Old industry in Great Britain The development, the success, the fall Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada ter Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport. Operacija se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov v obdobju , razvojne prioritete: Razvoj človeških virov in vseživljenjsko učenje; prednostne usmeritve: Izboljšanje kakovosti in učinkovitosti sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja.
The Industrial Revolution was another of those extraordinary jumps forward in the story of civilization. (Stephen Gardiner)
Once upon a time… The industrial revolution - period in the late 18th and early 19 th centuries Appearance of machine-based manufacturation, next: – mechanization of the textile industries – development of iron-making techniques – increased use of refined coal
How is it done?
All you need is… An invention, for instance the STEAM ENGINE (and a smart person to invent it: James Watt) Fuel to run it, for instance COAL – lots of it in the England’s mountains If you don’t have it – no biggie, IMPORT it – get TRANSPORTATION – ships, trains, you’ve got ports, so don’t worry Last but not least, get LABOUR FORCE – people are still needed!
And you have the industrial revolution!! Factories grow People gather around the factories Cities begin to grow
Deindustrialization = a sharp decline of traditional heavy and manufacturing industries – from the mid 20 th century Closing down of different industrial plants: – coalmines (from the 1920s) – textile factories (from the 1960s) – shipbuilding yards (from the 1970s) – steelworks (from the 1980s)
WHY?!? coal was replaced by oil cheaper steel from other countries out-of-date technology the loss of Indian market the development of the industry in the USA and Germany appearance of new branches in industry and an increase in the service sector the development of an information-based economy worldwide economic crisis
Consequences follow … great losses of work posts high unemployment rates crisis NO MONEY!!!
Liverpool Port of Liverpool – the “magic wand” for the success Sixth largest district in the world A city and metropolitan borough, along the MERSY estuary Population: , Liverpool Urban Area ( ) Diverse population: oldest Black community, Chinese community, Irish and Welsh population
Economy Port: – By 18 th century trade from west India, Ireland, mainland Europe + Atlantic SLAVE TRADE – by 19 th century 40% of the world’s trade passed through Liverpool dock – today more than 40 million t of cargo and movements annually – related with the Manchester Ship Canal – making the River Mersey Britain’s 3. busiest estuary
FOOT BALL!! Everton Liverpool F.C. – formed in 1892, in the top since 1962 – have won 18 league titles, 7 FA Cups, 7 league Cups, 5 European cups and 3 UEFA Cups – some of the game's finest talents of past and present; these include Ian St. John, Roger Hunt, Ron Yeats, Ian Rush, Robbie Fowler and Steven Gerrard
the Beatles rock and pop band, formed in 1960 in Liverpool consisted of: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Star broke up 1970, continued with solo careers sold more than one BILLION records worldwide
Sheffield: “the steel city” one of the eight largest English cities outside London population: worldwide recognized in the 19th century for its production of STEEL many innovations in the industry were developed locally, for example stainless steel located at the confluence of five rivers Europe’s greenest city
the fall…. deindustrialization caused many problems: unemployment, people leaving… now the Sheffield economy is going through a strong revival still iron and steel industry, coal mining + main focus on Services, finance, business activities, education & health
Six men. With nothing to lose. Who dare to go… FULL MONTY - released in shows what to do if you’re unemployed and need money - won an Oscar for Best Music, Original Musical or Comedy Score - listen to the summary!
Other industrial cities in the UK Cardiff: – coal mining, steel and iron industry – the port area – “the Tiger bay” became the busiest port in the world at it’s peak Manchester: – “Cottonopolis” – cotton processing and textile manufacture Glasgow: – transatlantic trade with the Americas – centre of engineering and shipbuilding Newcastle: – leading centre for coal mining and manufacturing during the IR
New Words decline = to slope downward, to lower oneself branch = a subdivision of a main part dock = the area of water between two piers, a pier that receives a ship for loading, unloading or repairs cargo = material carried by a ship, an aircraft or another vehicle annually = per year estuary = the part of a wide, lower course of a river that is met by the tides confluence = a flowing together of two or more streams revival = the act or an instance of reviving (bringing back to life)
Literature en.wikipedia.org images.google.com CONFUSED?? Primož Černelč, Jernej Falnoga, Ina Majer, Marjetka Obrovnik, Katarina Žagar in Maja Likar, 3.b; 2008/09