Team Members: Joan Aguilar Derryck Matthew See Sponsor: Dr. Philip Chan
TaskCompletion %JoanDerryck Refine Test Runner feature.90%Do 100%Do 0% Allow Test Runner to run several testing phases. 100%Do 100% Do 0% Refine Test Creation feature.95%Do 0%Do 100% Allow Test Creation feature to have customizable settings. 95%Do 50% Allow Test Creator to save and load files. 100% Do 0% Do 100% Demo feature to client and obtain opinion, redesign if necessary. 100%Did 50%
The Test Runner Feature is now able to display a token board and a progress bar, which can be removed on specification. It executes time delays within problems and between. It’s able to run several phases, and rerun already ran ones.
The Test Creation Feature has almost all of the basic features to create tests with multiple phases. Save and load tests. Add and remove any chosen problem in a session. Add and remove any chosen comparison in a session; change session settings in a session (time delays, sample mode, etc.). Navigate between sessions in a test. Upload image files into the image gallery.
Design of the profile system has been finalized. The profile system will record specific attributes, and save to be later analyzed. Implementation of the profile system has begun.
Most of the features in both the Test Creation Feature and Test Runner Feature have gone through a variety of integration tests. Through test-driven development, we successfully tested while implementing solutions.
Demoed what we did so far with client. Observations made: Tokens should be placed on a frame after the problem, not in a popup Token board to disappear by click. Allow users to place name on individual phases. Attributes to be considered in the data recording.
Refine Test Runner Feature Place tokens in same window as problems. Improve delays, make them customizable. Include running test from an xml file. Refine Test Creation Feature Solve selection issues. Allow for names to be added to phases. Design token customization UI. Complete Basic Features of Profile System Time recording for different attributes. Poster for Senior Design Showcase Demo Feature to Client and Obtain Opinion, Redesign if Necessary
TaskJoanDerryck Refine Test Runner FeatureDo 100%Do 0% Refine Test Creation FeatureDo 0%Do 100% Complete Basic Features of Profile SystemDo 50% Poster for Senior Design ShowcaseDo 50% Demo feature to client and obtain opinion, redesign if necessary.Do 50%