Civil 2010 Release Note Integrated Design System for Building and General Structures
Enhancements Pre/Post Processing 1.Addition of Grillage Model Wizard 2.Tapered Section Group can be defined for General Composite Section 3.Inputted tendon profile can be displayed at cross sections in a real scale 4.Addition of Automesh and much more… Analysis part 1.Applying Plate and Solid Elements to Structural Masonry Material 2.Addition of Multi-Linear Type Elastic Link and much more… Design part 1.Addition of AASHTO LRFD PSC Design 2.Addition of EC2-2:2005 Pier Design and much more…
(1)Addition of Grillage Model Wizard (2)Tapered Section Group can be defined for General Composite Section (3)Inputted tendon profile can be displayed at cross sections in a real scale (4)Addition of Automesh (5)Addition of Create Converted Line Elements function (6)Improvements in Beam Wizard (7)Assigning Inertial Forces of RS analysis into Nodal Loads (8)Addition of Cutting Diagram Display for Plane Strain elements (9)Addition of Chinese section DB (GB-YB05) (10)Display Stiffness for Rigid Type Elastic Link in the Analysis Output File (11)Shading for Solid and Planar Elements in Wireframe View (12)Display element color by element types, material types or section types (13)Addition of Sort Groups by Name feature (14)Renumbering the existing element numbers in the reversed order Detailed Enhancement List in Pre & Post processing
midas Civil Enhancement 4 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note Addition of Grillage Model Wizard with which a wide bridge can be modeled as a Grillage Type A bridge of Grillage Model Type can be modeled and analyzed easily using the Wizard. 1. Addition of Grillage Model Wizard Model > Structure Wizard > Grillage Model Wizard
midas Civil Enhancement 5 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note 2. Tapered Section Group can be defined for General Composite Section Tapered Section Group can be defined for General Composite Sections. Now the tapered section group can be defined even to general composite sections. Therefore, there is no need to define intermediate sections for each and every element. Define Tapered Section Group for General Composite Sections Model > Properties > Tapered Section Group
midas Civil Enhancement 6 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note 3. Inputted tendon profile can be displayed at cross sections in a real scale Query > Cross Section Viewer Inputted tendon profile can be displayed at cross sections in a real scale Complex tendon profiles can be checked at cross sections of each element with ducts.
midas Civil Enhancement 7 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note Mesh generation feature is newly implemented for slab and wall members. Generated mesh elements are fully compatible with analysis and design feature. Automesh considering interior nodes, elements and openings is available. Automesh 4 Nodes Map-mesh Using Auto-mesh Planar Area function, we can generate meshes for various shapes of areas. In order to specify the area, select the corresponding Nodes, Line elements or Planar elements. Using Map-mesh 4-Node Area function, we can generate regular shape of meshes for 4- nodes area. We can specify the number of divisions for x and y- axis separately. Automesh and Map-mesh 4. Addition of Automesh Model > Mesh > Auto-mesh Planar Area Model > Mesh > Map-mesh 4-Node Area
midas Civil Enhancement 8 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note Check on Mesh Inner Domain option to generate meshes in the interior openings. When this option is checked off, the program automatically recognize the closed areas and mesh elements are not generated in the corresponding areas. Default setting is check-off. Mesh Inner Domain option Include Interior Nodes/Lines option Check on to consider nodes or lines when generating meshes. In order to specify nodes and lines, auto and user defined methods are available. Include Interior Lines option can consider beam, planer and solid elements. Boundary Connectivity Boundary connectivity for adjacent areas is automatically considered. If the user do not want to consider the boundary connectivity by intention, the user can check off Include Boundary Connectivity option. Default setting is check-on. Meshing
midas Civil Enhancement 9 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note Check on Delete Source Line Element option to delete line elements when generating meshes. When this option is checked off and Subdivide Source Line Element option is check-on, line elements will be divided along the mesh size. Delete Boundary Line Element When mesh elements are generated, Boundary line elements are divided along the mesh size. Divided line elements are assigned as one member for design. This option is activated when Delete Source Line Element option is check-off. Subdivide Boundary Line Element Meshing When mesh elements are generated, predefined loads are automatically redistributed along the mesh elements. Re-distribute pressure loads Meshing
midas Civil Enhancement 10 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note Automesh applications Arch tube Bracket Subway Station CaissonSubway Station
midas Civil Enhancement 11 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note Generate line beam elements on the outlines of the planar elements. When Create only on Periphery Region option is checked on, beam elements are generated on the outmost lines only. This function is useful to create line elements after meshing plate elements. Simultaneous conversion by multiple selection When Create Only on Periphery Region option is checked-on When Create Only on Periphery Region option is checked off Model > Element > Create Converted Line Elements 5. Addition of Create Converted Line Elements function
midas Civil Enhancement 12 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note Span-oriented input type for Beam Wizard is newly implemented. In the new version, beam el ements with different spans can be rapidly generated. Type 1: Generate beam elements based on the beam length. Beam elements with different le ngths can be generated simultaneously. (Ex. 5.0, 3.0, 4.5, Type 2: Generate beam elements based on the distance between the nodes and the number of repetitions. Model > Structure Wizard > Beam Old versionCivil Improvements in Beam Wizard
midas Civil Enhancement 13 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note Inertial forces resulting from response spectrum analysis can be converted to nodal loads in th e specified load case. The procedure is as follows: In the 'Nodal Results of RS' table, right-click and select 'Convert to Nodal Load' menu. In the 'Convert to Nodal Load' dialog, select desired RS load case and Mode. 'Combined' component of Mode represents modal combination results. Select or create load case to generate the nodal loads. Results > Result Tables > Nodal Results of RS 7. Assigning Inertial Forces of RS analysis into Nodal Loads
midas Civil Enhancement 14 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note Cutting diagram can be displayed for plane strain elements. In the old version, it was available for plate elements only. Check cutting diagram in contour for 2-D structures which consist of plane strain elements such as dams, breakwaters, tunnels and retaining walls. Results > Stresses > Plane Strain Stresses 8. Addition of Cutting Diagram Display for Plane Strain elements Cutting diagram can be displayed for plane strain elements. In the old version, it was available for plate elements only. Chinese section DB (GB-YB05) has been newly added. Following section shapes are available based on GB-YB05: Angle, Channel, I-section, T-section, Box, Pipe, Double angle, Double channel, Cold formed channel 9. Addition of Chinese section DB (GB-YB05)
midas Civil Enhancement 15 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note Model > Boundaries > Elastic Link Analysis > Perform Analysis Stiffness of rigid type elastic link are now produced in the analysis output file (*.out). Guideline for the modeling of fixed bearing supports: An Elastic Link is frequently used for the modeling of a bearing that connects the superstructure and the substructure. To represent a movable direction and a constrained direction, the stiffness of the Link is entered as 0 or infinity. When the stiffness for infinity is not appropriate, errors can be encountered. If the stiffness is too small, it cannot represent the infinity properly. If the stiffness is too large, the analysis result can be distorted (eg, a very small horizontal reaction can be multiplied by too large stiffness in case of a curved bridge). To avoid this problem, we recommend 10e5 times the largest stiffness of the entire structure as the infinite stiffness. 10. Display Stiffness for Rigid Type Elastic Link in the Analysis Output File
midas Civil Enhancement 16 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note Shading View > Display Option Shading option for solid and planer elements is newly implemented. In addition, the user can adjust the transparency for shading display. 11. Shading for Solid and Planar Elements in Wireframe View Random element color can be automatically defined by element types, material types or section types. For pre-generated e lements, assign ran dom element color by properties by cli cking [Random Colo r] button. For newly created e lements, assign ran dom element color by properties by ch ecking on ‘Assign R andom Color’ optio n. View > Display Option 12. Display element color by element types, material types or section types Draw tabColor tab
midas Civil Enhancement 17 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note In the old version, if a structure group ‘Seg5-1’ is newly created, it was located at the bottommost of the group list. In Civil 2010, the user can change the group order based on the construction sequence. Model > Group > Define Structure (Boundary / load / Tendon) Group Automatically put a list of groups in alphabetical order or individually change group order. This feature helps the user quickly organize and understand group data better especially for construction stage analysis. Old version Civil Addition of Sort Groups by Name feature
midas Civil Enhancement 18 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note In Civil 2010, (-)X, (-)Y and (-)Z directions are newly added reversed order reversed order Model > Nodes > Renumbering Renumber the existing element (node) numbers in the reversed order for the GCS direction. For pile or frame elements, renumber the element (node) numbers in the direction of gravity. Model > Elements > Renumbering Pile elements Frame 14. Renumbering the existing element (node) numbers in the reversed order
(1)Applying Plate and Solid Elements to Structural Masonry Material (2)Addition of Multi-Linear Type Elastic Link (3)Considering Mass Participation Factor for Rotational direction (4)Improvement on FEMA type pushover hinge properties (5)Considering the effects by self-weight in pushover analysis (6)Improvements in Inelastic Hinge Properties of SRC Beam member Detailed Enhancement List in Analysis
midas Civil Enhancement 20 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note 1. Applying Plate and Solid Elements to Structural Masonry Material Plate elements, 4-nodes tetra solid and 6-nodes wedge solid elements can be applied for Structural Masonry material for plastic analysis. Model > Properties > Plastic Material
midas Civil Enhancement 21 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note P δ 2. Addition of Multi-Linear type Elastic Link Multi-linear type elastic link is newly added. This feature is extremely useful when we model bi-linear springs between bridge decks and rails to evaluate axial forces in the rails considering nonlinear behavior of ballast due to a temperature and braking load. Model > Boundaries > Elastic Link
midas Civil Enhancement 22 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note 3. Considering Mass Participation Factors for Rotational Directions Mass participation factors for all the rotational directions can be calculated regardless of the “Floor Diaphragm”. In the old version, mass participation factors for transfer directions were only considered if “Floor Diaphragm” is not considered. Results > Vibration Mode Shape Results > Result Tables > Vibration Mode Shape Old versionCivil 2010 Vibration Mode Shape Vibration Mode Shape Table
midas Civil Enhancement 23 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note 4. Improvement on FEMA type pushover hinge properties In the old version, M/MY at the point D and E must have the same value. In Civil 2010, differen t values can be defined. It is applicable when the Interaction Type is ‘None’ and Input Method i s ‘User Input’. This function is implemented to support the integration between SERCB win and midas Civil. Design > Pushover analysis > Define Pushover Hinge Properties [Pushover analysis result in Civil] [SERCB win]
midas Civil Enhancement 24 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note 5. Considering self-weight in the Pushover Analysis In the old version, self-weight for beam members were only considered in pushover analysis. It is now considered for all the member types. 6. Improvements in Inelastic Hinge Properties of SRC Beam member Inelastic hinge can be now defined for SRC(encased) beam members. In the old version, inelastic hinge was not able to be assigned to SRC(encased) beam elements. Model > Properties > Inelastic Hinge Properties
Detailed Enhancement List in Design part (1)Addition of AASHTO LRFD PSC Design (2)Addition of EC2-2:2005 Pier Design (3)Improvement in calculating effective length in the steel structure (4)Addition of new rebar DB UNI standard
midas Civil Enhancement 26 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note 1. Addition of AASHTO LRFD PSC Design Design > PSC Design > PSC Design PSC section design as per AASHTO LRFD(2008) has been newly added. Following results are verified: Check Stress for cross section at construction stage Check Stress for pre-stressing tendons Check Stress for cross section at service loads Principal stress at construction stage Principal stress at service loads (Max shear force) Principal stress at service loads (Max torsion force) Check flexural strength Check shear strength PSC Design Parameter Check Stress for cross section at construction stage Check stress for cross section at service loads
midas Civil Enhancement 27 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note 2. Addition of EC2-2:2005 Pier Design Design > Concrete Design > Concrete Code Design > Column Design Pier Design as per EC2-2:2005 has been newly added. 3. Improvement in calculating effective length in the steel structure Improvement in calculating effective length in the steel structure according to the Chinese spe cification Design > General Design Parameter > Unbraced Length Old version A. Braced frame B. Unbraced frame Civil 2010 A. Braced frame B. Unbraced frame
midas Civil Enhancement 28 / 28 midas Civil 2010 Release Note 4. Addition of new rebar DB UNI standard (Italian Organization for Standardization ) New rebar DB, B450C, is newly added based on UNI Standard (Italian Organiz ation for Standardization). Design > Concrete Design Parameter > Modify Concrete Materials