THINGS TO REMEMBER GOING FOR HELP – when to go for help. Check swing Call time Step out to the side the partner is on, remove mask and with the left hand, point the partner and ask, DID SHE GO? Partner responses verbally and with a signal Pulled foot Swipe tag
TERMS TO REMEMBER 90 DEGREE ANGLE (TAG) – the path of the runner into a base or tag not involving a base together with the umpire’s line of vision, form a 90 degree angle. 90 DEGREE ANGLE (THROW) – the location on force plays. The path of the ball (throw) to a base together with the umpire’s line of vision form a 90 degree angle. ALWAYS WORK FOR A 90 DEGREE ANGLE!
TERMS TO REMEMBER Ball status – this occurs between plays. One umpire MUST always be aware of the situation so runners never leave a base and violate leaving a base while the ball is in the circle being held by the pitcher. Once all play has ended, the plate umpire will signal for the base umpire to move to their next calling position. Once the base umpire reaches their next calling position, they signal to the plate umpire that they have the base runner(s) for leaving early before the next pitch. The plate umpire then moves into their position behind the catcher for the next pitch.
TERMS TO REMEMBER HOLDING POSITION – an area from which you can choose a position for an impending play or a variety of plays. A holding position is NEVER a calling position.
TERMS TO REMEMBER WORKING BETWEEN PITCHES - Preparatory movement toward a possible play after a pitch is not hit. If there is no immediate play to a base by the catcher on a pitch not hit, you should move toward a position for a possible delayed play on the lead runner
TERMS TO REMEMBER PRIMARY POSITION – the initial location assumed by an umpire. CALLING POSITION – the subsequent movement or adjustment, usually one or two steps from the PRIMARY POSITION. SECONDARY POSITION – the subsequent location assumed after the initial play or after a runner has obtained a base.
BETWEEN INNING MECHANICS Move to a position on the edge of the grass about 15’ inside the 1st base foul line. Plate umpire moves to the side of the team taking the field. Watching the on-deck batter.
NO ONE ON - MOVEMENT WITH PITCH No one on. Movement with the pitch.
STANDARD MOVEMENT WITH BASE HIT THROUGH THE INFIELD The base umpire button hooks into the infield. Is responsible for the batter-runner all the way to 3rd base. Base umpire also must watch for any trail runner(s) touching their bases. Plate umpire comes into the infield, always from around the right hand batters box, following the play and then moves to the holding zone between 3rd and home. Plate umpire watches the lead runner(s) touching their base(s).
FLY BALL - NO ONE ON BASE No one on. Fly ball down the left field line.
RUNNER ON 1ST – GROUND BALL IN THE INFIELD Base umpire starts 1 step behind and to the left of the 2nd baseman. On a double play, take one step toward 2nd, follow the ball, and move back towards 1st letting the ball take you there. Plate umpire trails batter-runner towards 1st and then moves to holding zone if need be.
RUNNER ON FIRST - GROUND BALL INFIELD Runner on first. Ground ball to infield.
RUNNER ON 1ST - FLY BALL Plate umpire moves in the direction of the fly ball, then to the holding zone between 3rd and home. Base umpire has the tag at 1st and takes the runner all the way to 3rd after the catch.
RUNNER ON FIRST - FLY BALL Runner on first. Fly ball near left field line.
RUNNER On 2nd – GROUND BALL TO THE INFIELD Base umpire takes position 1 step behind and to the left of the shortstop. Takes first throw in the infield. Plate umpire follow the batter-runner a couple of steps towards 1st, then move towards 3rd for the possible play.
RUNNER ON SECOND. GROUND BALL IN THE INFIELD. Runner on second. Fly ball near left field line..
RUNNER ON 2ND - FLY BALL Base umpire starts 1 step behind and to the left of the shortstop. Base umpire moves into the infield and in position for the tag up at 2nd base. Base umpire is also responsible for batter-runner tagging 1st base in the event the fly ball is not caught. Plate umpire has the catch / no catch on the fly ball. Plate umpire moves to the holding area between home and third. Be prepared for a possible play at third.
RUNNER ON SECOND - FLY BALL Runner on second. Fly ball center field.
