 Entry Task: Nov 4-5 Block 1Question: Provide the Lewis dot, charge of its ion and name of ion for Oxygen. You have 5 minutes!


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Presentation transcript:

 Entry Task: Nov 4-5 Block 1Question: Provide the Lewis dot, charge of its ion and name of ion for Oxygen. You have 5 minutes!

Agenda  Discuss Ionic Formation ws  Notes on Ionic bonding and formula mass  HW: Binary compounds ws

I can…  Create and name binary ionic compounds and provide the mass of its formula.

 Clear off Desk! Worksheet and Notes out Periodic Table Calculator Writing utensil


How are cations made? How are anions made? Why do they do this? Cations are metals that have lost electron(s) to obtain a full octet and has become a positive charge. Anions are nonmetals that have gain an electron(s) to obtain a full octet and has become a negative charge. To be stable like the noble gases with a full octet.

Why do transitional elements use Roman numerals? What do Roman numeral mean? Their valence electrons can how many electrons they will lose. The number of valence electrons they have lost.

MAYHAN Element Protons Electrons Short hand E. Config # V E Lewis Dot # Gain/Lost electrons for Octet Resulting # of V E Cation/Anion #Charge Name of Ion Rb As Ca I 37 [Kr]2s 1 1 Rb Lost 1 ve- 2 Cation +1 Rubidium ion 33 [Ar]4s p 3 5 As Gain 3 ve- 8 Anion -3 Arsenide 20 [Ar]4s 2 2 Ca Lost 2 ve- 8 Cation +2 Calcium ion 53 [Kr]5s 2 4d 10 5p 5 7 I Gain 1 ve- 8 Anion Iodide

Element Protons Electrons Short hand E. Config # V E Lewis Dot # Gain/Lost electrons for Octet Resulting # of V E Cation/Anion #Charge Name of Ion Ga Te Cs 31 [Ar]4s 2 3d 10 4p 1 3 Ga Lost 3 ve- 8 Cation +3 Gallium ion 52 [Kr] 5s 2 4d 10 5p 4 6 Te Gain 2 ve- 8 Anion -2 Telluride 55 [Xe]6s 1 1 Cs Lost 1 ve- 8 Cation +1 Cesium ion

Clear off Desk!! I will provide the P.T for Quiz MAYHAN

When cations form positive ions, where does the electron(s) go? Sodium Atom (11e-)_____________________ Lewis Dot for the sodium ATOM Na 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 1

When cations form positive ions, where does the electron(s) go? Sodium Ion (10e-)______________ Lewis Dot for the sodium ION 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 1 Na [Na] +

When anions form negative ions, where did the electron(s) come from? Chlorine Atom (17-)_____________ Lewis Dot for the Chlorine ATOM Cl 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 5

When anions form negative ions, where did the electron(s) come from? Chlorine Ion (18e-)________________ Lewis Dot for the Chlorine ION Cl 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 Cl [ ] -

When cations form positive ions, where does the electron(s) go? When anions form negative ions, where did the electron(s) come from? HERE IS YOUR ANSWER Na [Na] + Cl [ ] - [Na] + Cl [ ] -

For each of the set, provide the atoms Lewis Dot, then its combined ion Lewis dot Embedded Practice Li/Br [Li] + Br [ ] - Br Mg/O [Mg] +2 O [ ] -2 O Al/N Mg Li [Al] +3 N [ ] -3 N Al

Ionic Bonding In an ionic bond one element will transfer valence electron(s) to another.  Happened when:  Transfer of ve-  Between metal/nonmetal  Creates +/-  Both obtain octet  Become neutral as a compound

Ionic Formulas Rules-  Metals in front and nonmetals in back  Use a subscript to note the number of atoms  Balance the charges so the compound is neutral  In the written formula, put “ide” on the anion ending.

Provide the formula and names Embedded Practice FormulaName Li/Br_________________________________________ Mg/O________________________________________ Al/N_________________________________________ Na +1 F -1 Sodium fluoride Sr +2 S -2 Strontium sulfide NaF SrS Ga +3 P -3 Gallium phosphide GaP

Binary Compounds  Examples:  NaCl Li 3 NAl 2 S 3 MgBr 2 Not Binary LiCN NH 4 Cl Binary compounds are compounds that are formed between only 2 different elements.

Lets practice some more… O/Li Oxygen = O -2 Lithium = Li +1 Li +1 O -2 Li Li 2 O Lithium oxide

Or the switch method!! O/Li Oxygen = O -2 Lithium = Li +1 Li +1 O -2 Li 2 O Lithium oxide

Lets practice some more… Na/N Nitrogen = N -3 Sodium= Na +1 Na +1 N -3 Na Na 3 N Sodium nitride Na +1

Or the switch method!! Na/N Nitrogen = N -3 Sodium= Na +1 Na +1 N -3 Na 3 N Sodium nitride

Lets practice some more… Br/Be Bromine= Br -1 Beryllium= Be +2 Be +2 Br -1 Br Be Br 2 Beryllium bromide

Or the switch method!! Br/Be Bromine= Br -1 Beryllium= Be +2 Be +2 Br -1 Be Br 2 Beryllium bromide

Lets practice some more… Al/S Sulfur= S -2 Aluminum= Al +3 Al +3 S Al 2 S3S3 Aluminum sulfide S -2 Al

Or the switch method!! Al/S Sulfur= S -2 Aluminum= Al +3 Al +3 S -2 Al 2 S3S3 Aluminum sulfide

Lets practice some more… Sr/P Phosphorus= P -3 Strontium= Sr +2 Sr +2 P Sr 3 P2P2 Strontium phosphide Sr

Or the switch method!! Sr/P Phosphorus= P -3 Strontium= Sr +2 Sr +2 P -3 Sr 3 P2P2 Strontium phosphide

Your turn Embedded Practice FormulaName O/Fe(III)_____________________________________ Ag(I)/N_______________________________________ Pb(IV)/P______________________________________ Cu(II)/I______________________________________ Se/Bi(III)______________________________________ Fe +3 O -2 Iron III oxide Ag +1 N -3 Silver I nitride Fe 2 O 3 Ag 3 N Pb +4 P -3 Lead IV phosphide Pb 3 P 4 Cu +2 I -1 Copper II iodide CuI 2 Bi +3 Se -2 Bismuth III selenide Bi 2 Se 3

Reverse the switch!! Co 3 N 2 Formulas back to names Cobalt II nitride

Reverse the switch!! AlF 3 Formulas back to names +3 Aluminum Fluoride

Reverse the switch!! V2O5V2O5 PbS 2 Ag 2 Se Formulas back to names Vanadium V oxide

Reverse the switch!! PbS 2 Formulas back to names +2 Lead IV sulfide That means 2 sulfur time -2 Means WAIT!! Sulfur is -2!!! ALWAYS!!! +4

Reverse the switch!! Ag 2 Se Formulas back to names Silver I Selenide