SKIN, Muscular System, Skeletal System QUIZ
Thickest part of the skin….. Melanin Dermis Vitamin D
Essential nutrient produces in the epidermis……… Melanin Dermis Vitamin D
Pigment that gives your skin color…… Melanin Dermis Vitamin D
Excretions from this structure help to regulate body temperature….. Epidermis Sweat Glands Oil Glands
The top layer of skin….. Epidermis Sweat Glands Oil Glands
Excretions from this structure help to prevent disease in the body….. Epidermis Sweat Glands Oil Glands
List 3 Functions of the skin….. 1. P rotect the body 2. E xcrete wastes 3. R egulate body temperature
What does the skin need to produce Vitamin D? Sunlight
How many sweat glands are there in the body? 2-3 Million
Connective tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone? Voluntary Tendon Striations Smooth
Stripes that appear on skeletal and cardiac muscles? Voluntary Tendon Striations Smooth
Muscles that move when you want them to. Voluntary Tendon Striations Smooth
Type of muscle that moves the internal organs. Voluntary Tendon Striations Smooth
Type of muscle found in the heart? Involuntary Cardiac Skeletal Contract
The only movement of our muscles. Involuntary Cardiac Skeletal Contract
Muscles that move without out control. Involuntary Cardiac Skeletal Contract
Type of muscle that help move our bones. Involuntary Cardiac Skeletal Contract
List 2 Functions of the muscular system….. 1. Movement and Flexibility 2. Keeps our Bones in Position
Give two examples of VOLUNTARY muscles. 1. ARM 2. LEG
Give two examples of an involuntary muscle. 1. HEART 2. Stomach
You have over ________ muscles in your body? 600
How do your muscles help increase your body temperature? Make you SHIVER
What Molecule is broken down to give our muscles energy? GLUCOSE
What is the Chemical Formula for GLUCOSE? C H O 6126
What are the 3 functions of the skeletal system? 1. Give Support 2. Protect Internal Organs 3. Forms blood cells
Give an example of a bone that protects internal organs? RIBS
The place where bones come together is called a ____________ Joint
What is made in the bone Marrow? Red Blood Cells
The tough band of tissue that holds bones together at the joint is called? Ligiments
Give two examples of a hinge joint 1. Elbow 2. Knee
Give one example of a ball and socket joint Shoulder
Name the two important nutrients needed for the building of strong bones and teeth? 1.Phosphorus 2. Calcium
The tough outer membrane of the bone is called the ____________________________ Periosteum
Smooth material found at the ends of the bones that help with movement. Cartilage