Evaluation: National Networks for Collaborative Outreach Institute for Policy Studies in Education (IPSE) London Metropolitan University, and Centre for Education and Inclusion Research (CEIR) Sheffield Hallam University
IPSE:Professor Carole Leathwood Dr Gill O’Toole Dr Maria Tsouroufli CEIR: Professor Jacqueline Stevenson Dr Colin McCaig Dr Manny Madriaga The Evaluation Team
Purpose of the evaluation A qualitative study characterised by: Breadth (all Networks) and depth (case studies), A two-strand design to reflect the two-fold focus of the study (evaluation and support) Evaluation of the Networks to assess their value, beyond existing activity, in terms of enabling co- ordinated, efficient and effective outreach with schools and colleges.
Evaluation Three stages of data collection: Stage 1: Scoping (Feb-Mar 2015) All Networks Baseline data collection (survey) and phone follow-ups (where necessary) Stage 2: In-depth evaluation (Mar-May 2015) Case Studies x 10 Identified / notified by end of March Regional Workshops 16 th June (Sheffield) and 18 th June (London) Stage 3: Final data collection (April-June 2016) All Networks and Case Studies National Workshop September 2016 SUPPORTSUPPORT
Selected indicative survey findings Based on 30 network responses Ten of these are new networks Wide range of target groups: – WP students and low socio-economic groups – Looked after children and care leavers – Learners with disabilities and additional learning needs – Parents – Geographical cold spots, coastal and rural communities – mature and part-time learners – BME students – And.... male learners/under-represented gender groups; teachers; gifted and talented; primary age pupils
Key challenges? Relationships: Collaborations - old and new; competitors Consensus - building from different agenda Managing expectations: Awareness and engagement: Getting 'buy-in' from partners/support Can be patchy Issues of inclusivity and equity Evaluation: Accuracy of information Using HEAT Measuring impact Delivery: Readiness Timescales for outcomes Protocols for spending funds Administrative burden Data management Issues of equity Sustainability: Capacity Currency Timescales/funding
Managing challenges? Target identified schools Clear criteria and processes Early engagement with schools Focus on sustainable activities Build good relationships Establish clear guidelines and agreement from the beginning Learn from other partnerships and sharing information Regular communication Manage expectations Raise awareness Plan Build on existing expertise Set clear objectives Address the issue of evaluation and sustainability from the beginning Regular and open dialogue with all partners Collaboration with partners
Capacity to do the evaluation activities – what you said.. Will be part of the SPoC role and/or recruit specific p/t role Existing research capacity within the outreach team, lead institution and/or partner organisations including use of existing methods/resources Buying-in of external services/toolkits to build internal capacity Making use of HEAT system
How well you feel you evaluate activities A small number have effective systems in place but several ‘could do better’ Good with ‘light-touch’, short-term (e.g. evaluation of events) but less so for more robust and longer- term evaluations Some partners less experienced i.e. FE colleges Identified for CPD/training/development Sharing of knowledge/expertise within/across networks and ‘good practice’
What you would find useful Advice on evaluation framework and different methodological approaches - 90% Guidance on methods of data gathering – 60% Examples of tools, banks of questions 70% Advice on developing tools – 73% Guidance on making sense of data – 70% Opportunity to talk through issues, etc. – 73% Other support – sharing of good practice; clear guidance from HEFCE on what is required
Support we can offer networks Support from experienced researchers via /telephone Support via project website – sharing of relevant documents/toolkits, ‘best practice’, etc. Online forum for: – Exchange of ideas/information – Facilitating peer support and sharing ideas/issues – Answering queries
Next steps The survey Case studies Regional workshops Sharing resources Online forum The website: