Thinking Skills
Welcome to this E-Book about the Commonwealth Games. This book has been created to allow you to choose your own learning activities to help you discover more about the Games. The activities in this book have been designed using Bloom’s Taxonomy of thinking. Secondly, the tasks have been grouped by learning style. You are encouraged to complete one activity from each level of Bloom’s using a different learning style for each.
You are expected to complete each task to a high standard using all of your editing and publishing skills. You have been given the chance to choose how you wish to learn about the Games. It is up to you to show that you have the initiative to take up this challenge. At the end of each task, you will need to present it to the class so that each member can also learn from your experience. Please keep a record of your tasks on the evaluation form. Good Luck and Booyah!! Note: most resources can be found in the ‘learning cave’ or in our local.
Title Page Title Page Introduction Introduction Blooms Taxonomy Activities Blooms Taxonomy Activities
Level One - RememberingRemembering Level Two - UnderstandingUnderstanding Level Three - ApplyingApplying Level Four - AnalysingAnalysing Level Five - EvaluatingEvaluating Level Six - CreatingCreating
- Recognising- Listing - Describing- Identifying - Retrieving- Naming - Locating- Finding Can you recall information?
Interview 5 adults about what it is that makes the Commonwealth Games so enjoyable to watch. You will need to create 3 questions before interviewing each adult. OR Do an A-Z of words about the Commonwealth Games.
Survey family and friends to find out what sport they prefer to watch during the Commonwealth Games. Present your results in a table and bar graph.
Draw some Commonwealth Games symbols and describe what they mean. OR Make a detailed model of the Commonwealth Games icon.
Draw some Commonwealth Games symbols and describe what they mean. OR Make a detailed model of the Commonwealth Games icon.
Suggest music that would best be used during the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony. Write your ideas down in complete sentences.
With a friend, present a 5min lesson to the class about a lesser known Commonwealth Games event.
Make a mind map of everything you already know about the Commonwealth Games.
List different plants used by people in the Commonwealth Games.
- Interpreting- Exemplifying - Summarising- Inferring - Paraphrasing- Classifying - Comparing- Explaining Can you explain ideas or concepts?
Write a few paragraphs explaining the meaning of the Commonwealth Games.
Make a timeline to show where the Commonwealth Games has been hosted. Has any city hosted the Commonwealth Games more than once?
Discuss and draw what a Commonwealth Games medal ceremony is and why they do them.
With a partner, role-play or mime winning a Commonwealth Games event.
The Commonwealth Games have been affected by athletes using performance enhancing drugs. Describe in detail what drugs they take and what happens if they get caught.
Put in plain words what plants different athletes use and how they help the athletes.
- Implementing- Carrying out - Using- Executing Can you use the information in another familiar situation?
Design a simple instructional book on how to win Gold medal at any Commonwealth Games event. OR Create a tourist brochure to persuade people to visit Delhi or India.
Design a word search using Commonwealth Games keywords.
Invent a new training regime for a top athlete.
Make a puppet of a famous NZ athlete. Then dramatically illustrate your puppet winning Gold.
Use natural objects to design and play a Commonwealth Games song or National Anthem. Use an instrument to perform a song worthy of being used at the closing ceremony. OR Use an instrument to perform a song worthy of being used at the closing ceremony.
How might a long jumper use some or all of the following to leap 10 metres: a book, some string, a radio and a bottle? OR Write a poem about your favourite event.
How might a long jumper use some or all of the following to leap 10 metres: a book, some string, a radio and a bottle? OR Write a poem about your favourite event.
Design an intricate medal using natural materials.
- Comparing- Organising - Deconstructing- Attributing - Outlining- Finding - Structuring- Integrating Can you break information into parts to explore understandings and relationships?
Design a questionnaire to ask a top athlete about how to prepare for the Commonwealth Games.
Use a Venn Diagram to compare 2 different types of athletes. OR use a Venn Diagram to compare two different host cities (e.g. Melbourne and New Delhi).
Make a diorama of a Commonwealth game event. OR Make a diorama of a medal ceremony.
Create an Commonwealth Games dance using ideas you have learnt during this topic.
Group instruments used by various National Anthems into categories.
Make a Commonwealth Games themed jigsaw puzzle.
Imagine you have attended the Commonwealth Games. Write 5 diary entries explaining what it was like. Remember to use your senses.
List the ingredients of a meal the a Marathon runner might eat the night before his/her race. Also, why did you choose this meal?
- Checking- Hypothesising - Critiquing- Experimenting - Judging- Testing - Detecting- Monitoring Can you justify a decision or course of action?
List recommendations (PMI) to the CGF whether New Delhi was a great host city. Write you ideas in a letter.
What would be the good points and bad points of having the Commonwealth Games every year?
Rank five Commonwealth Games photos and justify your choices.
In groups role play the Commonwealth Games motto.
Write and perform a song about the special skills needed to be a top athlete.
Debate in small groups if performance enhancing drugs should be banned. OR Debate in small groups if New Delhi has been a good host city.
What would it be like if we didn’t have the Commonwealth Games? Write a few paragraphs explaining how it would be and feel. Make sure you talk about it and plan before you write.
What can we learn from the Commonwealth Games to help us protect our planet.
- Designing- Constructing - Planning- Producing - Inventing- Devising - Making Can you generate new products, ideas, or ways of viewing things?
Write your own Commonwealth Games story.
Write an acoustic poem using the word Commonwealth. OR List and then combine the attributes of a javelin and a TV camera.
Design a new mascot for the 2014 Commonwealth Games.
Create or compose a jingle/cheer/chant so that New Zealanders can support their top athletes.
Create a completely new Olympic event and present your ideas to the class.
Create and illustrate a new eco-friendly stadium. Justify your ideas.