God Speaks How to Hear. I wish I knew God's will.


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Presentation transcript:

God Speaks How to Hear

I wish I knew God's will

God wants to be known

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart - Jeremiah 29:13

3 Things: Heart Hands Feet

Heart: Submissive

God wants more for us than We want for ourselves

God knows us better than We know ourselves

God knows more about How we should live than we do

Before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether - Psalm 139:4

Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them - Psalm 139:16

…we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do - Eph. 2:8-9

God "remembers" the future

We have at least 3 choices - Go right - Go left - Seek God for which way to go

Most decisions: Emotion Desire

People make decisions based on emotions: Hurt feelings, Anger, Reactions They move jobs Enter relationships Make major purchases Because they feel excited or want something new

They pray, "If this is OK, God...I want it" And refuse to listen if he says different Then claim God led them

Most decisions: Emotion Desire God wants more "All who are led by the Spirit Are the children of God"- Rom. 8:14

To hear God's voice Heart= Submissive to Him - Because I believe he knows it all - Because I trust that he is good - Because I know his ways are greater

To hear God's voice Heart= Submissive to Him

To hear God's voice Heart= Submissive to Him - Tell God what I want - Put aside all personal desires - Check motives and emotions - Pray for wisdom and leading

Easy to do in theory 200k job?

God wants more for us than We want for ourselves

God knows us better than We know ourselves

God knows more about How we should live than we do


Heart= Submissive Means I trust God over My own intellect and emotions

If I believe my ways are best I'll take what God says And weigh it against how bad I want What I want I'll pray with my desires coloring my ability to hear from God

Heart: Put aside all personal desires And ask God with no agenda

If you believe God wants more That he knows better It'll be seen in how you make decisions

Step 1 Put aside all personal desires and Ask God with no agenda

Heart, Hands, Feet

To hear God's voice Hands= Obedient to His leading - Because I believe he knows it all - Because I trust that he is good - Because I know his ways are greater

Spiritual Law: Obedience= Love If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever- the Spirit of truth - John 14:15 When..the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth- John 16:13

1- With God, obedience is always in advance If you show my heart I'll act with my hands

1- With God, obedience is always in advance If you show my heart I'll act with my hands To a King: "Tell me what you want And I'll decide if I'm willing"

Do we want to know God's will So that we can consider it? Or so that we can follow it?

Do we want to know God's will So that we can consider it? Or so that we can follow it? The answer determines whether or not we'll hear from God

2- Obedience to what God Has already revealed Opens me to greater revelation Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things - Matthew 25:23

If someone borrows a helmet And tears it up I might not trust them With my bike

Obedience yesterday puts me in the position to hear from God today

If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened - Psalm 66:18

Some believers are on the precipice of what God has for them- and we've been there for months (or longer). Because they refuse to obey in smaller things Spiritual Breakthrough is found in trusting God and taking steps of obedience in the places he has already shown you

Step 1 Put aside all personal desires and Ask God with no agenda Step 2 -In advance obedience -Obey what God has already shown

Heart= Submissive Hands= Obey Feet= Run to where he speaks

Harley with Bad Company

Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed - Luke 5:16 All night before choosing disciples All night after losing John the Baptist Daily during the "normal" times

"I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows him (reveals) all he does" - John 5:19-20

God speaks by the Holy Spirit through: Bible Prayer Circumstances Church

If I want to hear from God I need to put myself in the path Of God's voice

Heart= Submissive because I trust Hands= Obedience in advance and Obedience to what he's shown Feet= Put myself in the path of his voice

God speaks Can I hear?

How's my heart? Do I honestly believe God knows more about how I should live Than I do? Have I put aside my desires? My agendas?

How are my hands? Have I decided to obey in advance Whatever he shows me to do? Am I obeying What I've already been shown?

How are my feet? Am I in the path of God's voice?

God…I give you my desires and agendas

Show me what I need to do now that I haven't so far I commit to obey in advance to whatever you reveal to me

Remind me to spend time In the Scriptures and prayer And with your people In worship and fellowship

As a church We each need to hear from God