European Funds and Social Inclusion Sheffield City Region Eleanor Dearle
Context ESIF Other Funding Growth Deals ESIF Funds support economic growth and support local people and businesses. ESIF funds have to “fit” – 5 tests 1.Operational Programmes 2.Local Need (as set out in LEP plans) 3.The Call 4.National selection criteria 5.Eligible under EU rules and regulations
AIMS 120,000 jobs by ,000 net jobs in 10 Years (creating 96,000) GVA growth by £3 billion 6,000 additional start ups Recognise social inclusion as an integral part of economic development and success Social Inclusion : “To ensure that all parts of Sheffield City Region are able to share in the benefits of Economic Growth.”
Social Inclusion Integration
Potential Timing 2015 WhoFebruaryMarchJune/JulySeptDecember European Commission In Principle letter of comfort Formally endorse OP Government“At Risk” Calls Calls LEPUrgent Calls only (business support???) Lottery Opt –In Social Enterprise?? Community Innovation ??
Other packages Skills Bank Progress 2 Work Learn to Work Growth Hub Access to Finance Innovation Low Carbon Infrastructure Sustainable Urban Development