Softball Rules Clinic Rules 9-10
Scrimmage Use indicators in the field and behind the plate No ball bags in the field Field umpire carry brush to clean pitcher’s plate Be verbal Set up in the slot head at the top of strike zone don’t get too low Communicate with partner
Scrimmage Give proper signals Call balls or strikes (don’t explain unless you are asked, low, high, inside, outside ) Be sure ball is back in circle before you call time Take mask off and move out from behind the plate Don’t turn your back to the ball
Scrimmage Navy shirt - blue undershirt Light blue - shirt white under shirt Watch eye black and jewelry Know your coverage area field umpire 1 st play on the infield Watch for pitcher’s foot outside 24 inch plate Don’t call foul balls too early and kill play on the ball
Ref Pay Be sure you have set up a free Ref Pay account Pay Dates: March 9, March 23, April 6, April 20, May 4, May 18
Rule 9 Scoring and Record Keeping A run is not scored if the runner advances to home plate during action in which the third out is made as follows: A. by the batter-runner before touching first base; B. by another runner being forced out; C. by preceding runner who is declared out because of failing to touch one of the bases; D. when a third out is declared out on an appeal play resulting in a force out ( This play takes precedence over if enforcing of it would negate a score.); E. when there is more than one out declared by the umpire which terminates the half inning ( the defensive team may select the out which is to its advantage.); F. when a runner crosses home plate after a preceding runner is declared the third out.
Rule 10 Umpiring The proper handling of any softball game requires each member of the umpire crew to hustle at all times. In addition the following three factors are essential to the success of any umpire: 1. Judgment 2. Mechanics and technique 3. Knowledge of the rules
Prerequisites for Good Umpiring 1. Physical Conditioning 2.Make decisions positively and promptly 3.Umpire Crew Cohesiveness 4. Complete Knowledge of the Rules 5.Proper Mechanics (Rule Book p.86, Case Book p.77) 6. Tune Out Spectators 7.Sell the call without “Showboating” 8.Keep the game moving 9.Keep a dignified attitude 10. Make decisions based on fact
Umpire to Umpire Pregame Date prior to game- Confirm game site and time Dress Alike At game site- Review new rules Discuss foul line coverage and dead-ball area coverage Review pitching and illegal pitch rules and who is responsible for what calls Review check swing mechanics Review keeping track of balls, strikes, outs and warm-up pitches Review communication Review field inspection (walk the field), check equipment Review procedures for pregame conference with head coaches Review field ground rules Know about pregame ceremonies Be courteous, considerate and professional Make sure you have a brush, indicator and the plate umpire has mask, ball bag, etc. Be sure to arrive in time to perform these duties
Pregame Conference With Head Coaches The plate umpire should be positioned behind home plate facing the outfield with each team’s head coach on each side of home plate. The base umpire will be opposite the plate umpire facing the backstop. Team captains and assistant coaches may also attend the conference.
Pregame 1. The plate umpire should introduce himself/herself and his/her partner to all in attendance. Have all others introduce themselves to each other. 2. The plate umpire shall have coaches verify that their players and equipment are legal. 3. Review ground rules. Cover all openings and obstacles. 4. Review line-up cards. 5. Ask if there are any questions. 6. Remind the teams that the home book is official and scorekeepers should verify with each other several times throughout the game. 7. Remind teams that if there are any questions, only the head coach should approach the umpire. 8. Review with all that good sportsmanship is expected and wish them good luck.
