print at the top of every page. For example, you can create a header that contains page numbers to help your readers find pages in a printed worksheet. 1.Click Insert > Header & Footer. 2.Click the left, center, or right box at the top of the worksheet and add the information you want. 3.When the header is set up the way you want, click anywhere in the worksheet, and then click View > Normal. Why can’t I see the header in my workbook? Click View > Page Layout. Headers show up only in Page Layout view, Print Preview, and on printed pages. Remove the header or footer text from a worksheet 1.On the View tab, click Page Layout. 2.Delete the information you want to remove. 3.Click anywhere in the worksheet, and then click View > Normal. Remove all headers or footers at once If you don’t want your workbook to have any headers or footers, you can remove them all at once. 1.On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the arrow. 2.In the Page Setup box, on the Header/Footer tab, do one of the following: Under Header select (none). Under Footer, select (none). 3. Click anywhere in the worksheet, and then click View > Normal. See also Headers and footers in a worksheet Remove a header or footer from a worksheetRemove a header or footer from a worksheet Add a header to a worksheet More training courses Office Compatibility Pack Previous Slide Next Slide
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