Poverty in Numbers Jeremy Aspinall Director of Communications, Church Urban Fund June 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Poverty in Numbers Jeremy Aspinall Director of Communications, Church Urban Fund June 2013

Church Urban Fund Our Mission: To transform the lives of the poorest and most marginalised in England.

Poverty in England?

Research To help people understand the reality of poverty in England. To engage with the issues at a personal level. To get involved in local social action.

Poverty lookup tool

Poverty-related indicators Census No qualifications Social Housing Lone parenthood Ethnic diversity Older population Other Index of Multiple Deprivation Child poverty Working age poverty Pensioner poverty Life expectancy

The web of poverty

Poverty-related indicators Child poverty (2010) % of children in families claiming out of work benefits or tax credits, with income less than 60% of the national median income. Working-age poverty (2012) % of working age adults (16-65) claiming one or more ‘key’ working age benefit, including JSA, ESA, IS and other income-related benefits. Pensioner poverty (2012) % of older people in receipt of the Guarantee Credit element of Pension credit. No qualifications (2011) % of adults (aged 16 and over) with no academic, vocational or professional qualifications. Lone parenthood (2011) Lone parent households as a % of all households with dependent children. Social housing (2011) % of households living in local authority or housing association properties. cuf.org.uk/povertyindicators

Methodology Data remodelled from Lower Super Output Areas (LSOA) to parish boundaries. LSOA data is rounded for confidentiality, so some caution needed in interpretation. Parishes with populations <500 excluded to avoid distortion.

Structure 1.National overview 2.Inequality in England 3.Geographical spread of deprivation 4.Church-based responses

21% % % One fifth of children live in poverty. % in poverty

23% % % One quarter of adults have no qualifications.

Real people exist behind these numbers!

Abby, Newcastle

2. There is marked inequality in England. Lowest in country*Highest in country* Child poverty 0% St Andrew, Southwark 65% St Margaret, Toxteth, Liverpool Working age poverty 1% St Catherine, St Eds & Ipswich 60% St Philip & St Jacob, Bristol Pensioner poverty 0% St Sepulchre, London 69% Holy Trinity, Guildford *By single indicator Life expectancy (boys) 66 years St Peter, Blackburn 88 years Sibford, Oxford Life expectancy (girls) 70 years St Simon & St Jude, Chichester 99 years St Michael, Worcester

Lowest in country*Highest in country* No qualifications 1% St Botolph, Ely 63% St Leonards, Lincoln Lone parenthood 0% St Michael & All Angels, Leicester 67% St Michael & St Martin, Oxford Social housing 0% St Lawrence, Blackburn 87% St Paul, Manchester 2. There is marked inequality in England. *By single indicator

How can churches respond to inequality?

“I am so glad that we have more churches pairing together across the Wirral... I believe God will show us how to develop Christian communities in such a way that they will be a real blessing to the wider community.” The Rt Revd Keith Sinclair Bishop of Birkenhead

10% most deprived parishes 10% least deprived parishes 3. Deprivation is not evenly spread – north-south divide.

Varying child poverty rates in dioceses. % of children living in poverty, by diocese (2010) 4 dioceses with highest rates 4 dioceses with lowest rates

% of working-age adults living in poverty (2012) Varying working-age poverty rates in dioceses. 4 dioceses with highest rates 4 dioceses with lowest rates

% of pensioners living in poverty, by diocese (2012) Varying pensioner poverty rates in dioceses. 4 dioceses with highest rates 4 dioceses with lowest rates

...such as Manchester... Dense clusters of poverty exist in certain dioceses... Mapping of IMD 2010 scores

...compared to Guildford. Mapping of IMD 2010 scores

% of parishes in dioceses that rate amongst the tenth most deprived nationally Manchester45% Birmingham45% Liverpool45% Sheffield33% Durham30% London25% Guildford0% Almost half of parishes in Manchester have high rates of deprivation.

1. CAMBERLEY HEATHERSIDE IMD rank*5 Child poverty6% Working age poverty3% Pensioner poverty3% 2. THE GOOD SHEPHERD, FARNBOROUGH IMD rank*9754 Child poverty23% Working age poverty12% Pensioner poverty22% 3 miles Yet affluence and deprivation can be in very close proximity. Guildford Diocese *where 1 is the least deprived parish in the country

4. How can churches respond to local and national poverty?

54% of parishes (more than 6,500) run organised activities to address at least one social need in their community. 82% of parishes (more than 10,000) have been asked for help and in response have provided informal support. Source: The Church in Action, January 2013 Many churches are already active in their community.

But more social action takes place on council estates and inner city areas. Percentage of parishes in different areas offering organised activities (Church in Action, CUF, January 2013).

Birmingham Bradford Cornwall Chester Lancashire Liverpool Middlesbrough Newcastle Nottingham London Southwark TBC: Durham, Coventry, Bristol

Together: we can transform the lives of the poorest and most marginalised in England.