CareFirst Caseload Monitoring Report
The report is accessed by opening the Main Menu and from the list displayed opening the folder called Reports followed by Children’s Reports and then selecting Caseload Monitoring Report Caseload Monitoring Report
The Report Parameter screen allows you to select to view either Team or Practitioner information Team shows as the default selection, with the list of teams displayed as the Operational Dashboard Practitioner shows practitioners alphabetically by surname Caseload Monitoring Report TEAMPRACTITIONER
Caseload Monitoring Report As with previous reports you are able to select to view the data for multiple teams or practitioners by holding down the CTRL button and highlighting your required selection
Caseload Monitoring Report Submit Press SUBMIT to view report
Caseload Monitoring Report The top section of the first page contains details of the team / worker allocations for the current month and the preceding four months and the split between case types. In this instance the Team allocations graph is only showing one line, indicating that the number of cases allocated to team and workers are equal.
Caseload Monitoring Report If for any reason the allocation numbers do not match, you can see the discrepancy easily on the allocations graphic
Caseload Monitoring Report The bottom of the first page shows the team allocations, split by worker. Again for this current month and the preceding four months.
Caseload Monitoring Report The following pages of the report show more detail against individual workers: Hours worked per week Job Title (TM, SW, Student SW, Support Worker, YPA) Case numbers and average per month Percentage of caseload that are CP, CP/LAC, LAC or CIN
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