Modeling, Not Drafting, a Post-Tensioned Structure Joy Beers, SE LEED AP Structural Engineer at Leo A Daly Tomas Amor Structural Engineer at HGA Image courtesy of Hobart, Yañez, Ramos, Maguey, and Martínez
Joy Beers Licensed SE in California LEED Accredited Professional Structural Engineer at Leo A Daly Penn State University, Bachelor and Master (1999) Using Revit for projects since 2004 Project experience with Arch and MEP models 3 day turn around on proposals Building Families for Structure and Architecture Modeling instead of drafting most elements
Tomas Amor Structural Engineer at HGA (4 years) Structural Technician at HGA (6 years) University of Minnesota, Bachelors Chippewa Valley Technical College, Associate Using Revit for projects since 2005 Multidisciplinary project experience in full-service firm Revit management and implementation firm-wide Building families for Revit Structure Provide training for Revit Architecture and Structure
Agenda Modeling Philosophy Core PT Tendon Families Development Nested Family Use and Completed Families Modeling Parking Structure and Use of Families Documenting Model and Presentation Downstream Benefits Limitations
Modeling Philosophy: Why model PT tendons? Modeled elements appear in all views Modeled elements can be tagged Modeled elements can be seen in other models Modeled elements can be scheduled Consistent modeling can reduce project time
Modeling Philosophy: Why model PT tendons?
Agenda Modeling Philosophy Core PT Tendon Families Development Nested Family Use and Completed Families Modeling Parking Structure and Use of Families Documenting Model and Presentation Downstream Benefits Limitations
Core Families: Hand Sketch
Core Family: Single Span
Core Family: Limitations Category Parabola 10 foot limitation
Core Family: End Span
Core Family: Straight
Core Family: Anchorage
Agenda Modeling Philosophy Core PT Tendon Families Development Nested Family Use and Completed Families Modeling Parking Structure and Use of Families Documenting Model and Presentation Downstream Benefits Limitations
Nested Family: Multi-Span Slab Tendons
Completed Family: Slab Tendons
Completed Family: Straight Tendons
Completed Family: Beam Tendons
Agenda Modeling Philosophy Core PT Tendon Families Development Nested Family Use and Completed Families Modeling Parking Structure and Use of Families Documenting Model and Presentation Downstream Benefits Limitations
Use in Project: Parking Garage
Use in Project: Modeling the PT
Use in Project: Modeling mild Reinforcement
Agenda Modeling Philosophy Core PT Tendon Families Development Nested Family Use and Completed Families Modeling Parking Structure and Use of Families Documenting Model and Presentation Downstream Benefits Limitations
Use in Project: Documentation Graphical representation in plan views Stressing End Dead End Tags Report CGS values at mid-span and supports Report Stressing force
Use in Project: Documentation Traditional vs. Modern Plans
Use in Project: Documentation Detailing Stressing End Dead End
Agenda Modeling Philosophy Core PT Tendon Families Development Nested Family Use and Completed Families Modeling Parking Structure and Use of Families Documenting Model and Presentation Downstream Benefits Limitations
Downstream Benefits: Schedules
Agenda Modeling Philosophy Core PT Tendon Families Development Nested Family Use and Completed Families Modeling Parking Structure and Use of Families Documenting Model and Presentation Downstream Benefits Limitations
Modeling versus Drafting File Size Core Family Reinforcement category Parabola Modeling with Completed family Warped and sloped slabs Can’t do clash detection between PT and rebar Documentation Elevation at CGS
Conclusion Modeling Philosophy Modeling Post Tensioning Documentation Benefits
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