TEXT: Gen2:16-17; Gen 3:1-7 In the dispensation of innocence under the terms of the Edenic Covenant we see:
I. The Requirements of Edenic Covenant/The Test A.To propagate the race (Gen 1:28) B.To subdue the earth for man (Gen 1:28) C.To care for the garden and eat of its fruit (Gen 2:15) D.To abstain from eating of one tree (Gen 2:16) E.Obedience was the test, or responsibility to God as the Almighty, the Lord and Master of His creation
F. Why did God make man so that he could sin – 1. So that man could choose to obey God— God gets glory from voluntary obedience, and the purpose of God is always to bring glory to Himself (1 Chron 16:24-28; 29:11; Ps 19:1; Ps 21:5; Ps 29:2; Ps 79:9; Isa 43:7; Rom 8:18; Rom 15:7; 2 Cor 4:4; Phil 2:9-11; Jude 25; Rev 19:1)
II. The Result A. Disobedience—man chose not to obey the Almighty B. What did sin do? – 1. Separated man from God (Gen 3:8; Eph 2:1; Rev 20:14) – 2. Distorted man’s view of God–he was now afraid of the One who created and loved him (Gen 3:9)
C. What is the difference between innocence and righteousness? – 1. Righteousness involves a choice to do right—or (in the case of one who is no longer in innocence) a choice to be restored to that which is right – 2. Innocence has never had to choose
III. God’s Provision A. He clothed them (Gen 3:21) – 1. Accepting this clothing required that they give up the fig leaves of their own making and accept God’s provision (John 14:6) – 2. It also required the shedding of blood–a provision of grace (Heb 9:22) B. He promised a Redeemer (Gen 3:15, cf Gen 22:8) not because of what they deserved, but because of God’s grace