Reporting Child Abuse A Guide for Teachers
Presented by Vava Barton Amy Weatherford Monica Logue
Why teachers? May be the first to see child abuse Must report to proper authorities Are guaranteed confidentiality Are guaranteed immunity from liability
What is child abuse? Physical Abuse Physical Neglect Sexual Abuse Emotional Maltreatment
If you suspect child abuse… Here are some indicators that abuse may be going on inside the home
Physical Abuse Physical Indicators Unexplained bruises or welts Unexplained burns Unexplained lacerations or abrasions Behavioral Indicators Wary of adult contact Behavioral extremes Afraid to go home
Physical Neglect Physical Indicators Consistent hunger Poor hygiene Inappropriate dress Unattended medical problems Behavioral Indicators Begging or stealing food Constant fatigue or falling asleep Extended time at school
Sexual Abuse Physical Indicators Difficulty walking or sitting Torn or bloody underclothing STDs Pregnancy Behavioral Indicators Unwilling to change clothes for PE Unusual sexual behavior or knowledge Withdrawal or fantasy behavior
Emotional Maltreatment Physical Indicators Speech Disorders Lags in physical development Failure-to-thrive Behavioral Indicators Habit disorders Behavior extremes Lags in mental and emotional development Attempted suicide
If a child tells you… Any time a child tells you that abuse is happening in the home, it must be reported.
In your classroom Use age-appropriate language to discuss abuse Make your classroom a safe place Listen to what children talk about with each other Watch for behaviors
How to report abuse Florida Abuse Hotline ABUSE or As a courtesy, notify your principal that a report is being made.
Things to include in your report Name and address of child and parent or guardian Child’s age, race, sex, and names of siblings Identity of abuser, if known Any information that you feel would be helpful in establishing cause of injury or neglect Child’s location at time of report Your name, address, and telephone number, if desired
After you report… Department of Children and Families is notified and provides an investigator. Law enforcement investigates any criminal aspects. Child Protective Team conducts interview or examination.
What may happen? Family may receive intervention or support from a counselor Child may be removed from the home Criminal charges may be brought
After the report is made Comfort the child Assure child that people who are investigating are there to help Continue to observe child for any further signs of abuse