Background and Overview of Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini Afghan flag
Order of Presentation Setting Setting Historical Overview Historical Overview Taliban Taliban Religion Religion Ethnic Groups Ethnic Groups Afghanistan Today Afghanistan Today Essential Questions Essential Questions At a movie screening
Setting: Afghanistan Afghanistan is a land-locked country in the Middle East. Afghanistan is a land-locked country in the Middle East. It is bordered by Iran, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and China. It is bordered by Iran, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and China.
Historical Overview of Afghanistan In the mid-1700s, the capital city was moved to Kabul. In the mid-1700s, the capital city was moved to Kabul. In the mid-1800s, the country was mostly controlled by Great Britain. In 1919, Afghans fought for freedom and became an independent nation. In the mid-1800s, the country was mostly controlled by Great Britain. In 1919, Afghans fought for freedom and became an independent nation.
Historical Overview, Continued In 1978, the PDPA (People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan) rose to power. They advocated for women’s rights and for land redistribution amongst the poor. Under the leadership of President Carter, the U.S. helped finance these reforms. In 1978, the PDPA (People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan) rose to power. They advocated for women’s rights and for land redistribution amongst the poor. Under the leadership of President Carter, the U.S. helped finance these reforms.
Historical Overview, Continued These reforms occurred during the Cold War (a conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union). Because the Soviet Union felt threatened by U.S. involvement, Soviets invaded Afghanistan in These reforms occurred during the Cold War (a conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union). Because the Soviet Union felt threatened by U.S. involvement, Soviets invaded Afghanistan in
Historical Overview, Continued 10 years later, in 1989, the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan. However, neither the U.S. or the Soviets helped rebuild war- torn Afghanistan. In the aftermath of the conflict, the Taliban rose to power. 10 years later, in 1989, the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan. However, neither the U.S. or the Soviets helped rebuild war- torn Afghanistan. In the aftermath of the conflict, the Taliban rose to power.
Taliban Rule During this seven-year period, Muslim extremist groups such as al-Qaida gained popularity. During this seven-year period, Muslim extremist groups such as al-Qaida gained popularity. In addition, women’s freedoms were severely curtailed. In addition, women’s freedoms were severely curtailed. Finally, extreme and inhumane punishments were enacted for crimes such as theft. Finally, extreme and inhumane punishments were enacted for crimes such as theft.
Religion Nearly 80% of Afghans are Sunni Muslims, while the remaining 20% are Shi’a. Nearly 80% of Afghans are Sunni Muslims, while the remaining 20% are Shi’a. Sunnis and Shi’as primarily disagree on the rightful successors of Muhammad. Sunnis and Shi’as primarily disagree on the rightful successors of Muhammad. In the novel, Amir is Sunni and Hassan is Shi’a. In the novel, Amir is Sunni and Hassan is Shi’a. Mosque of the Prophet Medina, Saudi Arabia
Ethnic Groups Pashtuns are the largest ethnic group at nearly 42% while Hazaras comprise approximately 9%. Historically, there has been conflict between these two groups. Pashtuns are the largest ethnic group at nearly 42% while Hazaras comprise approximately 9%. Historically, there has been conflict between these two groups. Physically, the differences between the two groups are subtle. Generally, the Pashtuns have straighter noses and wider eyes while the Hazaras have more Asian features (wider noses and smaller eyes). Physically, the differences between the two groups are subtle. Generally, the Pashtuns have straighter noses and wider eyes while the Hazaras have more Asian features (wider noses and smaller eyes). Amir is Pashtun while Hassan is Hazara. Amir is Pashtun while Hassan is Hazara.
Afghanistan Today In late 2001 (after 9/11), the U.S. invaded Afghanistan and overthrew the Taliban regime. In late 2001 (after 9/11), the U.S. invaded Afghanistan and overthrew the Taliban regime. A new president, Hamid Karzai was appointed. A new president, Hamid Karzai was appointed. Unfortunately, Afghanistan still struggles with Taliban insurgents, illegal opium trading, active landmines, and poverty. Unfortunately, Afghanistan still struggles with Taliban insurgents, illegal opium trading, active landmines, and poverty.
Essential Questions How does my past influence me? How does my past influence me? How can I allow my past to assist others? How can I allow my past to assist others? Hassan and Amir
Works Cited "Afghanistan." Wikipedia. 12 June June 2008 < Hosseini, Khaled. The Kite Runner. New York City: Riverhead Books, 2004.