Line-Up Card Num. Player Pos. 1 C. Albergine 1 2 B. Allen 2 3 K. Badger 3 4 L. Bandy DP 5 J. Bankhead 4 6 K. Barnes 5 7 R. Benfield 6 8 P. Bolick 7 9 A. Brown 8 10 T. Clark (Flex) 9 Substitutes 11 P. Devine 12 L. Cline 13 T. Cody 14 E, Curtis 15 C. Dedmon
Sample Exercise Bandy (DP) bats and gets on base safely The offensive coach calls time to make a change Clark (Flex) will run for Bandy Note Bandy has left the game
Sample 1 Line-up Num. Player Pos. 1 Albergine 1 2 Allen 2 3 Badger 3 4 Bandy DP 5 Bankhead 4 6 Barnes 5 7 Benfield 6 8 Bolick 7 9 Brown 8 10 Clark (Flex) 9 Substitutes 11 Devine 12 Cline 13 Cody 14 Curtis 15 Dedmon
Sample # 2 Two innings later, Clark singles to left The offensive coach calls time to make a change Devine (sub) will run for Clark and Clark (flex) will still be playing right field Note Devine enters the game for the first time and is the new DP Clark (flex) has not left the game – back to defense only
Sample #2 Line-up Num. Player Pos. 1 Albergine 1 2 Allen 2 3 Badger 3 4 Bandy DP 5 Bankhead 4 6 Barnes 5 7 Benfield 6 8 Bolick 7 9 Brown 8 10 Clark (Flex) 9 Substitutes 11 Devine 12 Cline 13 Cody 14 Curtis 15 Dedmon
Sample # 3 In the 4 th inning the offensive coach calls time to make a change Bandy (DP) to re-enter to bat for Devine Note Bandy has used her re-entry and Devine has left the game and has a re-entry remaining
Sample#3 Line-up Num. Player Pos. 1 Albergine 1 2 Allen 2 3 Badger 3 4 Bandy DP 5 Bankhead 4 6 Barnes 5 7 Benfield 6 8 Bolick 7 9 Brown 8 10 Clark (Flex) 9 Substitutes 11 Devine 12 Cline 13 Cody 14 Curtis 15 Dedmon
Sample #4 In the next half inning, the defensive coach calls time to make a change Bandy (DP) will play defense for Badger at first Note Bandy (DP) is now playing offense and defense Badger still bats in the third position and is playing offense only
Sample #4 Line-up Num. Player Pos. 1 Albergine 1 2 Allen 2 3 Badger 3 4 Bandy DP 5 Bankhead 4 6 Barnes 5 7 Benfield 6 8 Bolick 7 9 Brown 8 10 Clark (Flex) 9 Substitutes 11 Devine 12 Cline 13 Cody 14 Curtis 15 Dedmon
Sample #5 An inning later (5 th ) the defensive coach calls time to make a change Bandy (DP) will move to right field to play defense for Clark (flex); Badger will go back to first base Note Bandy (DP) is still playing offense and defense Clark (flex) has left the game since she is not playing defense (still has a re-entry remaining)
Sample #5 Line-up Num. Player Pos. 1 Albergine 1 2 Allen 2 3 Badger 3 4 Bandy DP 5 Bankhead 4 6 Barnes 5 7 Benfield 6 8 Bolick 7 9 Brown 8 10 Clark (Flex) 9 Substitutes 11 Devine 12 Cline 13 Cody 14 Curtis 15 Dedmon
Two Umpire System No Runners on Base Plate Umpire On routine fly balls, not down either line, move to the center of the infield in the direction of the batted ball. Help the field umpire on runner touching first base. On ground balls hit close to the foul line, stay at home plate on the line and make the call. On infield hits, move up the first baseline observing the play and be prepared to help your partner.
Field Umpire No Runners on Base Basic position feet beyond first base in foul territory. Responsible for the batter runner all the way to third base.
Runner on First Base Only Plate Umpire Center of infield on routine fly balls, be prepared to move to third base if the lead runner moves pass second. On batted balls to the infield leave to the left of the catcher moving up first baseline to observe the play, then fade toward third base to cover the advancing runner. On steals where there is a wild throw at second base, pick up the runner advancing to third base, and be prepared to take the runner home.
Runner on First Only Field Umpire Take a position about 20 feet from first base and outside the baseline. This position will normally place the umpire two or three steps behind and to the second-base player’s left. If the runner attempts to steal second, move toward the base staying behind the fielder. Should the throw be wild, move inside the base paths. On base hits to the outfield, immediately come inside the diamond, buttonhook and take the batter-runner all the way third. On a double play, take one step toward second base, follow the flight of the ball and move parallel with the baseline toward first base as the ball takes you into the play. Has tag responsibility for runner at first base, and takes single runner all the way to third base after catch.
Runner on Second Base Only Plate Umpire On a fly ball, move from behind home plate to holding area between home and third base. Be prepared to move into the infield or back home depending on how the play develops. On base hits, move toward third base. Be ready and in position to make a call by going down the left field line in foul ground. When about 15 feet from third base quickly move into the infield for good position for the call. If the first play is at first base, and there is a throw to third, the plate umpire has the call.
Runner on Second Only Field Umpire Take position two or three steps behind and to the shortstop’s left. On any ball hit to the infield, take the first throw unless it is to home plate. If the first throw is first, second or third base, the plate umpire covers any subsequent throw to third base. On all balls hit through the infield or to the outfield that you don’t go out on, immediately come inside the diamond, buttonhook and take the batter-runner all the way to third base. On routine fly balls to the outfield move into the infield to a position between the pitching rubber and the baseline. You are responsible for the tag-up of the runner. Take the batter-runner to third base, watching that she touches all bases. When the ball is in the outfield, take a deep enough position in the infield to allow movement for a play at either base. On an attempted steal of third, move parallel with the runner toward third base and be prepared for a call.
