Millennium Science Nucleus on Coastal Climate Dynamics Laura Gallardo (PI) Ana María Córdova, Ricardo Muñoz, Axel Osses Melitta Fiebig, René Garreaud,


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Presentation transcript:

Millennium Science Nucleus on Coastal Climate Dynamics Laura Gallardo (PI) Ana María Córdova, Ricardo Muñoz, Axel Osses Melitta Fiebig, René Garreaud, José Rutllant

MIDEPLAN Jan 2007 Outline Themes, teams and framework Approach Resources Summary

MIDEPLAN Jan 2007 Team  …Multi-disciplinary, -etarian, -gender,-background,- institutional… Ana María Córdova (U. Valparaíso, CEAZA), PhD Meteorology, USP (2003), Atm. Chemistry. Laura Gallardo (CMM, U. de Chile), PhD Chemical Meteorology, MISU (1996), Disp. Modeling Ricardo Muñoz (DGF, U. de Chile), PhD Meteorology, PSU (2002), Bound. Lay. Meteo. Axel Osses (DIM, CMM, U. de Chile), PhD Applied Mathematics, EPOL (1998), Diff. Ecs. Melitta Fiebig (U. La Serena, CEAZA), PhD Appl. Math, Mainz (1989), Num. Anal. René Garreaud (DGF, U. de Chile), PhD Meteo, UWas (1999), Reg. Modeling José Rutllant (DGF, U. de Chile), PhD Meteo, UWis (1977), Mes. Meteo. Students, post-docs, technicians and colleagues

MIDEPLAN Jan 2007 South Eastern Pacific/Western South America Most persistent and extensive subtropical Sc deck of the SH (microphysics and energy balance) Humboldt current, upwelling and fishery (biogenic emissions, air-sea exchange and circulations) Intensive and long-term mining activities (anthropogenic emissions) Atacama: dryest desert of the world between the open Pacific and the high Andes (dust and circulations) Active volcanoes (natural emissions)

MIDEPLAN Jan 2007 South East Pacific (SEP): Our Foci Coastal Atmospheric Circulation and Sc. Clouds Aerosols & Sc. Clouds Remote sensing & Sc. Clouds

MIDEPLAN Jan 2007 We aim at: Understanding of the dynamics of the coastal low-level jet system and its relationship with low-cloud cover variability and coastal upwelling Increasing our understanding of how anthropogenic and natural aerosols, mainly sulfate aerosols, interact with the persistent stratocumulus deck in the coastal areas of Central and Northern Chile. Validating key satellite products and defining adequate assimilation strategies for improving radiative transfer simulations in regional atmospheric models Strengthning and consolidating growing capabilities in Coastal Climate Dynamics in Chile and SA to contribute in a leading position to a better understanding required for better management of resources, and strategic decisions.

MIDEPLAN Jan 2007 Framework Chile offers a unique observational platform for addressing aerosol- cloud-atmosphere-ocean interactions Water management, fisheries and mining industries require of a better basis for decision-making in the short-(weather) and long - (climate) terms Chilean scientific capabilities are able to face the challenges but they need further consolidation Rex Nov 2008

Lengua de Vaca San Felix Antofagasta Santo Domingo Valparaiso Arica Sc Deck Coastal Jet Radiosonde Station Enhanced Meteorological obs. (wind profiler + ceilometer) Aerosol & CCN Measurements Port Airborne MBL and aerosols obs. (field campaign) Radiosonde obs. Field Campaign and Extended Monitoring VOCALS-REx Plataforms

MIDEPLAN Jan 2007 Modeling SCu deck WRF/MM5 Coastal jet MATCH/RCA/LM SCu deck MODTRANS… Enhanced, 3-D database for proccess study Hypotesis Testing Support field activities Validation/improvement of weather forecast

MIDEPLAN Jan 2007 Available Resources

MIDEPLAN Jan 2007 New resources: what for?

MIDEPLAN Jan 2007 Summary The SEP region is an amazing but poorly explored research area Our nucleus is able to make a difference in terms of: –Science Low-level jet dynamics & Sc Aerosols & Sc Remote sensing & Sc –Societal impacts Inputs for decision-making (Fishery, mining, water management) Consolidation of relevant, multi-institutional, disciplinary, sientific capacity VOCALS Rex November 2008 brings along a perfect opportunity for positive (international) feed-backs!!