Mike Reynolds and Geoff Swinn (Trustees, Languages Sheffield) Sheffield Languages Strategy 0-19 Partnership, 19 September 2013 Mike Reynolds & Geoff Swinn
Sheffield Languages Strategy 0-19 Partnership, 19 September 2013 Mike Reynolds & Geoff Swinn Why do we need a Languages Strategy for Sheffield? A challenge to the city Provides a focus for action Brings cohesion to action Importance within the city and more widely Languages are on the agenda but need keeping there
Sheffield Languages Strategy 0-19 Partnership, 19 September 2013 Mike Reynolds & Geoff Swinn A Strategy for the CITY Education Education; Life-long; all sectors = the biggest piece in the jigsawBusinessCommunitiesHealthPolice Local Authority; (e.g. Housing, Social Services)
Sheffield Languages Strategy 0-19 Partnership, 19 September 2013 Mike Reynolds & Geoff Swinn Council of Europe Language Education Policy Profile (LEPP) Sheffield – first and only European city so far to be profiled by the Council of Europe “A revised city Languages Strategy should give careful consideration to the relation and interaction between its own and national initiatives” (page 22) The LEPP team, Round Table visit, February 2009
Sheffield Languages Strategy 0-19 Partnership, 19 September 2013 Contents include Sheffield’s Community Languages (p. 3) Teaching and learning of languages at school (pp. 8-10) Languages and HE (pp.14-16) Languages and Adult Education (p.17) Languages and Business (p.18) ESOL (pp.19 – 20) Translation and Interpreting Services (p.21) Languages in the Public Sector: Health, Police (pp ) Mike Reynolds & Geoff Swinn
Sheffield Languages Strategy 0-19 Partnership, 19 September 2013 The SLS relates to the Speak to the Future campaign ( (SLS, p. 7). The campaign objectives are; 1. Every language valued as an asset Community Languages section) (Community Languages section). 2. A coherent experience of languages for all children in primary schools Teaching & Learning Languages at Primary School) (Teaching & Learning Languages at Primary School). 3. A basic working knowledge of at least two languages including English for every child leaving secondary school Teaching and Learning Languages at Secondary School) (Teaching and Learning Languages at Secondary School) 4. Every graduate qualified in a second language (Languages and Higher Education) (Languages and Higher Education) Mike Reynolds & Geoff Swinn
Sheffield Languages Strategy 0-19 Partnership, 19 September 2013 Mike Reynolds & Geoff Swinn Action Plan: headlines for implementation, sector by sector Implementation Board Representatives from business, communities, schools, higher education; serviced by Languages Sheffield Functions: to monitor implementation; promote the Strategy; raise the profile of Sheffield as a ‘city of languages’; review and develop the Strategy; report to city body taking responsibility for the Strategy; e.g. Sheffield Executive Board; Sheffield City Council
Sheffield Languages Strategy 0-19 Partnership, 19 September 2013 Action Plan: Education Action Plan: Education Language Teachers’ Network Increase the number of teachers of community languages (the HE sector) KS2-KS3 transition & the 7-14 curriculum Combination at A level of language + content subject, e.g. Spanish and Biology, German & Business Studies Festival of languages and language learning Mike Reynolds & Geoff Swinn