RUNNER ON 3RD – GROUND BALL TO THE INFIELD Base umpire starts 1 step behind and to the right of the shortstop. Base umpire read the play for moving to your next position. Base umpire keep in mind that if the first throw is to 3rd, you have that call. Plate umpire moves to the holding zone, watching the runner and react depending on where the play goes.
RUNNER ON THIRD - INFIELD GROUND BALL Runner on third. Fly ball left field.
RUNNER ON 3RD - FLY BALL Base umpire starts 1 step behind and to the right of the shortstop. Base umpire has the batter-runner touching 1st. And the batter-runner all the way to third if the fly ball is dropped. Plate umpire moves to the holding zone to watch the fly ball, if caught, watch the tag and move to the calling position either at 3rd base or home.
RUNNERS ON 1ST AND 2ND – GROUND BALL TO THE INFIELD Base umpire is positioned one step behind and to the left of the shortstop . Base umpire has any call involving the first throw in the infield. Plate umpire moves to the holding zone between 3rd and home. Plate umpire has calls at 3rd for any runner other than the first throw.
RUNNERS ON FIRST AND SECOND - GROUND BALL INFIELD Runners on first and second. Fly ball left field.
RUNNERS ON 1ST AND 2ND - FLY BALL Base umpire starts 1 step behind and to the left of the shortstop. Base umpire moves to a position to watch for the tag up at 1st. Base umpire has any possible play at 2nd base. Plate umpire moves in a position to line-up the lead runner watching for the tag up and has any possible call at 3rd base.
RUNNERS ON FIRST AND SECOND - FLY BALL Runners on first and second. Fly ball left center field.
RUNNERS ON 1ST AND 3RD - INFIELD GROUND BALL The base umpire is positioned one step behind and to the right of the shortstop. The base umpire has the first throw in the infield. If play is to 1st base, the plate umpire watches the lead runner touch home and then moves to the holding zone between the home and 3rd for a possible play on the second runner.
RUNNERS ON FIRST AND THIRD - INFIELD GROUND BALL Runners on first and third. Fly ball left field.
RUNNERS ON 1ST AND 3RD - FLY BALL The base umpire is positioned one step behind and to the right of the shortstop. Base umpire moves into the infield in position for the tag up at 1st base. Be prepared to take her into 2nd base. Plate umpire moves to holding zone. Has tag at 3rd and possible play at the plate.
RUNNERS ON FIRST AND THIRD - FLY BALL Runners on first and third. Fly ball right center field.
RUNNERS ON 2ND AND 3RD – INFIELD GROUND BALL. Base umpire is positioned one step behind and to the right of the shortstop. Base umpire has the first throw in the infield. Plate umpire if the play is at 1st base, watch the lead runner touch home, then move to holding zone for any possible play at 3rd in the runner on 2nd advances.
RUNNERS ON SECOND AND THIRD - INFIELD GROUND BALL Runners on second and third. Fly ball left field.
RUNNERS ON 2ND AND 3RD - FLY BALL Base umpire is positioned one step behind and to the right of the shortstop. Base umpire gets inside of the infield, getting in position to watch the tag up at 2nd base. Takes that runner to 3rd base. Plate umpire goes to holding zone and has tag at 3rd and that runner to the plate.
RUNNERS ON SECOND AND THIRD - FLY BALL Runners on second and third. Fly ball center field.
BASES LOADED – INFIELD GROUND BALL Base umpire is positioned one step behind and to the right of the shortstop. Has first throw in the infield, other than the plate. If the first throw goes somewhere other than the plate, the plate umpire watches the runner touch home and then moves to the holding zone for a possible play on a second runner.
BASES LOADED - INFIELD GROUND BALL Bases loaded. Fly ball left field.
BASES LOADED - FLY BALL Base umpire is positioned one step behind and to the right of the shortstop. Base umpire comes into the infield and watches the tags at 2nd and 1st. Be prepared for a possible play at 2nd base. Plate umpire goes to holding zone, has tag at 3rd and possible play at the plate.
BASES LOADED. FLY BALL Bases loaded. Fly ball center field. .