Aim: How do we research information on the setting of The Kite Runner? Do Now: What do you know about Afghanistan or the region around it?
Let’s go on a fact-finding mission! Step 1. Take turns reading the entire article aloud. Your first reading should be for basic reading comprehension. Step 2. Focus on the questions you have been assigned. With your highlighters, go back to the article and highlight the areas that provide you with the specific information you’re looking for. Step 3. Organize your information for presentation. Use the body paragraph format to guide you. Your examples will be the highlighted quotes from your article.
Research Questions What are the major ethnic groups in Afghanistan? What other countries border Afghanistan? What are the differences between a Pashtun and a Hazara? How has Afghanistan changed in the last 30 years?
Aim: How do we incorporate researched information in our writing? Do Now: Out of everything you researched, which would you say is a piece of information that most people don’t realize about Afghanistan?
Organize & Outline General Introduction to Afghanistan (Border countries and ethnicities) Topic “ According to…” “Based on…” “The [insert title of article in quotes] states…” Provide Use your own words to tell the reader what your quote is supposed to tell them Explain What should the reader know about Afghanistan today? Connect
Place your quotes in order BordersEthnicities Pashtuns vs. Hazaras Last 30 Years
Ways to introduce a quote According to, “A Historical Overview of Afghanistan, “Afghanistan’s main ethnic composition includes the Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara, Uzbek, Baluchi, and Turkoman people.” This means that Afghanistan is made up of a lot of different people and cultures. “A Historical Overview of Afghanistan” states, “Afghanistan’s main ethnic composition includes the Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara, Uzbek, Baluchi, and Turkoman people.” This means that Afghanistan is made up of a lot of different people and cultures.
Aim: How is the element of foreshadow introduced in the first chapter of The Kite Runner? Do Now: Chapter 1 of this novel begins with, “I became what I am today at the age of twelve…” Write about a time in your past that has led you to be who you are today.
*** For tomorrow, look up the following words: reflecting, pelted, flicker, chisel, appendage cleft, intricate, flanked Vocabulary F rigid: ( adjective) without warmth C rouching: ( verb) squatting down on the balls of the feet with knees bent and hunching or bending over D eserted: ( adjective) empty after being abandoned by people M iniature: ( adjective) a smaller-than-usual version of something U natoned: ( adjective) not compensated or not made up for a a wrongdoing, a mistake or a sin P ropelled: ( verb) moved or pushed something or somebody forward
The Basics A novel is written by an author. The title of a novel is underlined. The Kite Runner. A narrator is the character in the novel who is telling us the story. The author and the narrator are not the same person!
“I became what I am today at the age of twelve…” The present, but he is looking back on the past. From what point in time is the narrator speaking to us? The character will tell us about a time in his life that made him into who he is today. Because of this beginning, what can we expect from the novel?
Based on Chapter 1, what do we know about our narrator? He is now a grown man, 38 years old. He has a past of unatoned sins. He now lives in San Fransisco. Something big happened to him during the winter of 1975 that changed everything and made him into what he is today.
So, what is foreshadow again? Clues in the text that indicate or suggest something, usually something unpleasant, that is going to happen Homework: Look up the vocabulary words and read Chapter 2 carefully.
Aim: How can we characterize the relationship between Amir and Hassan? Do Now: 1. Copy the following words and define them for homework: affliction, brag, skeptic, furtive, wretched, liability, stampede. 2. In your notebooks, write about the person you considered your best friend when you were a child. Is that person still your best friend? What made that friendship so special?
Reading Comprehension Who is the narrator? Who is Hassan and how is he described? What unique feature does he have? Who is Ali? Who is Baba? How does Amir feel about his relationship with Baba? Who is Rahim Khan? What happened to Amir’s mother? What happened to Hassan’s mother? Why does Amir consider Hassan a brother? Refer to the last few lines on p. 11. What is foreshadowed in these lines?
