1. Fill in the conjugation chart with all the subject pronouns


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Presentation transcript:

1. Fill in the conjugation chart with all the subject pronouns Pretest 1. Fill in the conjugation chart with all the subject pronouns 2. Translate this sentence into Spanish: Maria is an artistic girl. 3. Write the correct articles for the following nouns: libro bandera cartel cancion 4. Conjugate Hablar for the given subjects: Maria y yo Juan y ella Angela

Semester Exam Review ·Subject Pronouns ·-Ar Verb Conjugation ·Estar Vocabulary pages: 22,23,46,70,96, 120 Plus: Body, Calendar, Numbers, Time Grammar: ·Telling Time ·Gender of Nouns ·Adjective and Article Agreement ·Infinitives ·Me gusta... ·Negatives ·Subject Pronouns ·-Ar Verb Conjugation ·Estar ·Plurals of nouns/articles

Infinitives ·Infinitives are the most basic form of the verb. ·They can be identified in Spanish because they have their original -ar,-er,-ir ending. In English the verb has "to" in front. Examples: -ar -er -ir cantar correr escribir (to sing) (to run) (to write)

Me gusta... We use the phrase "Me gusta..." to talk about what we like and don't like to do. Like Dislike Me gusta... Me gusta mucho... No me gusta... No me gusta nada... We add an infinitive to the end of each phrase to say what it is we like or do not like to do. Me gusta cantar. No me gusta dibujar. Me gusta mucho bailar. No me gusta nada correr.

Negatives There are 3 main negative words we are looking at: no, nada, ni. NO ·We use no in front of a phrase to change it to not, we also use no in front of a verb in a sentence. ex: Me gusta bailar. No me gusta bailar. Ella es atrevida. Ella no es atrevida. ·When we answer a question negatively in Spanish we use no twice. The first no answers the question, the second no says not. NADA By itself nada means "nothing" in the phrase No me gusta nada, it means "at all". No me gusta nada correr.

Negatives NI When you are describing two or more things you do not like you say "ni" in front of each item. Ni..ni.. means neither ...nor... No me gusta ni esquiar ni patinar. I do not like neither to ski nor to skate.

Let's Practice How would you say...? 1. I like to listen to music. 2. I do not like to work. 3. I really like to talk on the phone. 4. I do not like to swim at all. 5. I do not like neither to play the guitar nor to write stories.

Gender of Nouns All nouns in Spanish have gender. It is easy to figure out the gender of a noun. One way we can tell the gender of a noun it to look at the ending. If a noun ends with... Then it is most likely... L,O,S,E,R MASCULINE A,ION,AD FEMININE

Gender of nouns Masculine nouns have corresponding masculine articles, and feminine nouns have corresponding feminine articles. Masc. Fem definite articles el (the) la indefinite articles un (a,an) una Choose the correct masc. or fem. definite article for each of the following. bandera libertad sacapuntas cartel pupitre libro cancion escritor

Gender of Adjectives Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Adjectives in Spanish have different masc. and fem. forms and have to match the gender of the noun they are describing.

-O,-A Adjectives or,ora adjectives There are some adjectives like trabajador where you only have to add an -a to the end to make it femenine. Example: trabajador, trabajadora You will notice from your vocabulary that there are several adjectives that end in o. These all have ",-a" after them. This means that you can change the ending to match the gender of the noun it is describing. Examples: estudioso, estudiosa atrevido, atrevida

Gender Neutral -ista adjectives -e adjectives Deportista does not change it's ending ever. It always ends with an -a. Adjectives that end in -e do not require you to change the ending. Examples: inteligente, paciente, impaciente

Examples: Noun then Adjective In English we generally put the adjective before the noun it is describing. In Spanish it is the opposite, we put the adjective after the noun we are describing. Examples: La chica artistica -The artistic girl El chico artistico -The artistic boy La amiga buena - The good friend(fem) El amigo bueno - The good friend(masc)

Word Order of Sentences Sentences word order in Spanish is very similar to sentence word order in English. One of the main differences is where we put the adjectives. In English the adjective goes before the noun it is describing. In Spanish the adjective goes after the noun it is describing.

Word Order Try putting the following in the correct order: Subject/ verb/ indefinite/ noun/ adjective article Maria es una chica graciosa. Maria is a girl funny. Try putting the following in the correct order: 1. Marcos/un/es/inteligente/estudiante 2. soy/reservada/una/chica/Yo

SUBJECT PRONOUNS We use these in place of other nouns. In English our subject pronouns are I, you, he, she, it, we, they. In Spanish we put these pronouns in a chart to help us when learning about verbs. yo tu el ella ud. nosotros nosotras vosotros vosotras ellos ellas uds.

In Spanish we have to conjugate verbs. To conjugate a verb -AR Conjugation Notes In Spanish we have to conjugate verbs. To conjugate a verb 1. Drop the ending (-ar) 2. Add new ending based on the subject of the sentence yo O nosotros AMOS nosotras tu AS vosotros AIS vosotras el ellos ella A ellas AN ud. uds.

Hablar AR Conjugation yo hablo nosotros hablamos tu hablas vosotros hablais el ellos ella habla ellas hablan ud. uds.

(he,she,you,it is) (they, ya’ll are) Estar The verb ESTAR means “to be” It is an irregular verb which means that it does not follow the conjugation rules for -ar verbs yo nosotros/as estoy estamos (I am) (we are) tú vosotros/as estás estáis (you are) (ya’ll are) él, ella, ud. ellos, ellas, uds. está están (he,she,you,it is) (they, ya’ll are) There is more than one verb in Spanish that means to be. We know to use Estar when we are referring to temporary things. You can use the following to help you. True T= Temporary Conditions (ex. illness) Love L= Location Forever F= Feelings T= Yo estoy enferma. I am sick. L= El lápiz está debajo de la silla. The pencil is under the chair.