NCESEM - Sheffield Creating a physical activity legacy through a whole city approach
To be recognised as the City that created a Culture of Physical Activity within its communities, workplaces and people through the Legacy of London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Vision
Through a unified and city wide approach we will support evidence based initiatives that; seek to reduce the burden of disease across the City, promote economic growth through a sports culture, improve the health and productivity of the City's workforce and facilitate more active lifestyles for the population of Sheffield as a whole. Mission
Equality, inclusion and diversity High quality Consistency in message Unified and City wide approach. Values
To bring benefit socially & economically we are aiming for: 1% stepped change in physical activity at a population level year on year 15% Reduction in back pain related absenteeism in 5 years 15% reduction in back pain referrals in 5 years 2-3% reduction in CVD risk factors at population level over 5 years These changes are challenging but evidence based Represent a significant attempt at a cross population implementation project. Measures of success
If the average risk factors across Sheffield were reduced by 2% - 3% over five years this could: reduce annual admissions by up to 1,235 per year, prevent up to 426 premature deaths per year and save up to £3.7 million per year on acute hospital costs alone Non-recurrent cumulative savings over the five year period could be as high as £11.2 million. Based on Whitfield et al., 2008 Invest to save
Provide targeted and universal support Focus on Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions A whole city approach to establishing legacy Utilise the demonstration & festival effects of London 2012 (active celebration) Connected through one brand, one message. Three Interconnected Themes
Promotion of ‘physical activity’ at an individual, group, community and population level in a wide range of settings across the City This bespoke physical activity comprises two forms: – ‘primary prevention’, increasing physical activity in people with no health restrictions to activity – ‘secondary prevention’, tailored physical activity for people with some health restrictions to activity. Physical Activity
Guided by current literature, there will be a particular emphasis on; developing an environmental infrastructure that facilitates physical activity challenging and changing the culture around physical activity/inactivity promoting physical activity among disadvantaged groups who may not have access to activity/sport or sport and activity-related facilities. The process of delivering a physical activity legacy is not one of investing solely and immediately in interventions Pilot programmes and allow the evaluation/research evidence to inform any potential roll out. Physical Activity
Active Celebration
1-to-1 Cycling –based exercise referral scheme Physical activity ‘Activators’ training programme Group Enhancing the stay-on-site offer in schools in terms of physical activity Active celebration activities - reducing health inequalities and increasing access to physical activity. i.e. by utilising doorstep sport/activity models Community Community/organisation physical activity challenge programme; cycling, walking, dance, play etc Re-claiming the streets and green spaces for physical activity and play – increasing perceived safety and reducing anti-social behaviour Evidence based physical activity behaviour change DVD – FREE ACCESS Investment in routes to schools, routes to leisure and routes to the City that promote physical activity Population Signage promoting Sheffield as 'The City of Physical Activity Physical activity hub - providing high quality and immediate access to information and signposting to PA opportunities within the city Dedicated print, radio, social network (facebook & twitter) and TV media campaign to promote PA anf challenge barriers to PA.
Harnessing workplaces in the promotion of healthy living at an individual, group, community and population level in a range of settings across the City (i.e. workplaces, schools, homes) Evidence based approach to interventions with a focus on musculo-skeletal conditions (MSK) Embedded within organisational culture, business owning the bottom line benefits Reduced absenteeism and increasingly more productive workforce (presenteeism). Workforce Wellness
1-to-1 1-to-1 Wellness screening and advice Peer-led advice and counselling for musculoskeletal disorders Group Wellness workshops: nutrition for health, exercising effectively, enhancing sleep, improving resilience, work life balance, back care and posture, getting active after an illness or episode of pain Educational and leadership workshops for senior managers across the City and from different organisations to encourage ‘ownership’ of wellness bottom line benefits Community 'The Back Book' (Roland et al 1996) will be translated into an online intra-net module, free to access for Sheffield organisations and championed by the NCESEM stakeholders. Olympic kite mark for healthy workforces Transforming the working environment to promote physical activity Population Sheffield work hub - connect the population to services, research and expertise within the Sheffield NCESEM regarding workforce health and physical activity The hub will provide case studies and testimonies of individual and workforce behaviour change and provide evidence based strategies, on-line, DVD and via downloadable pdf's, to assist individuals, communities and the workforce as a whole to initiate and maintain change.
The development of a sporting economy in Sheffield through the NCESEM and associated projects Unlike the physical activity and workforce wellness themes, the evidence for leveraging a sporting economy through interventions is limited Programme of in-depth stakeholder consultation and 'real-world' research to inform interventions later in the programme (years 3-5). Sporting Economy
Professional PhD programme bursaries aimed at individuals employed within the business, voluntary, sport and public health sector Professional PhD programmes supported by 'buy- out' time for research and industry experts within Sheffield and UK Limited research and stakeholder consultation has identified three key research questions: Sporting Economy
WP - 1 How can the NCESEM help create a reputation for Sheffield as an international City of Sport? WP - 2 How can the NCESEM be used to strengthen links between events, sporting participation and sporting economy? WP - 3 Can we develop an economic model for Sport to demonstrate cost-effectiveness (cost to save) benefits for the NHS and health sector?
Robust programme of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness evaluation ‘We will understand what helps a British community to use activity to improve health'. Build a model of best practice Broadcast nationally & internationally Develop reputation Combine data collection with intervention Evidence the legacy. Evaluation
High quality services and enhanced skills legacy Sustained through 'buy-in' from communities & businesses Value & Evidence based approach Consistent brand & message Robust evaluation. Summary: Building the Legacy
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