Radiation-Enhanced Diffusion of La in Ceria Summary NERI-C collaboration to study actinide surrogate and fission gas behavior in thin film UO 2. Started with CeO 2 —development of UO 2 fabrication facilities required time. Use of thin film samples with controlled microstructure and impurity content. Behaviors of interest: diffusion, segregation, bubble formation; influence of grain boundaries. Techniques: Experimental—SIMS, XAS, XPS, RBS, TEM. Computational—kMC, DFT, MD. Outline Introduction to thermal diffusion and radiation-enhanced diffusion (RED). CeO 2 system—cation vs. anion sublattice, film characterization Experimental results—SIMS profiles, analysis to determine diffusivities. Discussion of results—diffusivity vs. temperature, three temperature regimes, influence of vacancies on oxygen anion sublattice. Preliminary results of UO 2 + Nd film growth. 5/9/2015 NERI-C PROJECT NO
Acknowledgements University of Illinois J. Stubbins, R. Averback. P. Bellon, J. Eckstein H. Pappas, M. Strehle, H. Ju, M. El-Bakhshwan, X. Han, D. Heuser. T. Spilla, D. Jeffers, S. Burdin Funding DOE NEUP/NERI-C program UIUC MRL and DOE 5/9/2015NERI-C PROJECT NO
Diffusion—Microscopic point of view w/point defects Diffusion processes at microscopic scale coupled to point defects in crystalline solid Vacancy self-diffusion VSD Interstitial self- diffusion-- dumbbell arrange- Ment. Classical picture—transition state theory yields jump frequency over saddle point saddle point D(T)=D o exp(-E a /kT) NERI-C PROJECT NO
Diffusion—Activation Energy of point defects D(T)=D o exp(-E a /kT) Activation Energy, E a VacancyInterstitial E a = E f + E m ~1 eV~2 eV E f –energy of formation~0.2 eV~2 eV E m –energy of migration~1 eV~0.1 eV Interstitial defects more costly to make, but easier to move. As a consequence, VSD dominate mechanism for self-diffusion. NERI-C PROJECT NO
Radiation Damage Process Freely-migrating defects, FMDs 5/9/2015NERI-C PROJECT NO Fast neutron 1 st struck atom (PKA) Displacement Cascade—high Density of Frenkel Pairs (vac. + int.) Frenkel pair population inside displacement cascade Three phases i)Formation ii)Recombination iii)Thermal spike Few point defects (FMDs) survive displacement cascade quenching FMDs—vacancies and Interstitials in ~ equal numbers
Radiation-Enhanced Diffusion (RED)— Combination of Elevated Point Defect Populations and Elevated Temperature 5/9/20156 Ballistic Mixing Fate of FMDs Recombination- Limited Kinetics Sink-Limited Kinetics Thermal VSD Temperature v+i recombination v i sink Thermal v/i population>> Frenkel pairs T~295K T~ K T<800K T>1100K v i
5/9/2015NERI-C PROJECT NO CeO 2 and UO 2 have same structure—Ceria often used as surrogate for Urania. Fluorite Structure—anions red, cations white CeO2 Tm=2673 K a= A UO2 Tm=3138 K a=5.466 A Epitaxial relationship— Fluorite structure:R-plane Sapphire
Sample Architecture w/La Impurity Layer 5/9/2015NERI-C PROJECT NO Sapphire CeO 2 1ML LaCeO Å ~3 Å Two ways to consider LaCeO 2 Tracer or marker layer for cation diffusion +3 dopant in CeO 2 La is +3 actinide surrogate (Am, for example) and high-yield (A=139) fission product.
Experimental Facilities at Illinois 5/9/2015NERI-C PROJECT NO Microanalytical: AES, SIMS, RBS, XRD/XRR, TEM. Implantation/Bombardment: Van de Graaff ( MeV; H, He, Xe, Kr, Ne; ~100 nA). 1.8 MeV Kr + ions ~100 nA; variable fluence; variable temperature. Physical Electronics PHI Trift III SIMS Instrument High Voltage Engineering Van de Graaff Accelerator
Ion Bombardment—TRIM results 5/9/ NERI-C PROJECT NO MeV Kr + implantation into CeO 2 on sapphire 1.8 MeV Kr + Energy to Recoils—F D (need later) F D =115 eV/Å/ion CeO 2 sapphire Kr FDFD Variable temperature, constant fluence bombardment: = 1x10 16 ions/cm 2 0.02 FIMA ~2% burnup
Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS) 5/9/2015NERI-C PROJECT NO Sample surface O or Cs sputter beam rastered over 400 x 400 m 2 area Au analytical beam Beam rastered over 50 x 50 m 2 area Residual positive charge on sample surface after O sputter beam raster Positive-charged species liberated by analytical beam & accelerated across voltage bias—mass separated by time-of-flight CeO 2
XRD Analysis of MBE CeO 2 film 5/9/2015NERI-C PROJECT NO Specular Scan Rocking Curve In-plane Scan CeO 2 is single crystal—no grain boundaries.
SIMS Results—RT 5/9/2015NERI-C PROJECT NO D Diffusion Geometry: 2 ~ Dt 2Dt = ( irr ) 2 – ( ref ) 2 La depth profiles Ballistic mixing parameter = Dt /F D Relates to energy deposition to RMS distance = 4 Å 5 /eV in CeO 2 = 120 Å 5 /eV in Au ~ 1-5 Å 5 /eV in MgO 1.8 MeV Kr + bombardment Variable fluence; constant T CeO 2 As grown: ~26Å
SIMS Results—Elevated T 5/9/2015 NERI-C PROJECT NO La depth profiles 1.8 MeV Kr + bombardment Variable T; constant fluence Kinetic Rate Theory K—Frenkel pair production rate K~0.02 1/s (heavy ion) K~ /s (fast neutron) K v,i —defect removal rates at sinks v, i —point defect fractions induced by bombardment v o —thermal equil. vacancy fraction i —interstitial jump frequency Time rate of change = Production – Loss to sinks - Loss via recombination RT irradiated: ~36Å
Steady-State Solutions to Kinetic Rate Theory 5/9/2015NERI-C PROJECT NO Total vacancy fraction Total interstitial fraction Diffusivities due to Frenkel defects Total diffusivity
Three Temperature Regimes 5/9/2015NERI-C PROJECT NO Low T <800K Intermediate T High T >1100K D’ ≠ f(T) Recombination limited: v+i=0 Sink limited: v dislocation i dislocation VSD
Diffusivity versus Temperature 5/9/2015NERI-C PROJECT NO VSD D(T)=D o exp(-E a /kT) RED
Discussion Cation vs. Anion diffusion. +3 dopant-anion vacancy cluster. No influence from grain boundaries. 5/9/2015NERI-C PROJECT NO
Magnetron Sputtering System at Illinois 5/9/2015NERI-C PROJECT NO Targets: depleted U; Ce; Nd; Mo Power Supply: 3 DC; 1 RF Gas Supply: O 2 : 1x10 -9 to 1x10 -3 T Ar: 1 to 100 sccm Max. T s =850 C
UO 2 Single Crystal Film Growth on YSZ 5/9/2015NERI-C PROJECT NO Strain free UO 2 Smooth surface Single crystal domain RBS—UO 2
SIMS on UO 2 + Nd 5/9/2015NERI-C PROJECT NO Nd isotopes U isotopes U-235 region ~31 Å