PITCHING The pitcher must stand 45ft from home plate The ball must be pitched underhand The ball is to have an arch on it and must travel between 4 and 8 feet high A strike is when the ball either hits home plate or hit with in 2 ft directly behind home plate.
Pitching Example
Batting The batter will take a position with in the line of the batters box. Batter can be called out if stepping on home plate. The batter is allowed three swing. If the batter misses all three swing the batter is out. If the batter hit the ball during one of the three swing they are to run to first base.
Batting When holding the bat, you grab the bottom of the bat closest to the knob end with the hand closest to the pitcher. The other hand should be snug up to the hand at the bottom end of the bat. If the bat is too large or heavy, a person should slide both hands up the bat handle. This is known as chocking up on the bat.
Batting When swinging, you should be level. Batter should just watch the ball and swing easy to make a solid hit.
Runner No-collision Rule- The runner has got the right of way to the base and the base line. If a fielder steps in the way and the runner hits them, the runner is out. The responsibility of avoiding contact lies with the runner. No steals are allowed in slow pitch softball. A base runner may not leave the base until either a pitched ball is hit or it crosses home plate.
Runner If the base runner leaves early, the umpire will declare "no pitch" and the base runner will be called out. Force Out – is when the a runner has another runner behind them and they are forced to run to the next base. A runner is forced out by having a fielder touch the base before the runner has gotten to the base.
Runner A base runner is not allowed to pass the runner ahead of them. If they do so, the runner that is passed is out If a base runner is hit by a batted ball in fair territory, the runner is out. A base runner may over run first or home but never second or third without the fear of being tagged out
Runner Only one person on a base at a time. Tag Up- A runner will return to the base they came from if, the ball is caught on a fly, and then they are allowed to advance to the next base at their own risk. There are no lead offs
Fielding When fielding the ball below the waist - Ground ball, the student will put their pinkies together with their fingers pointing down to the ground, thumbs up. A fielder should get in front of the ball to stop it with your body. If the ball is above the waist- Fly ball, a fielder would put their thumbs down and index fingers together pointing up. Make sure your not reaching out for the ball with your fingers or it may lead to an injury. Give with the ball upon impact.
Fielding When doing an overhand throw a person should stand sideways with the opposite foot stepping forward towards the target and the elbow leads the hand towards the target