User Experience Design Gunnar Stevens Human Computer Interaction University of Siegen, Germany #1
Agenda ‣ Introductions ‣ Me & You ‣ Review of Syllabus ‣ Basic Info, Assessment, Assignments, Project, Policies, etc. ‣ What this course is about
Gunnar Stevens Vita ‣ Born in 1970 living in Bonn ‣ Study Computer Science in Frankfurt/Bonn ‣ Diploma thesis (Bonn) about Computer Supported Access Control ‣ PhD thesis (Siegen) about Appropriation Infrastructure ‣ Working at Fraunhofer and Software Industry for several years Current Research Interest: ‣ Appropriation Support ‣ Grounded Design ‣ Sustainable Interaction Design
Cornelius Neufeldt Vita ‣ Born in 1983 living in Siegen ‣ Study in IT and Economics ‣ Diploma Thesis (Siegen) developing a IT governance framework for enterprise business (at Arthur D. Little, Wiesbaden) ‣ Self employed IT Consultant since 2004 Phd Research ‣ ICT for elderly ‣ Public displays ‣ SocialMedia for elderly Work experience ‣ Working for different Companies in different countries (e.g. Henkel S.p.A. Milano, T-Systems Düsseldorf, Arthur D. Little Wiesbaden, Henkel Adhesives Ltd. Shanghai)
UXD in Practice ‣ Invent a product that’s part of a stay-in-contact-with-nature experience 1.Describing its function 2.Describing its users 3.Describing the experience 4.Sketching its appearance
Activity 1.Design Time (15 minutes) a.Work in pairs b.Engage functions and users c.Create a sketch 2.Presentation Time (1 minute) a.My Name is … b.The Product Name is … c.This is our design concept d.This control is for … e.Use this control to …
UXD: Beyond the instrumental ‣ Interaction Design ‣ Designing interactive products to support the way people communicate and interact in their everyday and working lives ‣ Sharp et al. (2007) ‣ The design of spaces for human communication and interaction ‣ Winograd (1997) ‣ User Experience ‣ How a product behaves and is used by people in the real world and the way people feel about it ‣ Sharp et al. (2007) ‣ A person's perceptions and responses that result from the use or anticipated use of a product, system or service ‣ ISO (2010)
Syllabus ‣ Lecture goal ‣ Basic Info ‣ Assessment ‣ Assignments ‣ Project ‣ Course Topics
Reading, Measuring, and Designing UX ‣ Lecture goal on the theoretic level ‣ Knowing the relation in UXD research between ‣ interpretative stance ‣ positivistic stance ‣ design stance see also: reading class on Design Research this year
positivistic stance ‣ Measuring design qualities ‣ Usability Engineering ‣ Effectiveness ‣ Efficiency ‣ User Satisfaction ‣ User Experience ‣ Aesthetics ‣ Emotionality ‣ Stimulation ‣ …
interpretative stance ‣ Understanding the design context and technology-in-action from within social practices ‣ Methods ‣ Ethnography and ethnography- inspired field work ‣ Narrative Interviews & Story telling ‣ … Runner 1 (on walkie-talkie): I need a runner at the glowing mushrooms! I need a runner at the glowing mushrooms! Runner 2 (on walkie-talkie): I’m thirty seconds away. Runner 1 (on walkie-talkie): I need another runner to meet me at the glowing mushroom. Runner 2 (on walkie-talkie): I’m ten seconds away. Runner 1(on walkie-talkie): Where are you? Runner 2 (on walkie-talkie): I’m going round to your right. Runner 1l ooks to his right and sees Runner 2. Runner 1 (on walkie-talkie): OK.
