Sheffield’s Vision for Older People Liz Cook Programme Director Services for Vulnerable People, Health and Social Care Partnerships
Effective Housing & Support Solutions
Key Strategic Drivers To improve and diversify the housing and support options, and choices for Older People. To ensure effective provision of the range of housing and support options and choices across the City. To ensure the appropriate mix of housing and support provision is developed within regeneration areas of the City through the Neighbourhood Development Frameworks.
Key Strategic Drivers (2) To ensure appropriate investment is delivered within the Council sector to ensure all designated older people ’ s housing and sheltered housing meets the decent homes standard by To develop effective investment criteria and financial models to ensure consistent and effective analysis of investment decisions for the development and renewal of older people ’ s housing.
Some Givens The population is ageing and has a highly diverse range of needs and aspirations. There is an expectation for flexible service provision. Consultation will be an integrated element of “our” strategy implementation. Older people have the right to independent living and self-determination. Older people need to be able to make active and informed choices about their accommodation.
Older People’s Housing Strategy – is underpinned by An analysis and strategic overview of the current housing market and future demand for Older Person ’ s housing and support options and services in Sheffield. Research into BME elders housing needs and aspirations. An understanding of the key factors influencing supply. Demand around older persons housing and support needs. Changing aspirations of older persons and the wider national policy context are reflected. Support the diversification of housing and support options and choices for older people.
Strategy Recommendations Diversity and choice. Information, advice and access. Flexible Service Provision. Quality and standards. Joint working.
Key Recommendations Consultation during implementation and review. Sustainability assessments of existing provision. Offer greater choice in new provision. Increase provision of extra care/villages. Increase mixed tenure provision. Review information for older people.
Key Recommendations (2) Expand equity release schemes. Explore opportunities for use of ICT/telecare. Explore flexibility in provision of residential care. Develop and introduce service standards. Involve older people in monitoring and reviewing service quality.
Workshops 3 key areas for discussion. Communications. Funding. Partnerships.