Names and Formulas of Acids and Bases Ch p Ch p Ch p Ch p
Names and Formulas of Acids n HCl (g) named hydrogen chloride n HCl (aq) is named as an acid n Name focuses on the anion present
Names and Formulas of Acids 1. When anion ends with -ide, the acid starts with hydro-, and the stem of the anion has the suffix -ic followed by the word acid 2. When anion ends with -ite, the anion has the suffix -ous, then acid 3. When anion ends with -ate, the anion suffix is -ic and then acid
Some Common Acids HCl hydrochloric acid HNO 3 nitric acid H 3 PO 4 phosphor ic acid H 3 PO 4 phosphor ic acid H 2 SO 4 sulfur ic acid CH 3 COOH acet ic acid
Learning Check Give the names of the following A. HBr (aq)1. bromic acid 2. bromous acid 3. hydrobromic acid B. H 2 CO 3 1. carbonic acid 2. hydrocarbonic acid 3. carbonous acid
Names and Formulas of Bases n Named the same way as any other ionic compound –name the cation, followed by anion
Some Common Bases NaOHsodium hydroxide KOH potassium hydroxide Ba(OH) 2 ________________________ Mg(OH) 2 ________________________ Al(OH) 3 aluminum hydroxide
Learning Check Match the formulas with the names: A. ___ HNO 2 1) hydrochloric acid B. ___Ca(OH) 2 2) sulfuric acid C. ___H 2 SO 4 3) sodium hydroxide D. ___HCl4) nitrous acid E. ___NaOH5) calcium hydroxide
Solution Match the formulas with the names: A. _4__ HNO 2 1) hydrochloric acid B. _5__Ca(OH) 2 2) sulfuric acid C. _2__H 2 SO 4 3) sodium hydroxide D. _1__HCl4) nitrous acid E. _3__NaOH5) calcium hydroxide
Learning Check Acid, Base Name or Salt CaCl 2 _______________________ KOH_______________________ Ba(OH) 2 ______ _________________ HBr_______________________ H 2 SO 4 ________________________
Solution Acid, Base Name or Salt CaCl 2 saltcalcium chloride KOHbasepotassium hydroxide Ba(OH) 2 basebarium hydroxide HBracidhydrobromic acid H 2 SO 4 acidsulfuric acid