The “400 meter runner”
Before Writing This Plan What are the athletes natural strengths? -speed, endurance, durability, etc. What type of 400 meter runner are they? -100, 200, , 400, 800 How many months do you have this athlete to train? What meet/meets are you training for? How many heats do the athletes have to run? How many events will the athlete be asked to run at meets? Preferably at the biggest meet?
Keys to Beneficial Training Athletes must recover between workouts Proper nutrition 7-9 hours of sleep per night Get iron levels checked before and after season Good communication with coach Consistency in all that you do Check your morning heart rate. My post college coach Irv Ray made me a believer in this.
Basic Terminology Threshold Intervals- Focus on quantity over quality. Usually run at 80-90%. Short rest of 2-3 minutes. Help increase oxygen uptake and lactate threshold. Improves athletes ability to run multiple events/heats. Speed Endurance- Good mix of quality and quantity (good bang for your buck). Usually run at 90-93%. Lots of rest between reps (8-10 minutes). Increase lactic acid tolerance and train fast twitch muscles.
The 12 Month Athlete: Fall Training Focus on strength training and increasing oxygen uptake. Increase athletes aerobic foundation Major emphasis on threshold reps, mileage runs, hills, and lifting. Lesser emphasis on speed, speed endurance, and race simulations.
The 12 Month Athlete: Fall Training example 200/400/800 Monday: 6x600 meter (threshold) Tuesday: minute run Wednesday: 4x120 meter hills Thursday: minute run Friday: 8x100 meter (speed endurance) Saturday: rest day or mileage run Sunday: rest day 100/200/400 Monday: 6x600 meter (threshold) Tuesday: strides/technical work Wednesday: 4x120 meter hills Thursday: strides/technical work Friday: 8x100 meter (speed endurance) Saturday: rest day or mileage run Sunday: rest day
12 Month Athlete: Mid-Season Training Indoor season Still a major focus on threshold, mileage runs, hills, and lifting. Starting to increase the focus on speed endurance, speed, and simulation workouts.
12 Month Athlete: Mid-Season training Example 200/400/800 Monday: 8x meters (threshold) Tuesday: 6x100 meter hills Wednesday: minute run Thursday: 6-8x180 meter (speed endurance) Friday: 8x50-75 meter sprints (speed) Saturday: Race or 20 minutes of sprint straights and jog turns. 100/200/400 Monday: 8x200 or 2 sets of 300, 200, 100 Tuesday: Blocks, 6x60 meter Wednesday: 8-10x100 meter strides Thursday: 5x180 meter (speed endurance) Friday: 8x50-75 meter sprints (speed) plus block work Saturday: Race or strides
12 Month Athlete: Early Outdoor Season Major focus now shifts to speed endurance, speed, simulations, and lifting. Lesser focus on threshold, mileage runs, and hills.
12 Month Athlete: Early Outdoor Training Example 200/400/800 Monday: 4x300 (speed endurance). Tuesday: 2x200 all out with 100 jog rest (simulation). Wednesday: 15 minutes of jog curves/sprint straights. Thursday: 8x50 meter over speed and relay practice 4x150’s relaxed Saturday: race 100/200/400 Monday: 4x300 (speed endurance) Tuesday: Blocks, max speed development….4x60 fly’s Wednesday: 15 minutes of jog curves/sprint straights. Thursday: Block work, and 4-6x50 meter overspeed. Friday: 3-4x100’s relaxed Saturday: race
12 Month Athlete: Peak Season Major emphasis on racing fast Dramatic decrease in volume and increase of intensity. Major emphasis on speed endurance, Speed, simulation, and lifting. Very small amount of threshold, hills, mileage runs.
12 Month Athlete: Peak Season Training Example 200/400/800 Monday: 4x250 (speed endurance) Tuesday: All out 350 (simulation) Wednesday: light threshold, mileage or hills Thursday: 5x50 over speed Friday: handoffs or strides Saturday: Race 100/200/400 Monday: 4x200 (speed endurance) Tuesday: 2-4x meters Wednesday: light tempo, mileage or hills Thursday: 5x50 over speed Friday: handoffs or strides Saturday: Race
6 Month Athlete: Training Ideas Probably coming off of a fall sport. Do not have time to fully develop aerobic/threshold component. Jump into workouts at the mid-season point of 12 month plan.
3 Month Athlete: Training ideas Probably coming off of a winter sport (basketball). Do not have time to focus on tempo or aerobic conditioning. Focus on training energy systems that will get you fit quick (speed endurance, race simulations, over speed). Use races as a tool for athlete to get fit quick (race your way into shape). If athlete runs 800 meters try and squeeze in 3-4 weeks of strength intervals (6x600).