Aim: How can we characterize Amir’s relationship with his father, Baba? Do Now: Provide sentences for the following words: Skeptic, wretched, furtive
Vocabulary Wretched - (adjective) feeling very unhappy or ill Liability - (noun) something that holds somebody back or causes trouble Stampede - (noun) an uncontrolled surging rush of frightened animals or a crowd of people Intricate - (adjective) containing many details or small parts that are skillfully made or assembled Chisel - (adjective) carve or sharply define in shape or profile Flanked - (verb) surrounded on each side Reflecting - (verb) redirecting something that strikes a surface, especially light Pelted - (verb) beat against something continuously Appendage - (noun) a body part or organ that sticks out from the main part of the body Skeptic - (noun) somebody who questions the truth of things Flicker - (verb) to move with a fluttering or fast jerky motion Furtive - (adjective) done in a way that is intended to escape notice Brag - (verb) to talk with excessive pride about achievements or possessions Affliction - (noun) a condition of great physical or mental distress
Baba How can we characterize Baba? What kind of man is he? What kind of reputation does he have? Provide 2 quotes from Ch. 3 that show Baba’s character.
Discussion Questions How does Amir differ from his father? Which sin does Baba say is worse than any other? How does he explain why this act is so wretched? Why does Amir think his father hates him? In what ways is Baba disappointed in Amir? Why does Amir snap at Hassan at the very end of Ch. 3? How does Amir’s jealousy of Hassan reveal itself in Ch. 3?
Themes Can you identify two themes (main ideas) that are presented in Chapter 3? OR If someone were to ask you what Chapter 3 is about in terms of big ideas, what would you say?
Aim: How does Amir’s talent for writing give him new confidence? Do Now: Provide sentences for the following words: Immersed, vehemently, perpetually Quiz on Chapters 1-5 on Monday
Conflicts For the following situations, indicate which type of conflict is presented, Man vs. Man, Man vs. Self, Man vs. Nature, Man vs. Society. Amir is always upset that he can’t achieve his father’s love. Amir wishes that Ali or Rahim Khan was his dad. Ali and Hassan are look down on because they are Hazaras. Baba and Rahim Kahn arguing over Amir. The story Amir reads to Hassan, Rostam mortally wounds Sohrab in battle.
Themes Can you identify two themes (main ideas) that are presented in Chapters 1-4? OR If someone were to ask you what Chapters 1-4 are about in terms of big ideas, what would you say?
Amir as Writer Amir discovers that he has a talent for writing. Rahim Khan praises his writing and writes, “ But the most impressive thing about your story is that is has irony. You may not even know what that word means. But you will someday. It is something that some writers reach for their entire careers and never attain.”
Creative Writing Using the conflict and theme you were given, write a short story with no more than 4 characters. See you if you can provide an ironic twist at the end. Review Amir’s story as an example.
Aim: How do Amir and Hassan deal with the growing violence in Afghanistan? Do Now: Complete your short story from yesterday. Quiz on Chapters 1-5 on Monday
“The generation of Afghan children whose ears would know nothing but the sounds of bombs and gunfire was not yet born.” p. 36 What historical event happens in Chapter 5? How does this affect Amir and Hassan? What is the other example of violence in this chapter?
“I will never forget how Assef’s blue eyes glinted with a light not entirely sane and how he grinned, how he grinned, as he pummeled that poor kid unconscious.” p. 38 Who is Assef? How do Amir and Hassan’s ethnic differences become dangerous? – Can you find a quote where Amir begins to realize how their ethnic differences can separate them?
Hassan’s smile When Hassan has surgery to be able to smile normally, why does Amir think it is ironic?
Aim: What does the act of kite running represent? Do Now: Provide 2 quotes from Chapter 6 that indicate what kite running means to Amir. Refer to p
Kite Running “…the chill between Baba and me thawed a little. And the reason for that was the kites. Baba and I lived in the same house, but in different spheres of existence. Kites were the one paper-thin slice of intersection between those spheres.” p. 49 “I felt like a soldier trying to sleep in the trenches the night before a major battle. And that wasn’t so far off. In Kabul, fighting kites was a little like going to war.” p. 50
“To this day, I find it hard to gaze directly at people like Hassan, people who mean every word they say.” p. 54 What does it mean to look someone in the eyes? Why is this a difficult thing for Amir?