M an comes to know himself by expressing and hence clarifying what he is and recognizing himself in this expression” Taylor, 1977 T he of question whether human thinking can reach objective truth is not a question of theory but a practical question“ Marx critical design stance
Gaining practical competence ‣ Practical course goal ‣ Design is mainly a practical competence that are learned through application ‣ Gaining sketching competence expressing interactive design concepts ‣ Pen & Pencil ‣ Storyboarding ‣ Wire framing ‣ Video prototyping ‣ Breaching by Design ‣ …
Basic Course Info ‣ Main Textbook ‣ Buxton, B. Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design. Morgan Kaufmann, (2007) ‣ Wright, P. & McCarthy, J. Experience-Centered Design: Designers, Users, and Communities in Dialogue. Morgan and Claypool Publishers (2010)
Basic Course Info ‣ Further Books: ‣ Dourish, P. Where the Action Is. The Foundations of Embodied Experience. MIT Press 2004 ‣ Sharp et al. Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction. 2nd Ed., John Wiley & Sons 2007 ‣ Synder, C. Paper Prototyping: The Fast and Easy Way to Design and Refine User Interfaces. Morgan Kaufmann 2007 ‣ Koskinen et al.: Design Research through Practice, Morgan Kaufmann 2010 ‣ Additional selected Papers
Basic Course Info ‣ BSCW Online Learning Room: ‣ Please leave your on the list! ‣ Slides: ‣ Partially adapted from UXD Course of Julie Kientz and Sharp et al. slides to the Interaction Design book
Assessment ComponentWorth Weekly Sketches15% Group Design Project35% Oral examination50% Design study paper (4 pages)50%)
Assignments ‣ Secondary focus ‣ A1 Understanding practices: Look, Learn, Ask, Try ‣ A2 Expressing Design: Scribble interactive designs ‣ Primary focus ‣ A3: Criticizing Design: Conduct & reflect design experiments ‣ Secondary focus
Project ‣ Group project enabling you to apply the lessons learned in class to a real problem ‣ Work in teams of 3-5 ‣ Topic ideas should be worked out in the next weeks
Project Topics ‣ List of ideas will be posted on course website ‣ Includes: ‣ Domestic/Public Displays & Social Media of the Future ‣ Gamefication of collaborative mobility ‣ Thermal comfort and new energy experiences ‣ The ceiling as a design space ‣ Embodied Experience & Alternate Self-perception ‣ Whatever you’d like!
Dealing with well-structured problems week 1 Traditional wisdom for solving complex problems: the “waterfall”
Dealing with wicked problems (Conklin, 2001) week 1 Pattern of cognitive activity of one designer -- the “jagged” line
Process? design build evaluate week 1 week n
Process? design build evaluate week 1 week n
Participation ‣ Treat all with respect – be constructive in all discussions ‣ Come to class prepared – read carefully prior to class meetings ‣ Be an active listener – be attentive, be engaged, use in-class technology with discretion ‣ Ask challenging questions ‣ Comment, build on, or clarify others' contributions ‣ Help your classmates use technologies ‣ Post useful or interesting information to the class discussion list ‣ Visit the instructor during office hours to chat, to ask questions, or to give feedback.
Weekly Sketching Excercises Think about the products and things you use in everyday life They were all designed by someone! Designs are rarely perfect the first time Sketching is an important skill in design Quantity + Practice increases ability Sketching is an activity and thought process
Weekly Sketching Exercises ‣ Each week, sketch at least 3 new ideas for how you might improve everyday objects, technologies, and websites around you in a sketchbook ‣ toothbrush ‣ chair ‣ book ‣ … ‣ Must have at least 30 sketches by the end of the course!
Weekly Sketching Excerises ‣ Each lecture bring your sketchbook to class ‣ You will meet in small groups to critique each others’ ideas and take notes ‣ At the end of the quarter, you’ll submit your sketchbook and a report that reflects on your design project ‣ Oral examination is about whole content of the course, but put your design project as a focal point
A Note about Drawing Skills ‣ Good drawing skills are not required… ‣ Stick figures, scribbles, boxes and lines are perfectly acceptable! Quality is not important, only idea and quantity. ‣ However, you can take a drawing class if you want to get better! ‣ E.g. courses from the Art Faculity Siegen
Course Topics Design Paradigms User Research in a Nutshell Project Management in a Nutshell Ideation Techniques Sketching & Prototyping Selected Topics
What this class is not about Usability Testing Analytical Evaluations Programming Drawing/Art Survey of Human Computer Interaction Theories Survey of Empirical Methods to study target domain and evaluate design solutions
Overlap with other courses ‣ Some repetition of topics ‣ e.g., User Research, Evaluation, Prototyping ‣ e.g. Design Theories, Design Methods ‣ Stronger focus on creating things ‣ Sketching component added ‣ Reflective action in doing design
Next Class Topics ‣ Next Topic ‣ “Sketching UX – The Handbook” chap 1 and related issues about the design process and the spirit of sketching in the “Sketching UX” textbook ‣ Obtain a sketchbook and start sketching! ‣ 3 sketches by next