O-Seminar Jukola Specific technical training for different orienteering disciplines Presentation International Training Seminar June 15th, 2007 Lapua Finland Kilian Imhof
O-Seminar Jukola Prestart I don’t understand my following explanations as an absolute truth. They should stimulate the discussion and I hope that I can contribute some ideas, so that orienteering can develop internationally. The statements are based on experiences which I could gain during the last ten years as a coach in the Swiss orienteering federation.
O-Seminar Jukola The best possible performance in orienteering is achieved, if physical, cognitive and mental components are perfectly trained and very well tuned. In addition, the sphere must be supporting.
4 O „Orientierung“ (cognitive) L „Lauf“ (physically) M „Mental“ (mental) U „Umfeld“ (sphere)
O-Seminar Jukola O „Orientierung“ (cognitive) L „Lauf“ (physically) it is variously trained knowhow from the athletics a lot of quantity / quality M „Mental“ (mental) U „Umfeld“ (sphere)
O-Seminar Jukola O (cognitive) L (physically) M federation project since 1990 very individually diversified mental skills important U (sphere)
O-Seminar Jukola O (kognitiv) L (physisch) M (psychisch) U better training conditions better financial possibilities medical sphere more professional
O-Seminar Jukola O better results by training in groups include new disciplines support diversification of terrain L (physisch) M (psychisch) U (Umfeld)
O-Seminar Jukola Development of the „O“ ► In elite orienteering the „O“ could be trained much more better by the following method: 1.Integrated orienteering test to find the development potential on a normal course 2.Specific training of technical details 3.Application of the learned objectives in a form similar to competition.
O-Seminar Jukola No orienteering training without objective! To set the objective two questions must be answered: ► Analysis of the training group or/and individual runner in the “O” Strengths, potentials ► Requirements of the main competition Area, requirements of the O technic
O-Seminar Jukola Training group Orienteering national team of Switzerland ► Young team, well and broadly qualified ► Strength at quick level picture reading ► Potential in relief orienteering, in compass application and in middle distance
O-Seminar Jukola Main competition WOC2007 Analysis of competition areas in the Ukraine ► Middle distance: Undulating forest, partly with complex contour details Sandy ground, regular system of rides Quite limited visibility in areas with younger forest and deciduous undergrowth mostly good runnability, reduced in areas covered with undergrowth ► Long distance, relay, sprint: Represents erosive forms of a relief with numerous contour details, slopes and quite flat areas. Mostly good visibility and runnability on clay ground Forest roads and paths around the town
O-Seminar Jukola Objectives for the WOC training camp ► Specific preparations for the WOC regarding: Disciplines Terrain Special aspects „The athletes feel sure in the area around Kiev.“
O-Seminar Jukola Objectives for the WOC training camp ► Disciplines Training und training competitions for all four disciplines Specific training for the required abilities Training with maps in all scales
O-Seminar Jukola Objectives for the WOC training camp ► Terrain Training in all possible areas To get aware of detailed differences of the areas Using new and relevant maps and terrain
O-Seminar Jukola Objectives for the WOC training camp ► Special aspects of the Ukraine Organisation and accomodation ► Learn to be well prepared and flexible Inconvenience in the wood ► Littering, dogs, nettles Get to know the weather conditions ► Temperature, air humidity, smog
O-Seminar Jukola Programme of the training camp ► Objectives of every training are discussed and fixed in the coaching team ► The programme is ready three weeks beforehand and each athlete gets it ► All training courses are ready and discussed before the camp
O-Seminar Jukola Programm Trainingslager Ukraine 2007 Arriving Ukraine O-technik Fine technic / mass start Relief / model eventMiddleSprintLong 28may29may30may31may1june2june3june Ukr. O-Technik Training M/W: 2x30' Zazimie10/15 Einlaufbahn mit HK-Karte 20' Relief Training M/W:50' Chapaevka10 U O Champ Middle 35' Cvetovodstvo 10 U O Champ Sprint 15' Nivki5 U O Champ Long 60'/80' Novoselki15 Massenstart Handicap 45' Kozynskie Gorby10 Model Event M/W:40' Koncha Zaspa10 Memo Training 30' Solomensky Park5 Auswertung Long individuell Novoselki15 Long Technik/Taktik M:75'/W:65' Vyshgorod15 Running- and jumping school Power gymnastics Warm up Training M/W:45' Bykovnya east10 Sitzung Kader intern Vorbereitung Wk Auswertung Middle Auswertung Sprint
O-Seminar Jukola Example 1: Middle distance training detailed objectives ► Conscious compass application practice in different situations ► Right direction from control ► Longer legs without many details ► Fine compass using to the control ► Relief reading ► Curve track with constant map contact ► Relief course with rising difficulty ► From open to the unclear terrain
O-Seminar Jukola Example 1: Middle distance training
O-Seminar Jukola Example 1: Middle distance training
O-Seminar Jukola Example 2: Relay training detailed objectives ► Mass start handicap ► Tactic, contact with other runners ► Very good runnability and visibility ► Very detailed relief ► Free order makes it more difficult ► Additional splittings require individual map reading ► Training together with the GB team
O-Seminar Jukola Example 2: Relay training
O-Seminar Jukola Example 3: Sprint training detailed objectives ► Technical aspects of the sprint disciplines ► Fine orienteering with high speed running ► To find out the best sprint route choice ► To read the map in advance ► To learn the route by heart
O-Seminar Jukola Example 3: Sprint training
O-Seminar Jukola Summary ► O-technic trainings lead to a higher quality if: They are well prepared There is a deliberate objective which is communicated to the athletes Separated technic elements are coached, too
O-Seminar Jukola Summary ► On elite level too much is trained in the final competition form and not enough straight single technic elements. ► Every single runner makes more progress if he accepts the challenge of new technic trainings and tries to achieve them very well.
O-Seminar Jukola Finish Dear Coach, let’s find more convincing ideas for O-training to be successful! Thank you!