The Great Invitation Series – Part 1 You are cordially invited to the Event of the Year A Celebration Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Sunday, June 29,2014 At 10:30 a.m. Sheffield Church of God 2280 N. Abbe Rd Sheffield Village, OH R.S.V.P. Today
James 4.8 “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” The call to ‘draw near to God’ is both an invitation and a promise. There is a cry from the heart of God with an intensity which increases each passing day. All of us have friends and people we admire and want to be closer with.
John 1.8 What if Moses had thought, ‘I’ll check this out later when things are under control and it won’t interrupt my day?’ If we don’t respond He does not push His way in. It has always been God’s cry for people to know Him in response to His desire for us.
Noah responded to God’s desire for fellowship and drew near (Genesis 6.9) God invited Abraham to ‘walk before Me’ (Genesis 17.1) Before Jacob was born, God said, ‘Jacob I have loved’ (Romans 9.13) Exodus “…God who is passionate about His relationship with you”
Jesus didn’t just come to save; He came to seek as well, even when we were His enemies. (Luke 19.10) Psalms Psalms “…what is man, that You (God) would take thought of him?” When we were lost in sin and enemies of God, He still sought us out.