Runner on Third Only Plate Umpire If a fly ball is hit, move from behind home plate and line up the runner on third base and watch for a tag-up. On base hits move toward third base, watching the runner. If the runner goes home, drift back toward home and watch the runner touch home plate.
Runner on Third Base Only Field Umpire Take a position two or three steps behind and to the shortstop’s right. If the ball is hit to the infield wait until the fielder commits herself, then move quickly toward that base. Don’t take your eyes off the ball. Call all plays made on the first throw unless it is at home plate. Take the batter-runner into third and see that all bases are touched.
Runners on First and Second Plate Umpire On a fly ball, move from behind home plate and line up the lead runner watching for a tag-up. On base hits take the lead runner into third base and home. On steals where there is a wild throw at second base pick up the runner coming into third base. Be ready and in position to make a call at third base by going down the left field line in foul ground. When you are about 15 feet away from third base move into the infield for a good position on a tag play. On hits move toward third base. If the lead runner comes home and there is no play made on her, drift toward third but watch the runner touch home plate.
Runners on First and Second Field Umpire Take position two or three steps behind and to the shortstop’s left. On any ball hit to the infield take the first throw unless it is to home plate. If the first throw is to first, second or third the plate umpire will take any subsequent throws to third. If the runner attempts to steal third, move parallel with the runner toward the base to make the call. On routine fly balls to the outfield move into the infield to a position between the pitcher’s rubber and the baseline. You are responsible for the tag-up of the runner at first base. See that the runner and the batter touch second and first base. When the ball is in the outfield, take a position deep enough in the infield to allow you to move in for a play at either base.
Runners on Second and Third Plate Umpire If a fly ball is hit line up the runner on third base and watch for a tag up. On base hits move toward third base. If the lead runner comes home and there is no play on her, drift toward third but watch the runner touch home plate. If there is a play at home, move back to a position in the rear and left side of the right-handed batter’s box. If the play is at first base, watch the lead runner touch home plate, then go to third for a possible play on the second runner.
Runners on Second and Third Field Umpire Take position two or three steps behind and to the shortstop’s right. On any ball hit to the infield take the first throw unless it is to home plate. If the first throw is to first, second or third the plate umpire will take any subsequent throws to third. On fly balls, get to the infield quickly, buttonhook and line up the runner on second base and take the runner to third base after the catch. On all balls hit through the infield or to the outfield that you don’t go out on, immediately come inside the diamond, buttonhook and take the batter-runner all the way to third base.
Runners on First and Third Plate Umpire If a fly ball is hit, move from behind home plate and line up the runner on third base and watch the tag-up. On base hits move toward third base. If the lead runner comes home and there is no play on her, drift toward third but watch the runner touch home plate. If there is a play at home, move back to a position in the rear and left side of the right-handed batter’s box. If the play is at first base, watch the lead runner touch home plate, then go to third for a possible play on the second runner.
Runners on First and Third Field Umpire Take position two or three steps behind and to the shortstop’s right. On any ball hit to the infield take the first throw unless it is to home plate. If the first throw is to first, second or third the plate umpire will take any subsequent throws to third. If the ball is hit to the infield wait until the fielder commits herself, then move quickly toward that base. Don’t take your eyes off the ball. On a base hit get inside the infield quickly and watch the runner on first touch second base and be alert for a play at that base, take the batter-runner as far as third base and watch her touch each base. On fly balls, get inside the infield quickly, buttonhook and line up the runner on first base. After checking the runner tag up at first base, be prepared to take her into second and/or third base.
Bases Loaded Plate Umpire If a fly ball is hit, move from behind home plate and line up the runner on third base and watch the tag-up On base hits move toward third base. If the lead runner comes home and there is no play on her, drift toward third but watch the runner touch home plate. If there is a play at home, move back to a position in the rear and left side of the right-handed batter’s box. If the play is at first base, watch the lead runner touch home plate, then go to third for a possible play on the second runner.
Bases Loaded Field Umpire Take position two or three steps behind and to the shortstop’s right. On any ball hit to the infield take the first throw unless it is to home plate. If the first throw is to first, second or third the plate umpire will take any subsequent throws to third. If the ball is hit to the infield wait until the fielder commits herself, then move quickly toward that base. Don’t take your eyes off the ball. On any ball hit to the outfield get inside the diamond quickly, buttonhook and be prepared to make a call at first, second or third base. On fly ball, move inside the diamond quickly, to take tag-ups of runners on first and second base, and be prepared for any play into second.