Hall 9 Returning Scheme Version: 28-Aug-2014
Returning Residents Committee Residence Master Three Residence Tutors Three Residents Representatives (Two Residence Association members and one Residence Council member.)
Components Prof. Edmond Ko Cup (40 Scores) Hall Activities (30 Scores) Floor Performance (20 Scores) Score B (10 Scores) Special Contribution Penalty
Prof. Edmond Ko Cup The team members on the Entry Form submitted to SRO can have 5 basis points. Sedan Chair Race will be count as a PEK activity. The team members can have bonus points according to the results and their performance. Result:Bonus Points ChampionThe team members can get 0 to 5 bonus points. 1 st Runner UpThe team members can get 0 to 4 bonus points. 2 nd Runner UpThe team members can get 0 to 3 bonus points. 3 rd Runner UpThe team members can get 0 to 2 bonus points. Wins 1 matchThe team members can get 0 to 1 bonus points.
Prof. Edmond Ko Cup Helpers will get 0 to 3 points according to their contribution and participation. Cheering members 0 to 2 points according their attendance. Cheering members must write their name on the participation list to secure your attendance is recorded. If the sports run within one day, cheering members participated will get 2 points. If the sports run more than one day, the points a cheering member can get relative to 2 points will be proportional to number of day who participated relative to total number of running days.
Hall Activities All activities have the same weighting. Organizers or Helpers of an activity will get 0 to 3 points according to their contribution and participation. Points are decided by the activity organizers. Participated residents will get 2 points.
Floor Performance Floor Performance Scores will be mainly given according to the Floor Performance Evaluation Reference (in next slide). Floor tutors may also consider the contents written on the application form. Disciplinary is a critical measure to the overall floor scores. If a resident intentionally and badly behaved, floor tutor should make detail records and send the records to the Disciplinary Tutor. If a resident breaks the hall rule with seriously affecting others, floor tutor should involve Security Office Staff.
Floor Performance Evaluation Reference Very Bad * Always behaved annoying and affecting others. * Rarely be seen in the floor. * Rarely join floor activities. Bad * Sometimes behaved annoying and affecting others. * Rarely communicate to others. * Joined very lower than half of floor activities; heavy late comer. Average * Only concern a small group of specific floor-mates. * Rarely communicate with different kind floor-mates. * Joined some floor activities, but sometimes late. Good * Good self-disciplined; * Able to communicate with different kind of floor-mates. * Initiative to join most of the floor activities. Very Good * Good self-disciplined. * Being reliable. * Being optimistic. * Always help different kind of floor-mates. * Help floor-mates with special need. * Enthusiastic and initiative to help floor activities.
Score B Input in AIMS and receive from SRO. Incomplete input for the Score B will be counted as incomplete application. Incomplete input for the Score B will be counted as incomplete application.
Special Contribution (Extra Scores) PostBonusDecision Fire Marshals0 – 2 scoresBy Disciplinary Tutor Floor Representatives0 – 5 scoresBy floor RT Media Communications Team(e.g., Photographer, Journalist, Web/social media designer, Graphics designer, Hall magazine editor, Master of celebrity) 0 – 5 scoresBy the corresponding RT RA Council Members0 – 10 scoresBy Council RA Members0 – 20 scoresBy RA Interview bonus to the marginal case / By Marginal Cases Interview Committee
Penalty (Scores Deduction) Reminder (no deduction) for 1 st time small offence. Warning Letter from the Disciplinary tutor ( scores deduction, depending on the offence) for 2 nd time or after offences. Warning letter from the Hall Master (5-50 scores deduction, depending on the offence + suspension of stay) for serious disciplinary case Serious disciplinary case (20-50 scores deduction, depending on the offence + suspension of stay) Visitors checking out late will also cause deduction on scores; frequently with visitors checking out late may cause No visitors allowed.
Scaling System Prof. Edmond Ko Cup points will be scaled to maximum 40 scores. Hall Activities points will be scaled to maximum 30 scores. Score B scores will be scaled to maximum 10 scores. Example: suppose in Prof. Edmond Ko Cup, resident A participate * Swimming (swim for our hall, get = 5 points) * Running (get champion = 10 points) * Table Tennis (get champion = 10 points), * Singing (be cheering member, get 2 points) Totally gets 27 points as the highest points among all residents. Then she will get 40 scores in Prof. Edmond Ko Cup. If another resident B totally gets 25 points, then he will get 25 x (40 / 27) = scores in Prof. Edmond Ko Cup.
Half Year Residents We will use a proportional system for Half Year Residents. For example: We have 8 PEK Cup activities (4 in Sem A and 4 in Sem B). And we have 15 hall activities (7 in Sem A and 8 in Sem B). A resident live in Sem A then go exchange in Sem B. He got 8 points in PEK Cup (then we will find the maximum point for the 4 PEK Cup activities in Sem A, suppose it is 17.) Then his PEK Cup score will be 8 x (40 / 17) = Calculation for hall activities score will be similar: He got 11 points in the 7 hall activities in Sem A (suppose the maximum point is 16.) Then his hall activities score will be 11 x (30 / 16) = 20.63
Interview for Marginal Residents 6 to 8 (5% to 10%) of applied residents are closest to the cut- off return score will be invited to have a meeting with Marginal Cases Interview Committee. The Committee will then give them bonus to re-sort the marginal residents in a new order.
Reminder !!!!!!!!!! Late Applicants (no matter how high the scores is) will only, at most, be placed on the Waiting List. Applicants providing fake information will be automatically disqualified.
Change Last YearThis Year Counting of PEK Photo Competition are different to other PEK sports All PEK sports turn back to same counting. PEK team members have bonus only if the team get 2 nd Runner Up or above. PEK team members can have bonus by getting 3 rd Runner Up or winning 1 match. Cheering members can get 2 points even if they only cheer for one match. Cheering members can get 2 points only if they cheer for all match(es). Floor Performance Evaluation Reference is incomplete. Floor Performance Evaluation Reference is updated with wider measures. Lived hall for 2 years or above residents may have scores discount according to University’s new policy.