“I was going to win, and I was going to run that kite. Then I’d bring it home and show it to Baba. Show him once and for all that his son was worthy. Then maybe my life as a ghost in this house would finally be over.” p. 56 What is Amir trying to win in this race?
“But better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie.” p. 58 Is Baba right about this? What are some of the lies we tell each other for the sake of comfort?
Aim: How does Hassan become Amir’s sacrificial lamb? Do Now: What does it mean to sacrifice? What are you not willing to sacrifice in this world ?
“Remember, Amir agha. There’s no monster, just a beautiful day.” p. 61 What is Hassan trying to give Amir in this statement? What did Hassan’s dream seem to indicate?
“For you a thousand times over!” p. 67 What does Hassan do for Amir? When is the next time Amir sees Hassan smile the way he does when he says this line? Which literary element is being used in that example?
A Memory Why is the scene interrupted by Amir’s memories? What do his memories show him?
“It was the look of the lamb” p. 76 How is Hassan like the lamb described in the passage? What Amir describes Hassan as similar to the lamb, what literary element is his using?
“In the end, I ran.” p. 77 Why did Amir run? How did the winter of 1975 make Amir what he is today? If Hassan is Amir’s sacrificial lamb, for what did sacrifice him?
“There’s no monster, just a beautiful day.” p. 61 Now, what is the irony in this statement from the beginning of Chapter 7? Who is the monster?
Aim: How do we provide the words that Chapter 7 left out? Do Now: Write your reactions to the events of Chapter 7.
Chapter 7 - Prompts Write a conversation between Baba and Rahim Khan as they watch the kite-fighting tournament. Imagine that either Amir or Hassan speak of the rape. Write the conversation that might happen between them. Imagine that Amir confronts Assef before he attacks Hassan. Write the conversation between the characters. Write a conversation between Amir and Baba about Amir’s victory.
Aim: How do Amir and Hassan deal with the aftermath of Hassan’s assault? Do Now: Summarize the events of Chapter 8. Indicate what happened first, next and last.
“It shouldn’t have felt this way, Baba and I were finally friends.” p. 85 Why can’t Amir enjoy his time with Baba? Find the lines on p. 85 that indicate why Amir can’t enjoy himself. “I finally had what I’d wanted all those years. Except now that I had it, I felt as empty as this unkept pool I was dangling my legs into.”
“There was a monster in the lake. It had grabbed Hassan by the ankles, dragged him to the murky bottom. I was that monster.” p. 86 Now that he has had some time to think, how does Amir feel about his own actions? How does Amir continue to behave in a way that is hurtful to Hassan? Why?
“Everywhere I turned, I saw signs of his loyalty, his goddamn unwavering loyalty.” p. 89 Why does this bother Amir? What does Amir suggest to Baba? What is Baba’s response?
Pomegranate Tree What does Amir ask Hassan to do? What is Hassan’s response? What does the pomegranate come to symbolize?
A Hazara’s Loyalty – Critical Thinking How does Hassan’s assault and the aftermath that is discussed in Chapter 8 illustrate the relationship between Pashtuns and Hazara’s in the Afghan society?
Homework Read Chapter 9 In a well-developed paragraph, explain why Hassan lies for Amir and sacrifices himself one last time. Use a line from the chapter to support your answer.
Aim: Why does Amir set Hassan up? Do Now: Complete your letters Write a letter, written from Hassan to Amir, that expresses what Hassan feels right before he leaves Amir and Baba at the end of Chapter 9.
“Either way, this much had become clear: One of us had to go.” - p. 102 Why does Amir decide that getting rid of Hassan was the best for both of them? What present do Ali and Hassan get for Amir? How does the gift further convince Amir of what he is about to do?
