Implementing “CLEAN Address” Address Validation Software at Oakland University
2 Topics “CLEAN Address” Overview Benefits and features of “CLEAN Address” Error Messages Overriding Error Messages Demo/Examples
3 “CLEAN Address” Overview Created by Runner Technologies “CLEAN Address” is: a 100% integrated solution for address verification in Banner Considered a Banner “add-on” Real-Time Seamless Integration for: Internet Native Banner – all %%IDEN forms (APAIDEN) Web Self-Service Works with USPS – updates regularly Integrated Batch Verification
4 Address Validation - Benefits Improved data quality for addresses Reduce or eliminate undelivered/returned mail Reduce costs of mailing Faster mail delivery Planning to go live on October 2 nd Only Address Type 01 – others to follow Data entry speed not necessarily a benefit Allow end-user self-service updates on the Web: –Reduce centralized data entry –This feature will be available soon
5 Clean_Address: Enforces the Banner address “rules” –All business rules are stored centrally in package –Optional parameters – expand street suffix –30 character Street limitation –20 character City limitation –Puts apartment on same line as address –Assigns correct county code –Appends ZIP+4 to ZIP Code –Stores verification date and address error code
6 Banner Forms Examples
7 Minimum data can be entered
8 If valid, remaining address is auto-completed to USPS standard
9 Address error can be over- ridden in forms
10 Invalid address can be saved
11 Multiple matches will provide a suggestion list
12 Automatic Updates to Address When there is only one possible choice, the correction is automatically made. The person entering the information does not need to make a decision. Data entry: This page shows the fields as typed. Note that the user has not yet tabbed out of the zip code field. When this is done, the information in Street Line 1 will be changed (along with populating the other address fields). Clean Address Correction: When the user “tabbed” out of the zip code field, Street Line 1 was updated with “N” and “St” per Clean Address standards. The other address fields were populated as normal.
13 Street Number Invalid In this case, the street number entered is not valid. A list of valid addresses is shown. When OK is clicked, the address is updated per the zip code (city, state, etc) but no change was made the street number. The user must make the appropriate change. Clean Address will allow the user to save the record even though it is not valid.
14 Multiple Options In the picture below, there are 2 possible choices for 103 Gainsborough in Royal Oak, MI. There is a “N” and a “S.” The pop up box advises of the multiple matches. Again, the user can save the record as is – even with an incorrect address.
15 The following error message screen appeared in SPAIDEN, under the Address tab, when Street Line 1 was incorrectly changed to Click on OK for more options More options No specific address given as a choice – just a range. Click OK and 2 nd box appears. Click OK and both boxes disappear. Address is changed to 7335
16 Opening SPAIDEN again shows that the incorrect change was saved. Choosing Yes on the Save changes box ignored the error message
17 Changing the City field to Clinton Township activated this error message
18 Changing State from MI to AZ activated this error message
19 Changing Zip to activated this error screen
20 Change County to 009 using the search button. Click on OK and Save.
21 Answering Yes in the Save Box Window will save the changes – even though they are incorrect.
22 Self-Service Examples
23 Partial address can be entered
24 Errors can not be overridden in Self-Service
25 If valid, remaining address is auto-completed to USPS standard
26 Manual Overrides Overrides OK but: –Should do a search on the web: Google Etc. Try to keep overrides to a minimum – take the time to search Sometimes unavoidable because of early warning system Double-check at USPS or clean-address site