Luke 24:13-35
FIRE GIVES… light to see in the darkness. Warmth during those cold nights. The ability to purify water to make it drinkable and the ability to cook your food. Salvation if you are stranded.
A. TO HAVE A BURNING HEART WE MUST WANT TO BE IN JESUS PRESENCE These men were out on a walk still talking about what had happened. If they were convinced Jesus was raised, would they not have stayed with the rest of the disciples and waited for Jesus to come to them?
AS THEY ARE WALKING They tell this man about all that has happened, and the man tells them about the Scriptures. They sit down to have a meal and when the stranger breaks the bread, immediately they know it is Jesus.
THEIR HEARTS WERE BURNING AS THEY TALKED ON THE ROAD They were close to the disciples and Jesus. The proof that gave Jesus away was the fact that their hearts burned when they were around Him. Burn Greek – “I was” and “To set on fire”
“SET ON FIRE” EXAMPLES Moses Burning Bush Pillar of Fire Elijah Fire Consumed the Offering
B. TO HAVE A BURNING HEART WE MUST WALK WITH JESUS “TRUST AND OBEY” “When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word. What a glory He sheds on our way.” “While we do His good will, He abides with us still. And with all who will trust and obey.”
TRUST AND OBEY “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, than to trust and obey.” “Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at his feet. Or we’ll walk by his side in the way.”
TRUST AND OBEY “What He says we will do, where He sends we will go. Never fear only trust and obey.” “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus, than to trust and obey.”
KEY POINTS TO WALKING WITH GOD Be in the light of God’s Word. Do His good will. Do what He says Go where He sends us. Trust and obey Him
JESUS’ RESPONSE “O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken.” “slow of heart” to have a dull understanding Jesus did not show His scars. He shared the scriptures. This makes it a matter of faith.
EVERYTHING WE KNOW ABOUT JESUS COMES FROM THE SCRIPTURES “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God…” Romans 10:17 “He explained to them what was said in all the Scripture concerning Himself.”
A NATION OF BIBLE ILLITERATES Survey of self-pronounced Christians 48% - could not name the 4 Gospels 52% - cannot identify more than two or three of Jesus disciples 60% - can’t name five of the 10 commandments 61% - think the Sermon on the Mount was preached by Billy Graham 71% think “God helps those who help themselves” is a Bible verse.
C. TO HAVE A BURNING HEART WE MUST LET JESUS BE A PART OF OUR WHOLE LIFE. The men wanted to know Jesus better so they invited Him to eat and stay with them. They did not recognize Jesus until they broke bread with Him.
BEING A CHRISTIAN IS AN EVENT AND A WAY OF LIFE We will never see Jesus for who He truly is unless you let Him be apart of every part of your life. You can’t leave Jesus out of everything you do on a daily basis and truly know Him.
A. A BURNING HEART CAUSES US TO WILLINGLY RELAY HIS LOVE TO OTHERS. These disciples were able to see Jesus for who He really was. First, they talked to each other and then to the disciples about the good thing that had happened.
THEY WITNESSED When you spend time with God in a way that leads to a heart on fire, you will not be able to stop talking about Jesus. These men got up and returned at once. Hudson Taylor’s Witness
B. A BURNING HEART CAUSES US TO BE PERSONALLY REWARDED WITH EXPERIENCING MORE OF GOD After talking about Jesus, and doing His work, these two men were rewarded with the fact that they got to experience Him more. SEINFELD Jerry’s neighbor Kramer makes himself at home
John Wesley “My heart was strangely warmed.” “I simply ask God to set me on fire and let people watch me burn.”