“This was Hassan’s final sacrifice for me.” - p.105 Why does Hassan falsely admit to stealing Amir’s watch? How does Amir realize that Hassan knew Amir was in the alleyway that horrible day? How does Baba surprise Amir?
What stops people from doing the right thing? If we go back to Chapter 1, Rahim Khan calls Amir and says, “There is a way to be good again.” Do you think that’s possible for Amir? What would it take?
Aim: What does America offer Amir and Baba? Do Now: What did you think of this country when you first came? What was it like for you? How did you adjust?
Chapter 10 Summarize the events – Tell what happened first, what happened next and what happened last. FirstNextLast
“ Baba loved the idea of America. It was living in America that gave him an ulcer.” - p. 125 Why did Baba love the idea of living in America? How did America prove to be a bigger adjustment for Baba than he expected?
“America was different. America was a river, roaring along unmindful of the past. I could wake into this river, let my sins drown to the bottom, let the waters carry me someplace far. Someplace with no ghosts, no memories, and no sins. If for nothing else, for that, I embraced America.” - p. 136 Metaphor: comparison of two things without using like or as. To what is Amir comparing America? Therefore, what is the metaphor being made in this passage? Based on this metaphor, what does America mean to Amir?
Homework “It may be unfair, but what happens in a few days, sometimes even a single day, can change the course of a whole lifetime, Amir.” - p In a well-developed paragraph, discuss the following: Based on the above passage, what do Amir and Soraya have in common? Be as specific as possible in your answer.
Aim: Why do Amir and Baba leave Afghanistan? Do Now: Continue writing the letter from Hassan to Amir that expresses what Hassan feels as he leaves Amir and Baba at the end of Chapter 9. HW: Read Chapter 11. Answer the following in 1 well- developed paragraph : What does America promise Amir and his father ?
How have Amir’s and Baba’s lives changed? Pair up with a partner and go through Chapter 10 and find 3 examples from the text of the changes Amir and Baba now face. Provide the quote from the text and the explanation of what the quotes shows.
Aim: How do Amir and Baba cope with Baba’s illness? Do Now: Share your homework paragraph with a partner. Have your partner read it aloud to you. Do you have any grammatical mistakes?
“ What’s going to happen to you, you say? All those years, that’s what I was trying to each you, how to never have to ask that question.” - p. 157 What does Baba ’ s illness mean to Amir? How does Baba handle his own illness? Why does he behave the way he does?
“I want you to ask General Taheri for his daughter’s hand.” - p. 161 How is Amir able to accept Soraya when she has already been harshly judged by other Afghans? - Find the line in the text that supports your answer.
Short Writing How does Chapter 12 show contrast in the lives of Amir and Baba? Think about where each life is now going.
Aim: How does Amir deal with Baba ’ s death?
Baba’s Eulogy Write a eulogy for Baba – a speech given for a person who has died. How would Amir try to remember his Baba in this speech?
Aim: What does Rahim Khan’s call spark Amir to do? Do Now: Chapter 14 Handout. HW: Read Ch. 15 and 16. Answer the following in a well-developed paragraph. What has happened to Afghanistan in Amir’s absence?
Reading Comprehension Read from p. 195-top of 197. When was the last time Amir spoke to Rahim Khan?
Reading Comprehension Read from top of 197-end of p When the Taliban first came to Afghanistan, how were they first seen?
Aim: What are the circumstances of Hassan’s final sacrifice? Do Now: Chapter 17 and 18 Handout. HW: Read Chapter 19. Answer the following in a well-developed paragraph: In the dream that Amir has, how is Amir ’ s guilt revealed?
“ Hassan slumps to the asphalt, his life of unrequited loyalty drifting from him like the windblown kites he used to chase.” Unrequited: not returned Which literary elements are used in this line? How is Hassan’s final act in life still an act of loyalty to Amir?
