Program Name or Ancillary Wind and Water Power Technologies Office United States Department of Energy Water Power Program: Hydropower.


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Presentation transcript:

Program Name or Ancillary Wind and Water Power Technologies Office United States Department of Energy Water Power Program: Hydropower R&D Activities Patrick O’Connor BCS, Incorporated 3/20/2013

Wind and Water Power 2 Water Power Program Mission The mission of the U.S. DOE Water Power Program is to perform research and testing, and develop innovative technologies capable of generating renewable, environmentally responsible, and cost-effective electricity from water resources. This includes efforts related to: Marine and Hydrokinetics waves, tides, and currents in oceans, estuaries, and tidal areas; free flowing water in rivers, lakes, and streams; free flowing water in man-made channels; and differentials in ocean temperature (ocean thermal energy conversion). Hydropower Efficiency increases and capacity gains at existing power stations Adding power stations at non-powered dams and constructed waterways Quantifying the value of ancillary benefits from pumped-storage and hydro Reducing costs and impacts for new sustainable hydropower developments

Wind and Water Power 3 DOE “ Hydropower Program ” was initiated in FY 1977 Context: DOE Water Power History The “Hydropower Program” was closed out in FY 2006, with no funding in FY 2007 The “Water Power Program” was established in FY 2008 with a new mandate covering marine and hydrokinetic technologies and conventional hydropower

Wind and Water Power 4 Hydropower Improving technologies and processes for the efficiency, flexibility, and environmental performance of the existing hydropower fleet, and investigating opportunities for new hydropower development, and integrating variable renewables using the existing fleet and pumped storage hydropower Existing Facility Improvements Pumped Storage New Hydro Sites Constructed Waterways Non- powered Dams Pumped Storage

Wind and Water Power 5 DOE Hydropower R&D Strategy: Capitalize on Near-Term Opportunities Leveraging Existing Infrastructure for Low-Impact Hydropower Development Rehabilitation, upgrades, and expansion of existing hydropower sites 7 upgrade projects supported under 2009 stimulus funding; 3 in service EOY 2012; 3 more EOY 2013; 1 in 2014 Conventional technologies, exemplary applications (Abiquiu pictured) New, very-low-head hydropower systems for deployment in canals and conduits and non-powered dams Modularity and standardization leveraging economies of scale (natel hydroEngine pictured) Application of advanced technologies (weisenberger mills variable speed generator)

Wind and Water Power 6 DOE Hydropower R&D Strategy: Capitalize on Near-Term Opportunities Optimizing Hydropower Systems for Energy and Environment Multi-objective Water-Use Optimization Toolset Systems optimization across seasonal and hourly timescales to increase generation, flexibility, and environmental health Stakeholder Engagement and Coordination Basin-Scale approach to identify sustainable hydropower and environmental protection/restoration opportunities Deschutes Basin study area (state of Oregon) pictured Hydropower Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Bureau of Reclamation and Army Corps of Engineers

Wind and Water Power 7 DOE Hydropower R&D Strategy: Enabling Variable Renewables Modeling the benefits and capabilities of advanced hydropower and pumped storage technologies Running set of interlinked projects simulating hydropower technology operations in Western U.S. markets EPRI-led analysis Case studies and production cost analyses Argonne National Laboratory analysis (ongoing) to improve modeling representation of advanced pumped storage and simulate operations at shorter timesteps New PSS/E representations of variable speed and ternary PSH configurations Simulated AGC response

Wind and Water Power 8 “Sensor fish” measurement tool to evaluate fish interactions with generating equipment and hydraulic structures Currently being reengineered to reduce costs and improve recoverability Alden Fish Friendly Turbine Continuation of “old” Hydropower Program, a technology a decade in the making. 94% Efficient, % aquatic species survival DOE Hydropower R&D Strategy: Environmental Sustainability Typical Francis Runner New Alden Runner

Wind and Water Power 9 DOE Hydropower Strategy and R&D: Refine Long-Term Vision and Strategy Assessing Potential and Defining a Future DOE Role Resource assessment results show potential to double hydropower generation Most substantial resource in “new hydro” (new sites and, to a lesser extent, non- powered dams) Analysis-driven R&D portfolio to target high impact needs in identified resource resource characterization + cost analysis + environmental attribution (ongoing)

Wind and Water Power 10 Thank You! Questions?