“Alas the Afghanistan of our youth is long dead.” - p. 216 Rahim Khan had previously said that when the Taliban first came, they were seen as heroes. Why was that? From what were they saving Afghanistan? How has the view of the Taliban changed? How are they seen by Rahim Khan and others?
“Baba and I were more alike than I had ever known.” - p 226 How is this statement both a negative and positive revelation for Amir? What does Amir plan on doing in order to make things right, in order to be good again?
“Seeking to forget makes exile all the longer; the secret of redemption lies in remembrance.” Richard von Weizsaecker Exile – to be away from or not allowed in one’s homeWhat does this quote mean? How does it relate to the events of Chapters 17-18? Write a well-developed paragraph explaining the connection. (HW)
Aim: How does Amir’s trip back to Kabul begin to present irony? Do Now: Identify the following literary elements, Metaphor Simile Imagery Irony Foreshadow
Explaining Irony “I feel like a tourist in my own country.” P. 231 “You are an honorable man, Amir agha. A true Afghan.” P. 238 “Earlier that morning, when I was certain no one was looking, I did something I had done twenty-six years earlier: I planted a fistful of crumpled money under a mattress.” P. 242 Why does this last quote indicate an important moment in Amir’s journey?
Aim: Who does Amir need to meet in order to find Sohrab? Do Now: Refer to p Who is Zaman and what does he tell Amir about Sohrab? HW: Read Chapter 22.
Reading Comprehension… Quiz Read What are the two men trying to buy and sell? Read p Which line indicates that Amir refuses to make the same mistakes from the past? Read p Where does Amir go and why? Read p What does Farid say to Amir that makes him think that Afghanistan is a hopeless place? Read p Describe the man known as John Lennon
Aim: How does Amir begin to confront the past? Do Now: Chapter 21 Summary. HW: Read Chapter 22. Answer the following in a well- developed paragraph: Irony is the opposite of what you expect. Explain the use of irony in Chapter 22.
“I stood outside the gates of my father’s house, feeling like a stranger.” – p. 261 In what ways has Amir changed? In what ways has Afghanistan changed?
“I saw he was wearing dark round sunglasses like the ones John Lennon wore.” – p. 271 Who was John Lennon? Irony: the opposite of what you expect. How is it ironic that the man described in Chapter 21 is referred to as John Lennon? Can you think of other examples of irony in the novel?
Blood as Sport What is part of the soccer game half- time show? What does it show about what has happened to Afghanistan?
Aim: How does Amir finally prove himself? Do Now: Read Rahim Khan’s letter – p What does Rahim Khan try to tell Amir about redemption?
“I was on my own.” p. 274 What does this mean for Amir? Consider what ends up happening in this chapter and then refer to p Can you find an example of foreshadow – a line indicating what will be happening to Amir?
John Lennon - Assef What is ironic about this name for Assef? What kind of person is Assef?
“It was the Chinese doll face of my childhood…” p. 279 In what condition does Amir find Sohrab? How do Amir and Sohrab end up saving each other?
Aim: How does Amir’s confrontation with Assef conclude? Do Now: Chapter 22 Handout. HW: Read Chapter 23. Answer the following in a well- developed paragraph: In Rahim Khan ’ s letter, how does he explain the ways in which Baba and Amir are the same?
“Public justice is the greatest kind of show, my brother. Drama. Suspense. And, best of all, education en masse.” – p. 276 What does Assef mean by this statement? What has happened to Assef? What kind of person has he become?
“What’s was so funny was that, for the first time since the winter of 1975, I felt at peace. I laughed because I saw that, in some hidden nook in a corner of my mind, I’d even been looking forward to it.” – p. 289 What is going on in this instance? Why is Amir laughing? What has snapped in Amir? To whom can we compare Amir in this instance? How is it ironic?
“Then: “Bas.”A thin voice.” – p. 289 Who speaks this line? What does Sohrab manage to do? How is irony used in this scene?
Aim: What obstacle does Amir face trying to bring Sohrab back to America? Do Now: Begin reading p. 340 – 343. What does Sohrab attempt to do and why?